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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. Thank you for finally admitting that you botted. Cuz the same thing can be said about you.
  2. I would ask Eternal Shine first if i were you.
  3. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    I give some credit to china for trying to fight and rarely giving up. gf
  4. Posts that but checks forum everyday. Funny guy
  5. Between people coming back and other players starting, i'd expect a lot more than 300 new/old players joining us on first week.
  6. ahahahahahaha, summer of 69 !
  7. What he said, it is the best time to start to make adena from event. Sell event items to players.
  8. weeeeD


    They're not gonna get us ! gf
  9. We should go full mercenary mode. Willing to pay in epics guys ?
  10. Fair enough. I apologize for my lack of respect on that post
  11. Yea but you'll never know if you don't try it. We were discussing activity since that's what you think makes TFD the strongest. If it was there everyday like you imply it is, they would try it everytime i'm sure. It is not the case, and that's why your 4 active parties argument is pointless, cuz then the days they dont have those 4 parties suddenly they are not the strongest in your mind anymore ? So you have to answer OP everyday a different thing based on login numbers, and yet our siege activity doesnt count despite the thread being opened today ? ES being active on alts doesn't count either ?
  12. Yea, i know, but that's another topic. Im bsoeing from here, this is a stalemate, lets just all agree to disagree.
  13. The last core i've seen TFD taking was won because they brought a bunch of mains, so why wouldn't they do that more times if they had the activity ? It isn't all about the epic chars.
  14. I also don't think they would lose 90% of the epics (or they don't want epics too? ). 30+ guys + 1-2 pts of terroristas (and a few nolifers that could log) wouldn't let ES have most of them without a contest like we see happening... So you are most definitetly overblowing their activity.
  15. Does TFD? Surprising that they cant even control loa then. Must be really strong. I think most people naming you guys here are thinking about both TFD + Terroristas together to be honest. Or maybe not, just my 2 cents.
  16. Strongest clan, not ally. It is hard to even gauge a single chinese clan power there because no one here can even tell "oh x, y, z parties are on Fun, v, a, b are on United". I'm sure they would beat a lot of clans tho, simply cuz most don't even have 4 parties. That argument seems a bit random (specially when we are talking about different timezone clans, they cant touch us, we cant touch them in respective primes) and with some heavy assumptions on what OP wants to know. The way i see the question, i imagine the clans in full power. Basically SM > Perkunas (unless their CPs just broke and i don't know about it, cuz if we are talking about vacations only they should still be named) > rest. I'm not even sure TFD/Terror can beat ES/Anarchy. When i log cams i tend to see ES farming heart, not tfd. ES gets most night epics too. So where exactly is this TFD strenght on a daily basis ? But whatever, gonna leave video of an open field fight 4parties vs TFD + Terroristas and let OP take his conclusions.
  17. I don't know what do you mean. On their prime/on our prime? on a siege? They are on winter, SM is on summer, ofc they have higher activity daily right now. On siege with some boxes and a few drivers we can still put up our 4 cps close to full.
  18. Pretty sure that TFD without terroristas wouldn't last a minute against SM. We are fighting both clans together every siege and we do pretty well.
  19. Staying allied with the entire server for 6 months is okay, changing a title for the lolz is cock sucking. #Logic
  20. Not sure why they favored Oren over Giran, probably got too greedy thinking they could hold both. But conclusion of the siege is that Rebirth 69 SM, obviously. Or are you going to say that when our random clan moves helps ES it isn't considered 69 ? Summer of 69
  21. When you have to try to explain 50 times per week how much helpful you were, it means you probably weren't helpful at all and that you're just trying to deceive clueless people.
  22. Stopped reading there. The hypocrisy is strong in this one.
  23. This is what happens when you delay 2.0 that hard. Kids get bored and go full retard on forum.
  24. Legiana after making 100 people waste 5 minutes of their lives watching him play a PR with dark elven long bow: