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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. Such a great video. We got to see everything that happened. Amazing stuff. Good arrests ! All combined with a great russian voice in the background.
  2. chnpop, cleef, legiana, trillville, cloudyq, baldwin, wasn't xiaoma also a hawkeye ? Unless one of them changed nick and xped new char with old nick... Not that i care but I'm surprised i can name 6/7 just from memory + level list.. Maybe cloudy or others changed before these 5months tho, whatever ,.. To be honest most PRs seem to be new (some rerolls) or alt chars and not class changed from their mains/first chars, that info is not surprising, specially when you can't change from mage to PR.
  3. weeeeD

    CH Aden

    Only Soil can bring activity to the trade section.. what a guy, always full of fans, kkthx #1 fan !
  4. Yea, "i mean the edge situation", as if my situation isn't ten times more common than getting full assisted with all those bards agroing everyone and stuns flying + counting on gloom to land everytime. Btw that's not what he meant at all, he was just talking straight up damage from the simplest nukes, but good on your for sticking up to your friend. When did SR become the subject anyway? You're just throwing other people's words as being mine or something, lol. For what it matters, a chinese SR with non-shining bop double shot me for 3,2k the other day, can tell you that. Yes i was fully buffed with gs1. So yea, archers are not as weak as you guys keep implying to look good (don't worry, you don't need forum propaganda to look good), they do insane damage to robes, as they should. And honestly you're just nitpicking the pics, not that i care about arguing about FC. On your own video you FC'ed all 3 necros on fishfood CP for ~5k. Open blackjack's video and see how Trillville 1 shotted sps on first fight when NF came, or yourself dealing 4k to babyrage twice... FC must be so weak, doesn't damage heavy armors, doesn't one shot anyone etc etc etc.... In before you all come and argue how a mage staying in range nuking nonstop can deal more DPS than PR FC'ing, as if a mage doing that asking to be targetted is the same thing as moving in, popping 5k damage and moving out to safety, poor PRs right... But sorry i don't care enough to argue about this. Like i said on other thread, you're all bullshitters trying to bullshit other bullshitters. It is L2 after all. Just tired of these ridiculous one-sided arguments, turning this forum into a clown festival defending their classes. Mages are really strong, FC is OP, deal with it, stop crying everyone, in a general sense all kinds of parties are working well unlike some chronicles we all played in the past (except maybe dagger parties, which we don't even have to be honest, but that will be fixed on 2.0). Accept the balance as it is, if you find something that works different from retail report, that's it, end of story, play something else if you don't like it, bye.
  5. I have no idea where you keep seeing these 1,1k-1,2k regular damage nukes on fully buffed non-zerked archers, but suit urself. I play a mage myself and my damage on guys like Rizo and Uchiha is usually around ~800 with no gloom, and that's with staff. Maybe one day they'll let you drive the higher lvl archers so you could see it with ur own eyes .
  6. As always, having no idea what he's talking about. But go on, flame one of the only CPs worth a damn in your side, that should work on your "build a strong opposition" plan.
  7. Why are you going full potato ? Cuz you have no argument there? Since when zerk boosts a nuke (or anyone's) damage from 700 to 1500 ? Do you really wanna talk about how weak FC is or something ? Coliseum fight, zerk1 (i suppose, could be even 2), still gets hit only 1k by mage: They don't need you marketing archers on forum, they are fine.
  8. I don't know in what planet Modoy lives or in what server does he play to say that non-zerked archers get hit 1500 constantly by normal nukes. That is certainly not the case here in classic.club. Full buff vs full buff most people are hitting uchiha's archers for 700-1k, maybe a little higher on Trillville who is lower lvl. Watch your boy getting "bursted" by 700-999 damage nukes: Can also watch his latest 6min video for a bigger sample pool. You cry that people exagerate on FC's damage yet you do the same to nukes.
  9. weeeeD

    Rizos #4 PvP Movie

    to sum up the thread.
  10. Can stiba just shut up for the sake of humanity ? classic.club is likely not blocked in China, and even if it is they know very well how to bypass it, a little chinese guy has even posted here on forum (or at least he said so, that he was from China). ChnPop can update videos to youtube but this guy wants to convince us that they cant access the forum. For real, stop embarassing urself.
  11. There were 2 different zombies, only one gave the item, was hard to find the real one, not many spawns the place i was. Was a different name tho, so you are probably killing the correct one. Also make sure u talked to those npcs before going for the kill cuz annika only gives one quest directly.
  12. i remember having to spend sometime killing both, resting MP and all, cant tell exactly how much time i was there tho, had to rest MP and everything, was annoying.
  13. Look at stiba, still dreaming with the day he'll have adena to be a castle qhp spammer hero while the zerg keeps a castle in his hand.
  14. I think we can all agree that's a little too much p2w. Looks a lot worse since he's trying to 1x5++. Playing with worse non OE'd gear is fine, that's what f2p players usually have to deal with, this isn't fine. Doesn't look like he is using them manually either, but whatever cuz it probably can't be proved either way. At least CP pots would be available to everyone, but rich people would just spam them like this creating another p2w feature.
  15. weeeeD

    STR CP =D

    I don't mind the resolution, but the fights chosen are bad. Some aren't even fights and some are pure zerg. The fact that it took you like 6 months of pvp to gather these videos is very sad. Means you guys don't have any pvp action, really. Anyone who plays asian or european timezones can record more in one day.
  16. Good evening. 1) No, it is free to create as many account and chars as you want, and it is free to log ONE account. If you wanna log more than one at the same time, you need to pay for Premium Account (either with euros or buying Coin Of Luck with your adena in game from other players) 2) Hard to say, no official info, but there is activity in every timezone. Is probably more crowded in both European and Asian timezones, 1.5k+ during those timezones i believe. It has peaked at over 2k in the past, not so sure if it still peaks above that as sieges are not great entertainment anymore (to sum it up in one word, zerg) and i belive that number came from a siege day. I could be wrong, but like i said, there is no official info. I can say that you'll be seeing people everywhere in 50+ areas and honestly still a lot of lowbies too, altho many of them are probably alts of players already here so they are not necessarily new players.. 3) Very few from what i remember. Tanks have combat aura (2min fighter buff to party), Elemental summoner has the buffer pony (with clarity, empower, acumen, wild magic and the 2 party buffs), Warlock has the buffer cat, with the traditional party buffs and some extras (not really sure, i think it is bless body soul and haste? someone below will give u correct info). I could be missing something here. 4) Again, really hard to say, but i believe Bishop/EE/SE are the most wanted atm at higher levels, and to a lesser extent BD/SWS. 5) There are many greeks in this server. Probably the biggest european representation from a single country, i'd say. I believe most clans went international, but there are still some clans/CPs with many greeks. Hope i helped, good luck.
  17. bump, still looking for it.
  18. So clueless about ur own ally. Should i tell him, guys ?
  19. weeeeD

    Dajtovillage #4

    blackjack is the guy who repeated 10 times that ES had a 25 people or smth CC on a certain siege they claim they were zerged, when anyone can access youtube and see a 50 people CC on Eternal shine's own video. He is also the guy who posts non-refresh'd CC picture and calls it "proof" of numbers, when anyone can pause the video and count more people inside the parties (group heal makes it so easy to count....). I wonder how many CC pictures does he try to take during a siege to have the lowest CC numbers possible (obviously also stops refreshing as soon as it drops considerably just so he can print at anytime and call it "live picture") to post on forum later. What do you expect, guy is a straight up bullshiter. Like someone said before, the sad part is that he looks like believes in his own lies
  20. weeeeD

    OOC CP #5

    Cuz most of the people able to record keep changing class to Necro i guess...
  21. weeeeD

    More PVP

    You can find it on your own CP's twitch stream video ahaha
  22. You recruited zakna and tyriastenne, how can u say anything about recruitment kid
  23. Good Luck silent, looked like a nice tank the few times we were in the same party so i'll recommend. KKthx, grow up, no one cares about your who-to-recruit opinion. You've recruited much worse from the other side anyway.