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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. I don't get why you are denying coming with more people, maybe you were not there and your allies simply lie to you, so lets break down the story one more time. This pvp happened one day, you barelly touched us: Next day we were farming heart with 1 party, you started approaching us with these 2 same parties. You were at sniper's bridge when we logged another party in heart (and im not talking about full CPs here, we just made a party with whoever could log and tried to make it full buff at least), you saw that and started running to karik's bridge. We followed, you started running to 3ways. Then we saw itommy's CP coming in and we went back to heart. You attacked us with the 3 parties, we fought outnumbered and lost, we didn't soe, PR or RR. There you go champ, all these 3 cps know what happened, wether they admit it or not doesn't matter. Now can we go back to the epics selling discussion for a bit? Because you're all making jokes left and right about eachother, but i personally would love if admins could come here and name the main chars of the people banned trying to RMT epics because they are most likely Eternal Shine's, the allies of the guys who started the epic-selling "jokes". There is a small chance they are TFD (i know for a fact the sellers are from south america), but way more likely ES, who simply had more epics to sell and were more bored in the server for having way more max level chars (=more reasons to make money getting the fk out). Should i summon sano to ask or will he be too mad at me for involving them in this shitstorm ?
  2. So many labels on us lately. 1 party, 1 clan, 1 ally, 1 side. Make up your mind.
  3. Don't even know what you're talking about to be honest. I believe you have zero footage of yourself beating my cp or my clan ? Quit smoking crack.
  4. I'm just curious to why would you save such worthless material to post it 6+ months later . I'm sure you can make better fraps whenever you want to ? Still better than Legiana's videos tho.
  5. You know very well we treated you well inside the ally. If Kure alone rustled your jimmies to the point where you'd rather join the people who actually sneakily flamed you much harder to us everyday, there is nothing we can do about that, gl and hf. Just don't act like you were the reason we did anything. You know you were not a great help, you know you stepped inside Loa literally once with us and that we couldn't babysit you 24/7 in AB, you got free castle among other things, but those subjects are long dead i guess, whats the point... One day you say you had to move on and find an ally that suited your timezone better, next day you say you just wanted more respect... lol. Kinda worthless without translating, so why you don't answer anything about the gear instead? Zacman stole it all, sold it all, and like i said, didn't give a single animal bone back to Direktor when he came back to play, Honored Jungle player, just like Isno and Bottaki.
  6. What low lvls u talking about u braindead monkey? We joined DL when we was 69 lvl. What low lvls? Back in time your main parties was 71-72. On top of everything you have no english comprehension skills. BizQQuit helped you from low levels and u abandoned him for higher lvl free farm. Talk about braindead monkey, rofl. I couldn't care less if you "left us" few months back because we didn't want to kick Jungle for you and handle you free epics. As its said in previous topics - before my CP joined DL you had no clue what is LOA farm in EU primes. If it wasnt me and fishfood to sustain and protect your spots in LOA, you would continue hiding in primes where noone plays.. like you are doing now. "sorry prime time is over" right after enemies logging. Thats your trade mark. That's because all CPs that could farm loa properly could to it almost the entire day, so why bother being zerged by an ally that had a 76 stacked oppa party during the zergish prime. You joined when others joined too, DL finally had competitive numbers to take the fight, wasnt because of YOU special kid. And yea i'm sure it was your 6x archers holding loa, not the 74+ fighters and mages that carried the ally. That's also why you begged Soil to call all the 5x/low 6x parties in the ally to come be meatshield for you pricks (mimimi, no loa help no epics, mimimi) as soon as you lost a fight without some of the high level CPs online, cuz you were so strong on your own. You couldn't see reality if it was 10cm in front of you. I have no clue who you are but i am pretty sure i didnt begged anyone to stay and defend EU time. And most certain i didnt begged anyone to join my clan. About bj skills ill contact you to teach me since you end up as a master. Probably the only CP in our clan which u kept trying to recruit. Keep acting dumb. Cuz i can only hope it is acting, or else you are really stupid, like Myrciu's level of stupidity. What brazilian CP you talking about? And dont talk to me about outnumbering because your trashcans farming with 20 ppl on 1 spot so they can protect each other and at least steal some farm. If for some reason they got just 1 CP there when some enemy appears instand 2nd party logging because there is no such thing like CP vs CP for you. We were coming to you and rolan with 2 parties bro, you just kept running back until you met Itommy's. We abandoned our advantage point at heart to fight at bridge, but you still just kept running back. You had 2 actual CPs, we had 2 mixed parties, why so scared ? You say you hate biz tactics but you do the same hypocrite. At least he isn't a fake person like you, if he zergs he owns up to it. Tell that to Itommy's CP who was there full (or close to full) helping awaken zerg us.
  7. And what is Honor to you, clown? Leaving an ally that helped you from low levels just so you could have further free protection, free loa farm and free epics ? Not to mention free clan, free clan hall, free pobs (or adena to buy them) for clan upgrade just so you could be an ungrateful little prick the moment Soil wasn't there to handle everything on a silver plate to you. Constantly seeking for an ally that allows you to free farm in EU prime, even if it means allying with the guys you hated (cof.. Jungle) ? Begging for our CP to stay longer in loa to prevent Biz, alone with his CP, from reaching heart before you just so you could have the advantage in your EGO fight ? Oh it wasn't Jungle helping you there right, it was always us, the useless ones, the ones you also begged to join your clan. There is a good reason no one stays in your clan to play with you. Maybe work on your bj skills to help you please someone if everything else isn't working, or be forever alone in westworld. Running from sniper bridge to 3ways avoiding a 2parties vs 2 parties fight until you meet a 3rd CP to fight us (i mean, i know you got absolutely trashed the day before 2v2 as everyone can see on ETE's video, but aren't you all about honor? L O L), bizqquit-wannabe ? Brazilian CP having to log on EU prime to help awakendemon zerg to free farm entire prime, it is all about Honor of course... I also don't think anyone can even remember what the fuck Jungle was doing during DL days (other than Zacman farming EV with perkunas chars on a random pt and crying on my PM that i was there hunting a 20k karma perkunas char, i can't remember anything else about the core Jungle members), but feels convenient to act like they were so helpful back there right? You flamed them so hard for being awful while we "were together", but now suddenly they were helpful even months before that, ahahahahahaha. History revisionist at its best. Yea, it is not like he got to 71 by farming with his CP right? Nice try leaving out the part where Zacman took the entire gear and wh for himself and didn't return a single animal bone to direktor when he started playing again few weeks back, such a good RL friend, Kure is the bad guy wow ! Guess who helped Direktor to be able to play again. Not Zacman, not Jungle, certainly not you or the Mr.Honor there, if it was up to you guys he would just have his accounts with no gear no adena no mats.
  8. Still throwing hurricanes at Orfen and blaze at queen ant, valuable allies? Good job at yesterday's core and today's orfen, stronk ally, wins every epics, must be because of Jungle.
  9. Talking about rules here, which is something that a lot of Jungle members simply ignore. You made a very stupid comparison, but sure, if it is against the laws of the country why shouldn't he be thrown in jail? Wanna try going to North Korea and talk shit (or even make a joke) about Kim ? Be my guest. There is a huge difference between not agreeing with rules/not respecting the rules. You play on a private server, you arent playing soccer inside your house to make your own rules. Forbidden for all users: 3. Post messages containing: 3.1 Disrespectful speech or defamation addressed to the server administration or the project itself.
  10. And yet you are the one who types like a crackhead on forum.
  11. Or they can just enforce the rules and kick your butt out of the forum for breaking them. In fact, im starting to think that your (and oiko's, firebeast's, leonidas' and a few others) anger towards administration comes from being banned on every single private server you play for posts like this and those in the other thread, it would certainly explain a lot.
  12. Oh look, it is the classic biweekly Jungle thread talking trash about server and/or admins. One day they might get tired of being so nice to you.
  13. Always like Marr's style back in the day. Maybe not his best video, just a random one i searched and liked just now. You might enjoy the easy frags starting at 10:57. Not sure but I think he played AW on Celes, might wanna look for those videos instead if you liked this.
  14. Change thread name to Meatshield discussion.
  15. Hmmm..... Already planning a future ally without OOC ? Usually you wait around 6 months before backstabbing
  16. I'm not entertained yet. Can you please keep going (in english) ?
  17. weeeeD

    ''I'm done, break it!''

    I don't even... well... Looking forward for Jungle's videos fighting ROK
  18. Small revenge for ya, -12% And guess what, he was there at alligator trying to stun people for drops.
  19. So you were not a hypocrite here, you were a hypocrite months ago on biz thread, big difference troll. You talk about" party members" as if random party matching turn people into friends at first sight, get the fuck out lol.
  20. I think you have difficulties understanding english. The hypocrisy is not saying anything on the biz thread, but saying it here just because people pointed to your allymate, biased much ? I never said he, specifically, went afk, what i mean is that random RB parties makes everyone scared of dropping, cuz people know there is a very high chance that people won't return a drop like +3 emi, OP knows he made a mistake losing focus (not defending the asshole move).. So yea, people "are very aware" of it in every random RB party.
  21. I'm sorry if i hurt your boyfriend's feelings?
  22. I just called you out on your hypocrisy, trying to explain that this is a game feature here while not saying a word that would go against your ally leader on his thread, after clearly reading it and posting random crap there. Cheers. And random party matching is definetly not very different than lvl 7x stunning lowbie randoms, i mean, who goes into a party matching RB room and thinks "ah this should be safe, i can press f1 and go afk for 20min", probably no one ? But lets just say we have different opinions there.