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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. ???????????? who cares about biz' video, why you change topic to random stuff
  2. Wrong where, you took your time to post explaining that this is a "game feature and people should be aware", saying it is an asshole move changes nothing, cuz on biz thread you just made random jokes instead of saying the same to your leader .
  3. @Stiba007 @MoDoy When your ally leader opened a thread flaming FamiliaD for stunning people for drops none of you hypocrites made a post about how that is part of the game and your ally leader was wrong to complain. Very convenient for you guys to defend your allymate doing the same for over a year.
  4. You can defend your allymate all you want. But he isn't any better than this guy who stole emi.. "unwritten fair play rules in random party" ? ahahaha, nice try. As if what z0z does isn't the opposite of fair-play.
  5. Bullshit, when you are a 4x-5x guy xping in EV you don't expect a major alliance 7x SK to try to drop your gear. At best you'll expect it the 2nd time he comes. In fact it may actually be more expected that people on a randomly-made 4x party might not return an expensive item.
  6. Don't mention it. If Nosferatu, Manifest, TotallyToxic and Ripwalker's half CP are trouble for them (guys that cant even put a party on every day and play just for a few hours anyway), Oppa's party would surely make Jungle quit the server in 1 week.
  7. Well, rebirth was struggling to beat 3 parties of Perkunas with 4 of their main cps... Might as well just zerg. That being said, good luck taking Jungle outside of their home in AB. Will be crying in 2 weeks about how no one babysits them there. Everyone is seeing your true face atm son, betraying your alliance (that, unlike you keep saying, has helped you a lot to reach the point you are right now) to jump into enemy ship at the first sign of struggle. And by the way, in the middle of your huge posts full of random excuses at least you admitted that Jungle's problem is "lack of activity inside your CPs" (read: lack of supports, everyone wants to be a tank or DD over there). So basically what we are all learning here is that you don't wanna fix yourselves internally, you just want an ally that will carry your unbalanced parties.
  8. Your denial makes you look so stupid. You couldn't even control your own clan members from admitting it.
  9. So much for all that loyalty talk when Jungle wanted us to choose between them and ooc. Ahahahaha, 1month of loyalty and then join OOC ally themselves, priceless.
  10. You could have asked the NF guys or just Warpole instead of making a public thread... It is just ONE former vigi member actively playing with chinese, and inviting a few of the chinese to the clan to use CH, nothing to see here man, drop the conspiracy theories. Clan owner is still the real tankadin.
  11. I find it hilarious that some ES boys now act like they were not helping perkunas zerg everyone even harder for 6 months. Congratulations on being allied with your entire timezone for half a year, you must have had tons of fun killing mobs.
  12. Right, Wicked sick, super original. No one has ever seen it before, how could your leader come up with such a cool name?
  13. Raise your hand if you have trashed a zerg that included OOC in past servers o///// <3
  14. Not really, you're acting as if Soil would make the same recruitments if biz hadn't started his multiple alliances zerg first. Can't put my hand on fire for him but it just didn't seem like his style (this non-stop recruitment thing is a bizQQ thing and anyone who plays here knows it), in fact he was just getting enough people to stay close to your numbers. For example he was happy that he could have more enemies to fight when he started seeing how many chineses were showing up in higher level areas (poor guy was hoping they would make new side, little did he know that Biz had already talked to them long before), meanwhile Biz had a what, 400 players(?) ally and was still recruiting Nosferatu in Ev or whatever... And i don't even remember the chineses sending so much people to siege back then, you used to match DL numbers with just 2 chinese parties.
  15. That didn't stop biz from making a very early deal with the chineses, who play in a completely different timezone, before most of the server even realized how many chineses were coming to play for real .
  16. Agree about AD, very obvious that they just wanted protection to free farm loa for a while since they couldn't handle much on their own at the time and were dependant on LoA farm being a full archer CP. But you were talking about AB free farm back there, and i specified to you why the ally was about LoA and lowbies who wanted to AoE AB during anytime other than asian timezone kinda got screwed hard, invalidating what you say about lowbies joining to free farm AB. Zakna team always looked more like they wanted to leech epics. No one cares or cared about them, dead topic. I dunno why they even get named, i've never seen the guys with an actual CP online, always 2-3 guys doing their thing in mixed parties. Funny you mention pride because right now the few ones that i see online (that have either stayed in the server or came back) jumped into perkunas for free farm and u opened ur arms to them. And wildaheart, really? I mean, back then you'd let guys like z0z roam free in AB (and even EV ahahaha) LS'ing every single random party for drops... Your NA/SA force would pk anyone not inside their clans (literally moving more than 1 full party from top/hill/3w to pk 4-6 randoms on rock or tree spot.. just because they wanted to feel like gods or whatever....). And you really wonder how can people possibly chose to not follow your almight super good and nice leader ? My god these bad people choosing the other side ! I dunno if it was bizQQ's recruitment tactic or if he simply lacked control over his ally, all i know is that those things drove people away from your ally. Maybe he didn't even knew these things were happening or maybe he didn't care, reality is that it doesn't make a difference to the people being PK'd/dropping gear. It is not like you should care about it, i mean, we should all be thankful that they aren't following Biz, or you'd have an even bigger zerg and we would all have even less fun. It is a game afterall, and recruiting the entire server should never be an objective. But lets not be hypocrites here, why don't you start pointing fingers to the guys recently joining you like Babyrage CP ? As soon as they had difficulties farming AB they switched to the side that was free farming AB. What about Terroristas deciding to stop being randoms to join you for free farm in AB during THE ENTIRE SA PRIME ? You could speak to me for 10 hours straight and you would not convince me that either of those guys joined for any reason other than the FREE FARM reason you're criticizing so much.
  17. So much bullshit, i think blackjack is one of those guys that believe that repeating a lie 100 times can turn it into truth, maybe it is the truth inside his head already.... All 70+ parties of DL would stay inside loa the entire prime, all lower lvl parties that tried to farm AB would get swept right after biz got wrecked once in loa. So they either had to deal with the entire enemy force or deal with Oppa CP constantly ganking them, as those guys spent their entire prime hunting after being all 75+. Free farm AB lol, good jokes.
  18. Well, if you wanna find Stiba your best bets are always EV or AI Pathetic
  19. Please... SM+NF were ganking your 40+ people/5 parties CC with 18 people/2parties and we still walked away with a somewhat-even clan rep, if not positive, and you call that a rape? Congratulations on grouping up pretty fast 2 out of the 3 times we went there. The only time you didn't, we killed every party that didn't PR from AB (while biz screamed on your ears "everyone PR and group up aden GK"). Right before we won against AD + Demoss parties 2v2 in LoA in a very good fight. So i'm sure we had more fun, better wins, and no one cares that we couldn't kill 5 parties grouped up as that's more than double the numbers we had.
  20. Biz was not off, he is the sws training mobs on hill for his CP, he ran down and bsoe'd. Good fight guys.
  21. Out of all of those only Jungle -> WS was a real side change...
  22. Didn't they change like only once ?
  23. z0z' video was so bad that Modoy had to control himself to not make a huge post criticizing every play in there. But the counter effect was... this...