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Everything posted by weeeeD

  1. Can you show me where admin said anything about that, or are you just hoping they get fixed?
  2. Wanna play dagger in this server? Start a gladiator. 6k hits on nukers is not a problem, don't even need to hit the back to achieve it.
  3. worked so well that everyone caught you and killed you after standind for half an hour casting a FC.
  4. And yet you use a very slow bow. facepalm
  5. Are the level up rewards retroactive or just newer chars taking those levels at the time will get them ??
  6. weeeeD

    SoMe Fights

    1 ) Yea, i'm sure you tell people to s/d and buff full before you actually attack them. No to mention, it is pure lie since you're clearly running to gank, not standing and buffing, 2) Rofl you actually had 1 and a half party and lost to a mixed pt with no healer ? WC + OL too strong? Not only lost but didnt get a single kill? omfg you should hide in embarassment, not try to talk shit 3) There would be more footage fighting you if your party wasn't RR'ing whenever SM enters loa. 4) Why is Myrtan always first blood ? I can see why, but i rather hear a jungle explanation 5) Good job being worried about recording the fight while your clan is already getting smashed in front, you are an awesome teammate, we can only wish to have 30 legianas playing with us.
  7. weeeeD

    SoMe Fights

    Funny to see this guy trying to control other people's flames these days. Meanwhile someone posts a 1.0 video and first post on thread is Myrciu throwing random flame at poseidon.
  8. If you plan on adding premium to box another char, just add it to your main char and u'll be able to talk from lvl1. Or else just finish this lvl 20 (cmon there is no pt on those lvls, and if u have a friend for lvl 10 party u'll be able to communicate in party)
  9. Then you saw an alliance with both options in it and said to urself, why not join this one ?
  10. You've got to be really weak minded (or completely out of options i guess, maybe due to the time window you can play) to join the people pking you instead of working to defeat them, altho in babyrage's case it was just war so it doesnt seem like the same thing at all.
  11. Now imagine your entire SA ally together with them for half year. Fun times.
  12. On the bright side, being PK'd by people in big allies makes the side-choice a little easier
  13. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    Yea, ends with everyone losing a few brain cells for reading your posts.
  14. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    lmfao, not that we care since it is a dead subject, but for everyone's information it was always Jungle and OOC shitting on each other on our pms every single day. Poor Sayo, Jerna, Fat, Jerry trying to sort things out just to get betrayed by both later. But sure, let the kid try to re-write history just cuz they decided to hold di.. hands. Because apparently the problem between them was US? hahahah, bad SM/NF, bad bad.... N O F U T U R E
  15. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    China never comes to loa guys. Free farm timezone. Unlike the currently super competitive EU timezone when enemies keep coming to hunt your ally.
  16. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    Here is a live picture for you, since you can't reach the place i'm gonna help you get your facts straight http://imgur.com/KK7L8CF
  17. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    The only changes we had in farm time here were based on our personal lives. Im not sorry that most of us couldn't stay every night playing the game. Specially on summer. And how dare you say you didn't change your prime, you used to play very early in regular EU prime but since perkunas was owning AB at EU times you started playing almost in SA prime lmfao. We prove our strenght everytime we are online, is none of your business WHEN we can play. And for your information china is in loa everyday, big words coming from the guy who is in AB for what, 8months? Been there with the clown in loa and with you in ab way more hours than you two have farmed near eachother.
  18. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    You may think you want it, but in reality you don't. After all, being hunted in AB by higher lvl parties is one of the main reasons you quit our ally right? Got tired of hugging GK. I find it funny that you believe AD would soe from free loa farm to protect AB for you tho, you really don't know who you're allied with.
  19. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    Actually you did get wrecked in a few seconds while standing 5meters away from another Jungle party, that PR only happened after a bunch of you were already dead, so ofc it was smart to pr after all DDs were done hahaha. Took us a whole 10minutes to buff up and clean your ally from AB, you wouldn't want us to spend hours there, trust me. Then we went to hunt your "3rd cp" in loa and they just logged off after we got spotted by camera . But watch out guys, if we try to farm loa on Myrciu's prime he will come loa zerg us and then soe back to ab !
  20. weeeeD

    SoulMate PvP

    Careful what you wish for, you wouldn't want to go back to hugging GK all day long.