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Everything posted by iTronX

  1. iTronX

    Como anda el Ping?

    Eeres ejpañol? En España va de luxe sin proxis
  2. ​You might wanna read the description of certain skills in classic. Like frenzy. ​This is Frenzy lvl55: В течение 60 сек. Физ. Атк. +12%, Скор. Атк. +15%, шанс Физ. Крит. Атк. +12, сила Физ. Крит. Атк. +12%, Скорость +12. При использовании двуручного меча / двуручного дробящего оружия / древкового оружия Точность +8, Физ. Атк. +10%. Доступно при HP<60%. Can someone please translate? Google translates sux. TY
  3. Un saludo gente! Que ganas de que empiece esto! PD: Besitos para el creador del hilo, muak Natan!
  4. How can i subscribe? I dont see the button.
  5. iTronX

    L2 General infos

    Thanks for the links
  6. Destroyer because its a fun class for me.
  7. Gladitor can be played as a ranged char and join AOE party.
  8. Can be made in spanish? <3
  9. iTronX


    OK im watching this thread but its from April. Only DualBox for premium is fine.
  10. iTronX


    Thx for te answer, can someone link me or tell me about premium acounts? $$$, %xp, and thos things?
  11. In project rules post i didnt saw info about Dual Box. Will be possible?