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Everything posted by nimohoxi

  1. so reborn dream is over? i enjoyd your media content 😕
  2. i agree with modoy, scrolls must totally be removed for server start same for strix, makes no sense. And if u feel like speed running the server to catch up later, why not boost exp on high level zones, instead of scrolls or bosses xp?
  3. it's not about liking or not liking, it's the reason behind implementing it since level 1, when we do know that some stuff like xp scrolls 100% can be abused, for example. There was a point for implementing them on official, but why on a fresh start? More, if you do really plan to merge both servers, your problem is always gonna be how to make people catch up on items and not exp, the exp is not the problem on classic. I think we debated this times and times over, classic is a super hard to catch up chronicles in terms of items not exp.
  4. I don't want to be stubborn, but I am positive at the beginning of Skelth there was no such thing. It was later introduced in order to bring more players at to make them catch up to already player base.
  5. Can I question why the daily missions and rewards on a brand new server? Whats the idea behind this?
  6. Hi there! I didn't vote, i am just here to try to appeal for my unban on Discord. ALL HAIL CLUB!
  7. And it should contain too a special gift chest with some random drops for anyone hitting the boss, so that way everyone gets a piece of it
  8. Well back at abg days, we'll you had only abg. Now u have plenty of more options and less people playing so that's why that magic feeling is gone
  9. Careful with your empire crunchi, new comers are coming to get it from you
  10. Oh i have to be premium. Thanks for the help anyway
  11. Hi there. Are u still limited to one box only?
  12. Hi! Wanna buy death whisper and haste books, for a fair price, every ridiculous and overpriced value are gonna be ignored.
  13. Just leveling a prophet lvl 47 almost 48
  14. Hi guys, is it just me or the server is dead as f***? I am trying to deny this in the past months, but everyday it seems i see less people playing, for example today i got from 1pm to 11pm . to just play 40 minutes in party, all zones are clear and no ones seems to show up to farm, or if they do they just plAay for 10 minutes and then go "i've something to do" mode. It's amazing !
  15. Hello guys is it just me or Plains of lLizardman seems a little empty of moobs?
  16. Bump Still needing active bishop , wc and Hawkeye
  17. Last 2 classes to end Bishop active and Hawkeye