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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Hello. What server are you talking about? NA Classic? Because we don't have any fee, our server is free 2 play.
  2. Hello. Yes, he have it: https://prnt.sc/uci4q5
  3. Hello. Can you make a video of issue you are having?
  4. Hello. You can't buy this book. DB will be fixed.
  5. Was solved via "Contact us!" chat around 5 hours ago.
  6. Hello. About №3. Other issue that we have with that is people trying to sell faster and dropping price low. When there is a lot of same items, people logic will be to drop price in order to sell it faster. At some point you will have an issue, that it will cost less, then it should. At this point, if you still can't sell the item, but you really want to, you will continue dropping the price. Other people won't put their items at all, because they will see a price on item that is too low for them to even get any profit from it. Same logic is behind Oil pricing. Companies making conferences where they decide minimum Oil price. They can sell it cheaper, but it will heart whole economy. Players who are selling items on auction will start earning less money from it or won't have any profit at all which will scare them from the auction. About №4. We can't bind auction item price to CoL price because of: CoL price is not constant. It can be up to 500k per CoL and few weeks later drop to 250k per CoL, based on CoL amount in game. Control CoL price each time before approving item on the auction is bad. 1 day we won't be able to approve 60 euro for your Staff, because CoL price is low and next day, when price will increase - we will have to approve even 50 euro for your Staff. Because you won't be able to change price on a go, you can't compete with items that were approve when CoL had high price. And difference can be insane. Based on your staff example it can be from 40 euro ( when CoL price is 500k ), to 80 euro ( when CoL price is 250k ).
  7. Hello. https://l2classic.club/forum/topic/22220-it-was-never-so-easy-to-join-l2classicclub/ Here you can find video of San0 doing this quest. https://prnt.sc/ub61ve
  8. Hello. There are few issues with it. #1 1) Each item must be checked. Download logs/check logs of that item/check every trade regarding that item/check if a person already have 5 items on all of his accounts. 2) We can't make whole process faster - because part of that wait process there are to prevent people from scamming item and trying to sell it via auction. 2-3 days is optimal to notice some item from your char was stolen. #2 For me main issue with it if you change price and person didn't updated page - he will try to buy item using old price, but will have to pay new price. And sometimes we can have issues that someone payed extra because they didn't noticed that during his buying process price increased. #3 We are trying to not give players legal RMT platform. For example: someone trying to sell A weapon for RMT and placing this weapon on our auction to buyout for 1 euro. Sometimes you just can't give such freedom, because people will start abuse it. #4 Can you give me example. #5 I will talk about it with supports.
  9. Koll


    Showed screen of login on both accounts from same HWID via "Contact us!" chat. After this proof, person confirmed it was his acc. https://prnt.sc/u8iynv https://prnt.sc/u8iyxk Topic closed.
  10. Koll


    Your acc and MayShop acc are same. You create ticket from acc then have 5 at the end, MayShop have 22 at the end. They are same. Example: l2classic5 - you created ticket from. l2classic22 - Mayshop
  11. Koll


    Also we have a guy, who was banned by trading with that char and via unban ticket confirmed buying adena from that person. https://prnt.sc/u8g3k6 https://prnt.sc/u8g34k
  12. Koll


    https://prnt.sc/tv9lvb - you sending adena to Terrio https://prnt.sc/u8fzvh - 3 hours of Terrio life ( level 19 char ). Lots of adena trades to a different people.
  13. Koll


    Hello. Can you explain your adena transfer to RMT shop with name Terrio lvl 19 char?
  14. Koll

    Rec report

    What if you start and then mount?
  15. Can you make video of that issue?
  16. Hello. Use original client and patch ( if you have original - delete system folder and start updater ).
  17. Koll


    Create ticket and give me ID.
  18. Koll


    Hello. Check your balance in account manager, top left. You need to transfer them in game after with "Transfer CoL to the game" button.
  19. Yes. PM me or send message using "Contact Us" in bottom right corner.
  20. Koll

    Test server is available

    Yes, it won't be available for few days.
  21. In this case why we need adena autoloot?
  22. In case you want to pick up everything - won't change anything. In case you want to pick up only adena - will benefit only range classes and let them surpass melee classes in exping speed more. It will be more frustrating to be an a melee class and see how fast range classes exping.