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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    Oly points?

    you dont allways win/loose same amount of points all it takes is one defeat he looses less then you or one win he wins more then you and there you go points you can win loose are 1/5 of the points of the person with less points being that max is 10 points. so imagine you woon allways 1 and lost allways 1, but he woon allways 1 except in one match he won 3. he will already have 2 more points then you.
  2. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Ability of Light and Ability of Darkness effects to get removed when char teleports inside olympiad.
  3. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Guts skill duration. - Fixed Throw dagger in Wrist skill sometimes interrupting skill only after skill was already finished. - Fixed spawn points for Sharp Talon Tiger in forsaken plains location to better match official spawns, they are now less and more spread around the location instead of all groups in the same 3 or 4 spots. - Activated Soulshot/Spiritshot damage bonus based on item enchant level. Added xmas trees decorations in preparation for holidays season and events.
  4. so it would be same unfair for other ppl who still dont have hall. so i supose lets stop fixing stuff cuz its not fair for the ones coming after or the ones who had it wrong before. it was wrong, it was incorrect. there was a chance to fix it, it was fixed.
  5. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed rewards for Game of Cards quest to give Solid Scrolls instead of basic scrolls. - Fixed Clan Hall NPCs selling EXP/SP Scrolls instead of SP only Scrolls.
  6. SP only scrolls as it is on official. the fact we had XP scrolls was wrong. it was suposed to be instaled only on tomorrow restart but since server restarted by itself this and couple more fixes were added already.
  7. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed War Torn Plains monsters to match 2.0 instead of 2.5. - Fixed Unsealed Phoenix Earring reducing m def instead of increasing it. - Added missing items on Golden Treasure Chest.
  8. San0

    Events :D

    there will be a event starting shortly and i dont even know what events they have on official so im sure it wont be the same since this one is being made by me so unless for some reason they copy it it wont be the same
  9. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Cloak of Darkness and Light bonuses. - Fixed Throw Dagger in Wrist interrupt rate.
  10. it was never stable. fish exp varies acording to the charcater level
  11. 200 dolars dont even beging to cover all the ddos portection systems for starters about salaries being high, well lets just say if i would spend in a normal job the time i spend in server stuff i would prolly get a salary multiple times higher then i do but that was never the main focus for me while building this server so im ok with what i get as long as server keeps running stable. and no i do not drive a ferrari. my car is 24 years old common city car anyway this is exacly why i dont like to jump into economic talks... about the topic i will have some talks with koll and kse about this and we see what to do with this.
  12. those were the class changes involving prs only, there are constantly 20 to 30 class changes for restart(sometimes a bit less), make the math. so yes class change is still the most constant source of income for the server believing it or not.
  13. San0

    Rune replacing

    about the costs ill check it out.
  14. i usualy dont like to jump into economical talks, but you guys keep hating so much on the class change system and tho i dont like it either its almost the only real source of constant money income for the server and in some months is basicly what keeps server running. so i would say its a necessary evil. it also keeps lot of ppl around that otherwise would eventualy end up leaving at some point due to boredom, cp changes, feeling changes. etc.
  15. only the Nordic gods knows how much i hate this stupid mounts, so if you guys find proofs that allows me to nerf them without pissing off the official like fan boys please bring them to me.
  16. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Baium fight reset timmer. - Fixed Thunderstorm and Quick Spear land rates and influence of resist shock on Quick Spear.
  17. San0

    WTB Magical Tablets

    only seal archangels have 05
  18. San0

    WTB Magical Tablets

    249kk and a super bock!
  19. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed second class dyes working after third class transfer. - Fixed Feoh Rune (m attack/mp consumption), to increase mana cost instead of decreasing it. - Fixed problm on quest An Arrogant Search where some times quest would not proc next step after gathering 1000 items from angels. - Fixed problm on quest An Arrogant Search where it would remove from player more items that intended when delivering the quest items (1011 instead of 1000 etc) - Fixed problm on quest An Arrogant Search where if you choose to kill 1000 it would still give you 1 blood stained cloth instead of 5.
  20. that video was made five thousand gazilians of years ago when that quest was implemented. i just decided to move it here so all this kind of guideish stuff stays together.
  21. my life in a nutshell: fix bugs - gets bashed... dont fix bugs - gets bashed.
  22. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Elder Tyrant Drop list - Fixed Angels in ToI not reacting on summons until they were agroed on them. - Fixed melody not playing during the beginning of fishing process. - Some adjustments made in the way monsters who have chance of summoning another monster after death react when killed by summons. - Checked and in needed Fixed EXP/SP etc on the following Raids: Core Cursed Clara Fairy Queen's Messenger Berun Ghost of Peasant Captain Orfen Slaughter Lord Gato Deadman Ereve Verfa Grave Robber Kim Red Flag Captain Shaka Paniel the Unicorn Bandit Leader Barda Beleth' Seer Sephia Black Lily Enchanted Valley Lookout Ruell Furious Thieles Ghost Knight Kabed Harit Hero Tamash Wizard Isirr Harit Guardian Garangky Refugee Applicant Leo Rotting Tree Repiro Dread Avenger Kraven Timak Priest Ragoth Orfen's Handmaiden Soulless Wild Boar Ancient Weird Drake Ghost of the Well Lidia Lord Ishka Taik High Prefect Arak Fairy Queen Timiniel Roaring Lord Kastor Fierce Tiger King Angel Gargoyle Lord Tiphon Rahha Shilen's Priest Hisilrome Kernon's Faithful Servant Kelone Meanas Anor Palibati Queen Themis Shilen's Messenger Cabrio Baium
  23. i come from future. in future that skill is called wing assault. i learned it from a weird one winged traveler i met in some shady island.