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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed problm causing Aeore Runes to not show the "EXTRACT" option to be removed. (requires updater)
  2. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed the problm allowing players to collect rewards from achievement system even when full inventory making items go to the world of Narnia (disappear) AFTER NEXT RESTART - Fixed Crazy mechanic golem HP/SP/XP/SP.
  3. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    AFTER NEXT RESTART. - Fixed Excruciating strike to work properly instead of working as debuff on targets. - Fixed (removed) trigger skill from dagger mastery skill. - Fixed Game of Cards quest for items not droping on the cemetery monsters. - Fixed some problms on Adventurar and Ghost Hunter Sagas. - Fixed A grade Soulshot Rec not being able to be registered on craft book.
  4. yeah nothing i can do about that part so i keep my focus on doing what i can and let the rest of the boys and girls doing what i cant
  5. FIXED... NAILED IT!!!! FYI: it uses some sort of ratio like 70 to 1 or something like this i think. as in for every 70 exp clan receives they receive 1 point. not sure if that the right number tho but its around that.
  6. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Clan Hunting bonus values.
  7. working on it. meanwhile remove and put back your weapon and should work fine.
  8. better now? PS: dont mind about icons missing. poor san0 doesnt have the fancy icons on personal server QQ
  9. San0

    Exp boosts

    koll was tripping on acids and i was too high on caffeine... no w8... you were tripping on acids and caffeine.. we never said that...
  10. San0

    Exp boosts

    5 days max spawn 5 hours window.
  11. the max number is obviously wrong even me farming a full day on GM mode and spawning monsters would have hard time hiting that number and this should have been on report section so i would have seen it before. EDIT: my bad, it was reported there already. seems im just blind.
  12. ty for your kind words. enjoy your game and have fun where ever you guys end up on. o/
  13. server will crash as many times as it will crash untill the reasons for the crashes are fixed. ppl was warned this would happen a lot during the days after update. it sux. its bad. but its a necessary evil to have everything working perfectly in the future.
  14. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Clan body and Clan soul giving % values instead of Flat numbers as shown on skill description. - Fixed problm causing characters that die under a movement impairing debuff not being able to move after ress.
  15. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed CH npcs selling old PK scroll instead of new ones.
  16. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed not being able to add more then one item on private store buy.
  17. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed shield mastery lvl 3 and lvl 4 p def bonus.
  18. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Othel runes.
  19. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fishing system back on with the lvl 20 minimum required. - Fixed Overwhelming power from hat buff disappearing after dead.
  20. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    (after next restart) - Fixed Clan Entry information. - Fixed clan unity disappearing after death - Fixed causing mages to deal less damage with the blessed spiritshot then they should. - Fixed some times some physical AOEs consuming extra shots and not applying shot damage on all hits. - Fixed not being able to set up a buy shop. - Fixed PK scrolls A grade to be possible to use after lvl 76. - Fixed Freezing Flame cast time. - Fixed WIT Values changes to better meat official values. - Fixed some runes which were having wrong effect or wrong values on the desired effect. - Fishing system enabled and level 20 requirement added
  21. San0

    2.0 Change Log

    - Fixed Improved Enchant Scrolls to be possible to trade/sell as normal enchant scrolls
  22. San0

    Exp boosts

    it will stay as it should be.
  23. the bonus increased by enchant is only for physical attack, magical attack bonus is same as before +3 m attack till enchant +4 and then from +4 it gives + 6 m atack per enchant, what got increased was the p attack bonus, not m attack.
  24. San0


    ... obviously not untill lvl 20 but starting from lvl 20