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Everything posted by Trample

  1. ​and im not sure but i think u just admited here that you bot so i dont see why you cry about getting banned
  2. dear sir ironfist, after the show u gave killing elpys for about 20 seconds and climbing rocks with your char and the 2boxes outsider dion i wouldnt even talk... i would just find a cave to hide and thats it. at least take it like a man. you fukd up, its ok, many ppl does it, complaining wont take you anywhere. i like how u guys go all like "ah gm banned me without saying anything." ofc they do. what were you hoping? a formal request asking if you are using bot? it would go like "hi sir pls, can you pls tell me, are you using any ilegal programs? cus you know if you are you have to tell me so i can ban you" just get over you self, you not the first one and you wont be the last.
  3. everyone in here played on ru classic what is rly cool but im curious how many played on ru classic pts... anyway, considering koreans and russian had a full dedicated team to fix everything and make all the changes and it still took them some months for it to be ready and even them forgot some stuff after all, i would say what this guys did here was kinda memorable considering the amount of people they have working on it. as for me, excluding the party stuff, and that is indeed a big problm, i find this server quite decente for a private server. it has a big community, that same community goes with a big range of diferente play times and that makes it possible to find party almost at any time. it has active admin team that actualy comunicate with the players. and its free. so if you ask me, props to this guys and to all the work they did til now and continue doing everyday.
  4. i think u guys havent seen the ban list yet, cus i believe thats a preety massive ban rush
  5. ​u wiil work on this project, but alone , my friend . be sure for this, lets see tothe end of this mounth ​with that nick name i smell butthurt, sniff sniff.
  6. Trample


    oh, i think i passed by you in dion, were you that one in a party where there was a dorf killing a mob and 3 other chars running against a tree for about 30 seconds? and u surprised you all in jail now, good job sir.
  7. after almost 11 years of l2, i swear i never saw a server were so many ppl would cry so much about the damn bots... theres like prolly 2k+ ppl playing on the server and its funny how you guys think that the 3 or 4 admins can be everywhere at all time and any time to control everyone. you find a bot, you do as they said and leave name on Skype and when they can they will check it out. just dont be a fukin crying biatch spamming the fukin forums all day long everytime u see a bot. actualy i think admins are beeing very soft on the fórum rules. on my opinion i would just give like 1 week ban for everyone discussing about bots in fórum. its not only against the rules but it messes up the new comers who see every fukin lil crying whinner complaining about how full of bots it is. get out of your damn cave and start looking out side of your belly hole.
  8. yeah, lets put the captcha like all javas do so instead of crying for bots ppl will cry about their buffers who got banned cus when code showed up they were on another window!!! good idea... thats defnetly the way to go. or just put it so ppl instead of crying for bots they cry about those 50 times they entered in room with 5 mobs cus they had the healer to heal in case something happens and on that time healer gets code and boom dced and the guy dies and drops his stuff... good plan sir. /sarcasm off i dont think thats a good option. specialy becus some of the most used programs also answer the captcha or questions or wtv dafuk you put there.
  9. ​server is fine and healthy like this, have fun on your next mid rate high five server...
  10. im just w8ing to see all this ppl complaining when 2 months after innova opens the server they start seeing the shop with vit items, talismans, exp boost and etc. i thought ppl learn the lessons with all the sh1t they did with l2 on last years, but seams not. and i wont even get started on the bot trains and the RMT deals.
  11. dear god you guys.... look at that shop and tell me the items that is worth buying daily wich would make players buying Cols with adena all the time, there nothing on that fukin shop worth buying, i would donate for the cheap ports only if it would be just a single item independente from the PA, its like, on wtv server you guys talk about, donation coins take over the adena as game currency becus theres stuff worth buying, like runes, cakes, shots, gear, etc. in here theres nothing. so i donr rly think col will ever get over adena as game currency.
  12. i think u are being too pessimist, if theres ~500 ppl on forum daily i believe online will be a bit bigger that that, i would say close from 1k, and after even everything will go fine it wil prolly increase a bit, anyway lets face it, on classic 1k ppl is already rly good imo since theres few content, at least on 1.0.
  13. another genius, cus russian classic its on a different patch since some months ago. They have there 2.0 (or even 2.1, not sure about this) while in here it will be 1.0.
  14. ​Such a genius. u managed to not find mobs that doesnt exist at all... good job m8.
  15. if i would be some pro dude, i would suggest you to log in again. but since i am not, i dunno. i think u should panic and ask for stuff from admins cus u lost 20 seconds to log in again that u could be farming.
  16. its funny, while its in beta ppl cry they want it to go live, when u finaly fix stuff to go live, ppl cry cus they loosing stuff on beta
  17. i cant believe what my eyes are reading i wonder what u gonna do with your life when in about 1 week they will totaly close and wipe this beta till they are ready for the last beta phase
  18. ​man.. master yoda is esier to understand then you. i swear to god i do not get one sentence of anything u say.
  19. Cool video, bring good memories. Good job for whoever was the editor of it.
  20. Beta server players the real deal. Taking it serious since 1992.