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Everything posted by fishfood

  1. LOL I feel sorry for my friend salaras and imxo for having to play with him
  2. Mage CP looking for 2 more players 66+ English/Spanish 1800~ gmt+0 start time (Most of us play a lot) Vigilance alliance -Looking for players for the following classes (BP EE OL SWS) classes are debatable -Must be able to speak English or Spanish, and play during our prime -Not be a whiny fag -We have chars you can use if you don't meet the level requirement but play active.
  3. ​You can still get banned for using keyboards/mice that use macros, it's the same thing as a clicker
  4. ​that why your bd was caught botting on one of the pvp videos, right? 1 archer using clicker my ass, but i dont really care what happened back then ​Salaras never botted a day in his life lol. A lot of people have seen the recording from KSE that she banned me with, including bizz, I got nothing to hide. We used clickers got caught got banned pretty simple. I was just stating that any 3rd party software is not allowed whatsoever. Will be interesting if they add those loop macro's in, it is literally a clicker for DDs, I remember them telling me they won't add them in 2.0. I know people on skelth and GK that use it to afk farm with next target.
  5. Lol my whole group got banned because one of the archer in the party was on clicker. The GM told us she watched us for an hour, dcing me, porting me around while we were talking to her in white chat. So yeah they are pretty strict no third party software (or mice/keyboard's with looping macros)
  6. ​Admins don't need to check for bots themselves if somebody shows them evidence of them already botting lol..
  7. Clicker is 100% not allowed by admins, I can tell you that from first hand experience
  8. don't flame zorgzorg tho
  9. Watch any olympiad since gracia final it's always been about talismans, in interlude it was about augments like celestial (LOL)
  10. ​well when you think about it.. +16 C grade should be much harder to get than A grade..
  11. TL;DR -zorgzor (aka known scammer) got into fight with his cp about being inactive decided to leave cp and take epics with him -tipitapi and his party are pissed he took earring and didn't give it to ancord Pretty much sums this thread up, morale of the story don't play with scammers
  12. ​Do you want to say that he still farm with you and you didnt kick him, you feel sorry for that piece of? WHAT???? ​Pretty sure he said if Zybnnia doesn't want to give back the epics, he's kicked out of pt. Assuming zybnnia is zorgzor
  13. fishfood


    It's auto attacks only i'm pretty sure
  14. fishfood

    OOC CP

    ​lool The dirty 4%'s.. I like it
  15. fishfood

    WTB Emi +13 +14

    WTT Emi +12 and adena for +13 +14 Or pm me offers in adena on forum thx
  16. yo don't talk shit about banana republic they got good fitted v-necks
  17. fishfood


    10s? no cooldown?
  18. All these people up in arms about how it's unfair that archers level faster than daggers, but do you people even play daggers, or archers? A nuker cannot exp without a recharger, and yet the EE/SE can change into almost anything while nukers can only change into nukers.
  19. What was the reason you started as SR instead of dagger then? And only now you think so much about changing? ​Probably same reason anybody changes class, they are bored want something different, or they found a party that needs said class.
  20. ​(I go to say my opinion, no problem fishfood) Ok, so i make an Archer and after i change to dagger. do you think this is fair? Archer: 900 Range, bow passive, rapid shot lvl 2. You can solo easy with a prophet, You dont have to move continuosly to hit mobs like a dagger because u have 900 range. Mobs dont touch you or almost dont touch, so with few hp pots u can farm easy. You can go pl set, +12str-15con dyes, low p.def from pl set no matters so much since u wont take many hits from mobs. Archer is wellcome in AOE parties, since he can hit with AOE Skill, isnt a big machine of AOE Xp but is helpfull, more than daggers. Dagger: 700 Range, bow passive till lvl 35 ( crap ), rapid shot lvl 1. to much worse than archer. If you go Melee set up, u need VR buff or tons of hp pots, (If you go with SE Buffer, u dont have Berseker, you can get haste from pots but u need $$. Not like Archer + PP). If you go with SE + PP, you are needing 1 more buffer box than Archer + pp. Very Hardly can farm with pl set at higher lvls, u need heavy set (so you loose +4str from pl set, archer doesnt). If you go +12 str -15 con dyes to kill faster and go same xp dyes set up to try get so faster xp like archer can get, well, tell me when game arrive the moment when you visite Doom Knights or some mobs than stun, debuff like this ones. You are continuosly getting hits from mobs since ur first hit since you are on melee set up, so you are exposed to debuffs like stun faster than archer, so to much exposed to get delay of stun/debuffs, more chance of dead, slower xp. So +str -con dyes set up + melee = slower xp than archer. And most important of all, these lines from here up that can seem little thing, are translated in tons of hours / days / ... of difference in the game with respect to an archer to get same lvl. Irony ON. Ok, lets try build a fair world with these fair choices. Archer and daggers in same group. Irony OFF @fishfood you can discuss, i am waiting ur argues, if u say something, thats based in some facts, thoughts, reasons, ... Can you tell us ? Sorry for my english. ​Well I agree with your reasoning that leveling as an archer is easier than leveling with a dagger. If we were to continue with that reasoning then we would have to remake all the groups in order of hardest to level -> easiest. On a serious note a dagger can solo xp just farm with PP/SE buffers. I don't know why your listing xp set ups that are limited to only 1 buffer? I don't know what you were trying to compare? Yes an Archer can solo well with just a PP. Yes a mage can solo well with just an SE. A dagger can solo with PP+SE or just a WC. The group tier list were made with a few factors in mind not just how easy or how fast it is too level a certain class.
  21. I think rogues should stay in the same group (Archer/dagger) but the aoe fighers like tyrant,gladi etc have their own group