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Everything posted by ProGressive

  1. Im amazed that there is 0 good cp with horses. Grandeur, assist star, bam 40 kills Or either something wrong with pony damage
  2. U use EE instead SE because of player skill? Stun ressist only for rookies.
  3. Not interesting to play against potatoes, right?
  4. Why u waste mana with f2 ?
  5. Lel everyone knows that with one hero in mass pvp u kill more than with 3 warlords. Game is different, u can have shit build but with 40 heroes on one clan pretty hard to lose mass pvp
  6. If u literally dont care about PVE and think only mass pvp go warlords. Even withouth mana with bows they will do more damage than mages withouth mana. offcourse setup typical fighter stuff. WC BD SWS Bish EE WL WL WL Tank for party ud
  7. Voted for black, it looks more nice with white colour. Like shin and yang.
  8. You are all wrong. U comparing normal PVE game with PVP tournament. If u farm with active prophet it has to rebuff every train(we had active prophet, Buffwitch now its armbar) Atleast he rebuffed every train on DV. And when pvp comes u need to rebuff some ppl, so it means u need to wait while mana recharging. Literally for every pvp u need to wait or empty EE mana for no reason. PVP tournament gets mana regen after rebuff, thats why nobody sees biggest problem. On the other hand with this Bres fiesta no need bishop in our server, so prophet is not so bad as well as paladin.
  9. Ok ok, i thought its same
  10. How will u seperate bress from event and from nostalgia ?
  11. two Archers and some support no mdef. Offcourse pathetic.
  12. I dont know why u all cry about this beer. Its even better, now warcryer during pvp can waste all his mana withouth heart pain. Imagine that beer is like nobless on h5. While speaking on bres, its total bullshito, if u run into more enemies, no chance to win.
  13. ProGressive


    Guess never brazilians too stronk.
  14. ProGressive


    Thats why its called ghost
  15. ProGressive


  16. @BizQQuiT Well u have point, but lets be honest, how many breses people made? Its just too much and pvp is meh, when u run into 3 parties u always know u will lose, mana will end and they will bres... @LuizM In our server archers max can kill mobs
  17. Go ecliptic axes. Thats it. If u are able do OE.
  18. LOL too much personal stuff at forum. I know most of you, you make me feel sad dont be mad at each other, its just a game ? I can rent my pony if u need it.
  19. Problem is Bres CD, now a side with biggest wallet can win any pvp because of mana problems. Either add mp pots, or cooldowns to items/hero skills
  20. ProGressive

    WTB othel 7/8

    Mail with prices "ArmBar 7 level max 44kk