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nNyxi last won the day on September 1 2016

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About nNyxi

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  1. any cp dwarf who have friends will become rmt shop in them eyes un till be no more ppl to blame
  2. (even my gear i had burn ;DD or they would ban any single one who will touch it THERE was some ppl in game who deserve it) dropped all left on ground.... thinking now are they banning those ppl ? taking items back ? how they can proof it wasnt rmt ? nothing more to say ;D btw skelth archers cp lf ee(last slot)
  3. 100 ppl in server and how is possible some adena not become shared in market place from rmt shops ?> :DDDD ban all of them !! bann all those ppl ,friends and them families... they shared adena that was given from friend to friend.. but started at rmt shop never see any bigger trash moves on gms in any game or server.badly after those actions, sever simple will die ( hop not) or be another china/korea radars fiesta
  4. dont change server features.... ban radars, we all know if u want ban some one don't need any proof...
  5. nNyxi


    oh more castles for china? nah . those 5 is enought
  6. nNyxi

    loguin problem

    u need recover your account password. not MA account. what works only with email log to web system
  7. yeah why not. let it be in gm shops. its not effecting game play, only visuals. everyone wants it.except ppl who was playing on event- ones in server life.
  8. nNyxi

    pls delete post

    pls delete it
  9. ok even if its my ally did that pr's its still mad to see :DD
  10. missing all update to zaken patch