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Everything posted by datplays

  1. datplays

    1 year anniversary!

    ​ ​Лохонулись на ДР с серваком, 3 часа не могут гребаный евент с тыквами отключить... Включили серв на 10 минут и снова вырубили, ЗБС, так держать! ​no chyba śmieszny jesteś pajacu jeden z drugim, spadówa do ruskiego działu Thats the present, what do u want more? Stop being materialists.
  2. @Koll Now its 13 CET and i still have infor that server is under maintenance while trying to login, so whats up? Yes i did update by new updater on 3 pcs. Like this
  3. ​but w.o server crash - which should not happen - u have nothing to get of lost
  4. ​dude, nobody looks here on dmg, what ppl who complain here is the ratio double shot/FC, aa crit/FC, and in this case u SHOULDNT really be bothered by setup that much (i mean, we dont have that much fancy stuff as on korean or russ off, so the P atk bonuses arent that insane for some skills as there) saying there are no valid arguments in this thread is pathetic, coz there are pretty many freaking reasons to why it should be back (also some good why not, but i trully believe it would be better to remake it back) You answer to posts that u dont even read or ur just that much brain damaged? Anyway discusion with u doesnt make sense because u dont know english or math or cant think logic, keep troling and have fun ​ If u quote somebody in ".." dont change the content. I stop reading here, hope u didnt sweat too much typing whole post. All for nothing. If u want to put changed words into someones mouth stop typing anything. ​ ​ ​how exactly did i change your words in quotes? i just gathered all your sh1t from 1 big post into 1 sentence, havent said anything u didnt, so pls, dont try anymore ​ Okay girls, lets stop it here. U re out of arguments, so u start to talk even more bullsht, swear, flame and attack on me. U re simply wrong and u can't deal with it, so u try to cover it. Not to mention u guys re the same CLAN, CP, u re even same nationality so u both will be protecting each other here on forum and attacking me. Nice try, but im smarter. Not to mention to be not accused of racism (anyway i cant be due to one main circumstance) one thing above explains why there is so much rage in u, and its like this in every game. Imho this topic should be closed bcoz its full of nonsense flood w.o proper proofs. I'm just suprised moderators let flow this sht on this topic till its already covered with it, and do nothing about it. Great job guys, hope u got alredy ur degree of trolling on this forum checking especially @Rizos posts overall. Dunno how anybody have so much patience for u. Maybe its bcoz nobody yet ban here for flood, trolling, spam, flame which is all of u.
  5. Same question. Server crashed 10am CET (1h before server rr) what made my character dead under mobs. Explanation please.
  6. Server crash 10am CET (1h before server rr) ended with my death character. What happened?
  7. ​check ur buffs, check his buff, check gear of his target, check ur gear. Re u doing this for real?
  8. ​i did. To be clear i played most classes here pre 60 and couple of past 60, having access of farmed myself from 0, or rolled class. Its been 1 year already. If u dont believe ask admins. I already said on this topic that i played PR and what dmg i was dealing on what circumstances. If u randomly read posts on ur own topic, or just read what fits u so this discussion have no sense and theres no need to pay attention to u. I'm more wondering why u lost arguments after i explained whats on ur own vid, and u trying to tell me i have no clue. Well, u re wrong. ​everybody can laugh on you dude, there is so many proofs how it works on official and how it works here, so many tests done, and yet u are talking "yeah, i played many chars pre 60 and after 60, and dmg works just fine" - really sweet empty words If u quote somebody in ".." dont change the content. I stop reading here, hope u didnt sweat too much typing whole post. All for nothing. If u want to put changed words into someones mouth stop typing anything.
  9. Both chars re OP. To be more OP in pve + solo pve: Warlord, more OP in pvp: Gladiator But both chars share same aspect of OP.
  10. So in end game when all has epics/armors with resists (A gr) chance is very low. If we decrase it now not look in future then when all get epic/gears with resists (A gr) the chance will be 0% and skill got useless. Good u keep it in mind. Now ppl QQ coz its low lvl chronicle, and landrates re big, but when comes A gr with resists there is Nightmare, Dark Crystal, Majestic equal 70%, 50% resists to almost all (except fear xD) choose ur future armor wisely.
  11. how much it drop parts? 2-3? 100 items like 50 or 25 mobs? 15k? Its decend. Enjoy ur money maker.
  12. ​i did. To be clear i played most classes here pre 60 and couple of past 60, having access of farmed myself from 0, or rolled class. Its been 1 year already. If u dont believe ask admins. I already said on this topic that i played PR and what dmg i was dealing on what circumstances. If u randomly read posts on ur own topic, or just read what fits u so this discussion have no sense and theres no need to pay attention to u. I'm more wondering why u lost arguments after i explained whats on ur own vid, and u trying to tell me i have no clue. Well, u re wrong. ​Yea, i exped my archer for long time also, and after 2+ months of farm i discovered this crap ​QQ fiesta on its best. Read again what San0 said, maybe it has lower dmg (which i doubt) but it has chance to crit, still this work very decend. Overall of this topic: some guys say fatal counter is nerfed like its 0 dmg, putting some videos having no idea whats the setup on them, looking only on dmg dealt not including what setup has dmg dealer or what setup is on target. This arguing cant have less sense than they have right now. Just deal with it that admins know what they do, and if they said its proper stop bringing invalid arguments. Edit: i will add one more thing, that u wont propably read, as far as i see. Im not here to argue with anybody about keeping "nerfed" char, im here bcoz i look in future. If u want ur char to be boosted according to some wrong videos the only worth char to play will be PR running with low hp 1 shooting ppl. Theres is no char on L2 1 shooting ppl, its not either mage with CDL. The only 1 shoot on L2 is on servers with added stuff from pay2win shop when u can accuire 3k on stats.
  13. Check hoiw much actually drops from this mob. In spoil/drop patch may occur small mistakes, coz patch was done under 1.3 (?) i guess. Once San0 explained.
  14. ​Yes, these characters re in C (wow maybe one is in zubei B ! dont see so clearly) grade robes. Archer is in PL, i guess +12 STR. Full PP buff + g.might, u dont know what lvl PP buffs re those, maybe its top lvl g.might. So if he dealt 7k dmg i see no problem with it. All ur posts re contrary, so tell us again what u expect? If u want 7k dmg on C grade robes by archer PL set, +12 STR Dyes, high lvl PP buffs - u have it, theres nothing to be change. Now go away in peace. ​Man thats the point. U wont shoot 7 k into sws FP here. ​In the video 7k is into mage in robe, not tank hvy passives with FP.
  15. here u have list of top 20 lvls (nolifers) on server, 4 of them was in that party that got rekt. 76 lvl PinkCat, where average Bizqquit party members is 69lvl Pls tell me more of ur fun stories Or maybe u re just joking coz u re Most hated driver :D
  16. ​Yes, these characters re in C (wow maybe one is in zubei B ! dont see so clearly) grade robes. Archer is in PL, i guess +12 STR. Full PP buff + g.might, u dont know what lvl PP buffs re those, maybe its top lvl g.might. So if he dealt 7k dmg i see no problem with it. All ur posts re contrary, so tell us again what u expect? If u want 7k dmg on C grade robes by archer PL set, +12 STR Dyes, high lvl PP buffs - u have it, theres nothing to be change. Now go away in peace.
  17. datplays


    ​wrong, u noob
  18. datplays

    Dion GK

    So i assume they re dumb
  19. http://l2calc.narod.ru/ but ​its for L2J from C5 times, so may be wrong abit. For sure it wont be good for 2.0
  20. Can u make zorgzor client file developer for some time? I feel he fix all bugs. Hes so damn smart at it.
  21. ​xaxaxaxa 1 orfen not broken he must regen just for magick skill. ​Haha, zorgzor strikes again. Yes, Orfen should work only on mages from Taduliz CP, not any other characters. OMG ROFL, somebody pls stop this.
  22. The screen u posted is not interesting. The question is what m.atk this weapon had? ​man i got no place on signature for 1 more ur golden thoughts to quote
  23. Now pr vs sps: if pr goes on low hp to FC he gets 3 nukes before he can cast fc and he die and loose. IF pr goes on full hp he cast 1st fc for low dmg and SPS can survive for sure even with 2h blunt. Then pr needs to wait 5s for skill reuse and cast another fc like 2s. So Are u trying to tell me SPS cant outdmg during that 7s? ​Ppl thinking archer is supposed to kill anybody in 1v1 when they duel are just funny Archer never kill in 1v1 duel, except he land stun. Archer is not "Duelist" he is not supposed to make "duels" - he is assasin/rogue. He ganks and start fight before enemy even realize he is getting hit by archer. Then he can make as much damage he wants depends on enemy how fast he realize hes getting hit. So keep dreaming of 1v1 on archer and go back sleep Before u say: "HURR DURR BUT ON OLYMPIAD ARCHER CANT GANK" yes, he can't so deal with it, archer is not class for arena, class for arena is Gladiator as his name says. On archer u can go on castle walls where u belong. U choose archer so dont except 1v1 its not char for that. That's conclusion for u if u alrdy go 50% offtopic. But here is alot of for topic also.