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Everything posted by datplays

  1. datplays

    War (red) bug?

    ​Aye its been like that since the beginning. ​Well kinda doesnt matter so far when winning clan has no profits from "wining". If the system would be: 2 weeks of war, u make points, after 2 weeks if u clan has ++ points, it gets amount of clan points, adequate losing clan could lose points. This would bring any competition and ppl would start to care about to be killed by war or not. Atm whats the difference if u get killed. ​so ppl would bsoe/relog even more, great ​yes, proper. More bsoe usage, less adena on server.
  2. datplays

    War (red) bug?

    ​Aye its been like that since the beginning. ​Well kinda doesnt matter so far when winning clan has no profits from "wining". If the system would be: 2 weeks of war, u make points, after 2 weeks if u clan has ++ points, it gets amount of clan points, adequate losing clan could lose points. This would bring any competition and ppl would start to care about to be killed by war or not. Atm whats the difference if u get killed.
  3. I may be wrong, but install newest direct X, ver 7 is pretty old, now its like 11 or so.
  4. datplays

    War flag issues

    ​its not a bug, soil, there was a thread about this and sano also answered and even the owner of that thread did some research to give sano informations to fix, basically only in siege zone that WL can AOE stun enemies without needing them to be flagged ​true
  5. ​Isn't it just force-closing from Task Manager, or spamming log-in on another open client? I'm asking because I've seen it happen often here, and I'm just wondering how people do it. For research purposes, of course. ​one or another, whatever - exploiting
  6. player H3R3G3 does relog while he have been hit by other player, pls check
  7. ​you are idiot like hell, read this topic abaut orfen i say not debufs, on this siege stun was 100 % debufs like sleep/feer root not work now, xwarx top lvl WL who also all time have problem with stun on this siege have 100 % stun. so admin is changing every day land rate, and this stun we get from 60+ lvls, 75 DEE get stun 100 % from 60+ so no comment ​ ​YE realy ? maby golems also you dont chance ? i have feer / sleep / root all 100 % on this siege. when all last siege there was 0 % ​u are drunk, go home ​He is Zorgzor, he should leave home more often
  8. ​sides then were pretty balanced, there was Perkunas ally vs Nonfactor + SoulMate + Pride(Vig) that were doing very good. Well sadly SoulMate did mistake having ally with Pride - lost Dion castle coz they went to Giran instead of help defend Dion, so SM quit also, right Fat? its all matter of choices. ​so, your point is ,,,, ? ​i edited post meanwhile, its above, sorry
  9. ​sides then were pretty balanced, there was Perkunas ally vs Nonfactor + SoulMate + Pride(Vig) that were doing very good. Well sadly SoulMate did mistake having ally with Pride - lost Dion castle coz they went to Giran instead of help defend Dion, so SM quit also, right Fat? its all matter of choices. So we can say "for health of server" they left Perkunas. But "leaving" to 2 cp in it? How is that suppose to be health? If they were not so brave they could leave server like others, but they did not, they rebuild clan and rekt betrayars, simple. Its not their fault they got good lidership and can recruit ppl, while nobody wants to mate with other side, coz simply they got no proper leading, as it show us with SM story i wrote above. I'm leaving this to ur own conclusion, its the purpose of this topic. U can say "hurr durr 100ppl vs 30ppl" and quit or u can start smart leading, i hope. The times of Perkunas wanting all in ally passed, leadership changed, its all about politics, talking, leading.
  10. Zorg, when u were in posession of Giran u were on forum like "wow gj admins on fix, debuffs so good, orfen so good" now when u lost Castle its "everything bug, gl on server"
  11. ​When Giran was taken from Perkunas it was made of 2 cp that left. What they re now is their own work, fix and yes, determination.
  12. Acording to this topic: http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/12081-thx-admin-for-all-debufs/ and fact that UniQue lost Giran castle after filthy taking it away from previous owners. Is it gonna be wave of rage quit of UniQue that can play only unfair and u rage quit or u be acting like a mans, atleast try? Shortcut: UniQue was part of Perkunas clan - first Giran castle owners, after few months of having Giran castle 95% and whole ally of Perkunas clan betrayed it and left forming UniQue and filthy taking Giran castle. After few months Perkunas gathered under new leadership, rebuild full ally and took from betrayars what belong to them today 11.09.2016 Giran Castle is taken by Perkunas again. Well what we can read from topic above, there must be a reason why UniQue they lost Giran Castle "bcoz of bugs" "debuff landrate" Ofc, when they played unfair using multiple of third program tools (ban list) and was taking advantage of bugs and "debuff landrates" while having Giran castle everything was fine, now when they lost it "everything is bugged" Beach please! Please make official statement, will u be brave enough to try fight back like Perkunas did after losing 90% members or will u just QQ? And ofc congratulations to Perkunas for determination and perfect new leadership. U should change name now to be not equate with old bad leader Perkunas and betrayars. They tried to destroy u but u rise from ashes and destroyed them. Thats the spirit.
  13. Btw Zorg, move ur fat lazy ass on test server and check debuffs, and how they land. OL debuffs land pretty often except root, i think u re OL u should be not the one that QQ.
  14. ​ i was about to make topic after siege asking will u rage quit now, but u were faster than me Zorgzor u re the most drama circus on server, u need to make serious decision: rage quit or stay. Atm u re telling us u rage quit, pls confirm so we can start /not to care at all Im getting perma silenced from OL on siege, but i dont QQ - simply im not pussy that plays on cheats, scam polish clans and then dare to blame server for being bad Farewell, i believe u play from 1st day like me on server, maybe abit less, well i stay, i like it here maybe simple bcoz i play fair and not QQ.
  15. 1. yes 2. there should be, atleast they had to introduce that, good question, i would like to know too. 3. Why so? U re about to pay in euros ur whole life for buffs scrolls? Damn u have to be rich. GMs ill be happy.
  16. main char w. PA = main char+box main char w. PA + box w. PA = main char+box+box main char w. PA + box w. PA + box w. PA = main char+box+box+box etc.
  17. ​orfen of earring lvl 3 gives u chance to get mana back when u deal dmg ant queen ring lvl 3 gives 10% critical dmg (to fighters and also mages) ​this exacly shows how bullsht the orfen 3 is right now - infinite mana. No need rechargers, gg. Dunno i like this idea. Epics are more important now, and u can be viable with sps and sorc solo i think. I would leave it like it is. ​Solo, thats the problem. Solo mage aoe is bullsht. I would say ok for such epics if they were hard to get. On 1k ppl server its not hard, on official is hard, bcoz 20 clans fight for it not only 2
  18. ​orfen of earring lvl 3 gives u chance to get mana back when u deal dmg ant queen ring lvl 3 gives 10% critical dmg (to fighters and also mages) ​this exacly shows how bullsht the orfen 3 is right now - infinite mana. No need rechargers, gg.
  19. Need ban 48h. Kick fix nothing, they dont propably dont even know they got kicked, coz offline on gh lasts 24h anyway
  20. ​hope u realize there are ppl who doesnt read forum, so there is no way for them to actually notice this? u cannot just go and ban ppl just because they are not forum users ​Good. If they did not read forum, they also did not read server rules, they lack in information, better to ban them for exploiting offline shop 48h than to perma ban them for botting, coz if they didnt read forum and server rules they may not know that exploiting is not allowed also they can start to try botting, coz they dont know. We will just save them like that. If they get ban they enter forum and start asking, making tickets. Then they get answer that exploting offline shop is "not okay" Nobody gets hurt when he get 48h on TRADE account that is just for offline shop, he still can play on his main acc, he wont be just able to sale for 48h, next time he will start thinking before exploiting. For sure he wont exploit on main acc - pure success. + for 48h ban i see modoy there a problem with ur attitude, u re against any punishing, it tells me or u re cheater urself and u re afraid of punishment or u re not too smart. If gms wont start making simple "teaching lesson" soon nobody will give a fck. I realized that by reading forum how ppl re not nice to gms at all, well theres not warning system of forum neither, so they feel untouchable, same goes in game. But in game it hurts players that play fair. That means like 1k ppl.
  21. Yup, its not working, ppl still able to put shop in this zone. I could put store, havent checking the offline_shop but i guess only offline shop is not working in red zone, normal shops re working. If u see offline shop in red zone its ppl exploiting like they did before on NPC trade free zone. Overall new feature is not working. QUESTION: cant we move npcs abit into right side (npcs heading gate) and grow green square abit so it look simmetrical?? Damn it would feel much better
  22. datplays

    ROK Video

    ROKDevil and Zorgzor try english in 1 topic - epic, need only nNyxi here, and the topic will be full of miss understanding