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Everything posted by Destabilomaterializacja

  1. Bcz he need it. And we are the best friends ever.
  2. You tell us ? P.S. i can play this game whole day so tell us all mr. Rizo ? what you know.
  3. West Side Is The Best!!! P.S. how the f*** you - You dont know nothing, so many cool storys in the past .... im disapointed.
  4. Music from this c00l game is better to your vid ^^. (w8 w8 did i paste the same vid?:-D)
  5. WTB BOP+8 mail IG "Hellious for more info.
  6. i still looking for Doors to Narnia.
  7. Omg, but br0 you must start to do it 1st.
  8. Yes Sir, i always smoke a cig and drink coffe in this time.
  9. Its a quiz? Hmm in deeper i think ..... i have 1 person who is almost the same brain damaged.
  10. I didnt said that they are man, but many time was a question : where he live if he play on chn prime :). P.S. event items sent? If yes TY a lot
  11. @YipMan i always want to ask you IG where you live? I know you are my polish brother and for some ppl its strange that you play with china. Thats why i ask. P.S. give me your event map #7 i need hat :-P.
  12. Sorry for offtop but .... @etze my eyes!!!!!!!
  13. Yes that's why ppl dont like you.
  14. I dont know why, imo - maybe bcz you talk to much and always trying to prove something ?️‍♂️ Bro im not mad at you, sometimes i like to troll a bit, btw imo that was your work (bcz your actions on oly in feed waves .... you know better). Let me <hug> you Bro!