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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Kure

    Team ROK Siege video

    ​You are You know nothing Jon Snow
  2. Kure

    That dude who sketched..

    Nice to see that you are man of your word even after that long time.
  3. Kure

    That dude who sketched..

    Mail adena to "KureciKridylka plz.
  4. Kure

    Clan Halls

    ​He lost the clans if i am not wrong, Someone took adena from clan warehouse and they lost 2 clanhalls. Already some months ago. ​Nonfactors had 3 clanhalls (aden, gludio, gludin) In summer after leaving of NF we lost 2 of them (aden, gludio) due to this strange "adena sink"... After return of some players in september we bouht another CH in dion together with 4 lvl clan from Rizos (his former ETC clan). So at this point NF occupy gludin and dion CH.
  5. Kure

    Clan Halls

    Ask Waterworks... holding 2 CHs on inactive/death clans Thats what I call to be prepared for possible return to server in future
  6. ​btw combined with single target poison, stun cubic, party phantom cubic, agro with p./m.deff debuff, mass agro with p./m.deff debuff, sacrifice (OP heal) PS is actually "5 in 1" package for mini-parties (buffer, debuffer, tank, healer, DD) but for most of people still no love for phantom summoner ​Its only illusion bro. Its like buffer+summoner. Why to play summoner with buffer when u can play buffer + DD Only good is phantom cubic i guess, but active bd is still better... Maybe if u manage somehow to agro with summon then its good. We tested, cat + 3 archers better than 4 archers. Not sure about pony, but still i guess its same like with archer, more regen, faster pvp dmg, and free empower clarity wm+ can dps with low level skill with never ending mana in cs. ​I really dont know mate, mine phantom summoner alt for chilling game is just 53 atm, still need 3 more levels to test it (since test server is half year offline already)... i wasnt speaking about summoner + buffer combo, but summoner + DD... theoretically speaking and also mine experience from another chronicles tells me different... i used to have kinda OP exp with daggers (thanks to agro he was able to hit from behind, also he had hex from cubic + "hex" from nightsahdes agression - ofc you can easily mange to agro with summon i dont know why you think you cant do it)... maybe its not best combo possible for dagger but at least "good alternative" (dager with SE miss agro - hiting from behind - and with BD you miss focus/dw -but dances compensate that so i dunno), with archers it was similar (on my last H5 server one archer from friend list prefered me over active pp becouse according to him double hex + agro + some additional dps was better than zerk + some more p.atk + root)... but i guess its about prefferences of each individual. also i want to test "oldschool" aoe exp with warlord (that one in corner, not running circles), cos aoe p.def debuff combined with mass agro and WL stuns (not waste MP on anything but stun) could be nice.. with nightshade/summoner buffs you have almost everything important (might/shield - ofc just 1st level, focus, dw, acuracy... add potions and you miss jsut some minor stuff. again, this is jsut some older experience of mine and some theory, i really need to test "classic" viability for these scenarios... when test server opens ( seems like around summer 2019 could be open ) i can make some test/videos and we will see... but maybe you are right and this post is pointless P.S. i preffered nightshade over shadow even for solo back in time cos i just found it more versatile and usefull in 90% situations...
  7. ​Actually i dont recommend to start if u have less than 2 hours activity, because otherwise u will be very very bored I think. There is not much activities withouth grind and pvp, but to have fun in pvp u need levels, because nobody likes losing. Maybe fishing will change stuff, but nobody knows ​I disagree. I created my char on grand opening, 1 year 3 months later still level ~50, still having fun, sometimes I leave for a month or so, always come back, tl;dr: Can't wait for fishing though, it's going to be HUGE for me, one of the things I've enjoyed the most in this game. ​I hate to destroy your dream but... fishing on classic is automatic bullshit, no pumping and realing...
  8. ​btw combined with single target poison, stun cubic, party phantom cubic, agro with p./m.deff debuff, mass agro with p./m.deff debuff, sacrifice (OP heal) PS is actually "5 in 1" package for mini-parties (buffer, debuffer, tank, healer, DD) but for most of people still no love for phantom summoner
  9. focus, death whisper, accuracy on nightshade
  10. @Rizos Surprise madafaka!
  11. I think everyone of us wants to avoid situation like this... But i think put some "respawn time" is not a solution at all... if it will be 15 sec it doesnt change nothing and if it will be 2 minutes it will be pretty much useless as someone already mentioned... I voted for "resp time" tho only becouse imo something has to change... For me best solution would be normal exp penalty for death combined with bonus XP recovery if you respawn on flag (50% like CH or even 75% like in castle)... this way you will loose only 0,5% (or 0,25%) just so basicly you dont even notice that if you die few times, but if you respawn 5555 times it can hurt you. People who doesnt wana sacrifice anything for higher goals (capturing castle for some ally clan) doesnt deserve to join CS in my opinion... Arguments about less ppl in CS are in my eyes invalid. Before somebody will start flaming me i am telling you i am up for exp loss idea since beginning of CSs on this server (im not sure if zorgzor or even reaver started that topic after first sieges but you can find my answers in there).. i suported this idea when i was on side exploiting this custom bullshit. And yes, at one point today i used this "tactic" (if it is tactic at all) once as well... When we had to cover back our allies trying to fight their way inside pray room i noticed again how OP bullshit is that... it was basically just die-respawn-use magical backfire to closest enemy-die-respawn...... in higher numbers its almsot impossible for attacker to do something with this crap mechanics... anyway GF overall today
  12. Kure


    Lets check it..
  13. ​Looks like you never played on "hard" servers. Here is no professional scammers clans(ppl who bulling U to PK them and then take your drop, stun under mobs,buff mobs, drop trains to u etc.). No clans who sells time of spot farm(otherwise they buff reflect dmg to mobs). Here is several locs for lvling 65+ (in original we had only LoA). It's not absolutely not "hard" here. About the tank stunned - resist shock buff+high con = no problem? Worked for me in original. Remember when you pick class - you will be invited to raid bosses not so often if u are not dd\support ​1) reaver was selling access to DV back in time during Perks DV lockdown on 1.0 (only one 45+ location cos cruma 2 sucks hard for mages) 2) stun under mobs is the here all the time 3) i have never met buffed mob.. but when enemy buff RBs it can be nasty 4) you can buff reflect to mob without party him? tell me how pls res. shock has not that big influeance (deff not bigger than lvl difference) and even +12con doesnt help you in any way... its classic, not original But i agreee, its defiinatelly not that hard as it was on 1.0 (3 times less adena, 10% deaths, no lcoations at all etc...)
  14. ​that's because I wanted to chill and change smth, cos there on forum are only flame topics and pointless comments btw Happy new year everyone ! ​One of the worst ingame trashtalkers i have met here is making wannabe "chilling" videos on forum... The world is full of paradoxes. Fuck off.
  15. Add 1%/4% (war/no-war) exp loss with addition that resp on flag is like resp on CH (-50%).... As far as i see it right now it will not harm that much perk side (putting 10 flags in Aden right after start of siege) - so they will like 99% of time have only little exp loss... meanwhile Vigi side are not able to summon flags that often bcs of reasons which everyone of us knows... Still "little" advantage for perks but finally killing enemies will be worth it a bit (and it will force to implement tactic in leaderships of CCs)... win-win situation for everyone And also it will force to accept wars finally from some clans who fight back only on CS but are too afraid of open-world pvp (hello Tribo) in the vision of losing 4% instead of war-like 1%. Respawn time will solve literally nothing.
  16. Kure


    So.. since Sayomi was in pub tonight (cheers mate ) i loged him and did some little test about LS landrate... Sayomi - lvl 70 (so LS skill lvl 70 also), test target EE lvl 63 NO buffs/epics... so that means it should be like 90+++% landrate as every other debuff in classic chronicle... but somehow relity is completely different, i did 30 lightning strikes and landed just 14 of them.. that mean not even 50% chance... i know to be precise we should do like 1000 not just 30 but even in this ammount its pretty clear that chance is very different... the thing is that landrate around 50% is even on blue mobs (i tested today as well)... Looking for somebody lvl 75+ (and maybe with epics to check if it helps or not) to test the landrate in level disadvantage (on classic 5+ level less means chance for debuffs below 10% if i am right - but i am suspicious the landrate will be different than it should be).. here is little video , i used same what @MoDoy did in dager test... "number" means succesfull LS, "number/" means resisted strike... Please forgive that wattermark... i downloaded first link on google after typing "video editing" and i am to lazy to crack it right now.... ​San0 are you really sure about that? I dont want to be drama queen - i understand you have plenty of work with 2.0 stuff but i guess it is at least worth checking (when you guys will have some free time) ...
  17. ​I will disagree with you, players do not restrict access to RB, the door at Castle does. So lets punish Oren Castle door ​In Berlin 3 days ago some truck killed at least 12 people. Okay, lets punnish that truck instead of mad terrorist driver. //fuck logic
  18. "Interfere with the other players’ gameplay, mechanically restricting their access to locations or NPCs." Nothing to discuss about, clear violation of rules. It doesnt matter if they pull that RB even on talking island, if it is accessible for everyone - its okay for me (until admins really fix that respawn back on spot)... but this is not case about pulling RB away (which is doing everybody these days) but about blocking path to NPC which should be accessible for EVERYONE all the time (if its not dead ofc)...
  19. Kure


    ​I cant show u proof since test server is closed. And if thats the case its even worse cos u give a debuff with much bigger cd than the stuns/fear/silence etc lower chance than the other debuffs. Actually its the only debuff that its landtime is lower than its cd. Thats exactly the reason why its supposed to have such a big landrate. ​Actually its not the onyl debuff... Sworsingers "slience" (sword symphony) has 10 sec duration (minus mental shield effect i guess? but im not sure if its mental attack or not) and 15 sec cd... and i believe some other debuffs as well...but thats offtopic I guess its messy after that manual "fixing" LS by admins... it should have like 90+% landrate on lower/same lvl enemies and almsot zero landrate on enemies 4+ levels higher ... same as every other debuffs on classic chronicle... but what i saw at this point its like 60% landrate no matter the level difference (higher or lower)... Its my wild guess, i think we should test it tonight Sayo
  20. Kure


    Completelly agree, LS, as it is set now, is kinda useless compared to OP Dark Avenger for example...
  21. Happened to me recently, bought BO necklace for 1kk just I bet the previous owner wanted to sell it for 10kk, but its his fault.. Overall big NO for me, even now i have lags as fck in GH, i cqnt even imagine if the number of shops there goes higher...
  22. Grow up... the real men drinks THIS