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Everything posted by Kure

  1. Epics: Uncontested EU Prime Time WickedSick: 2 pt Perks LoA, 1-2 Anathema at LoA (+ wild card joker Demoss parties few times each day gank AB)... I dont count TT cos they never pvp anyway ES: usually 1-2 mixed parties. Mostly ganking AB/BS (trying to enjoy some fun before their free farm time starts) or rarely trying to exp. Idk if some others exp at LoA Fun: 1-3 parties trying to exp at AB/BS or jsut gank there + usually 2 parties untaged. Idk if some others exp at LoA Vigilance & friends: Sayomi CP, Anytime CP + 2-3 random combined groups usually at AB, Awaken + Cleef some attemps to fight in LoA (AFAIK). One more archer pack of Pride + some soloers / small pts somewhere. Overall pretty much boring EU prime.
  2. I would say go for necro all the way. Until like 47 lvl its cat will help with recharge + btm + best aoe nuke ingame since 46 lvl + gazillion of cc skills + better tankiness than actual tanks + CDL from lvl 50... i dont even know why other mages still exist And it doesnt even have to be "expensive" nuker cos till lvl 50 you can easily use just 35lvl nuke... and then the CDL valhalla open its doors for you....the rest is history
  3. Kure


    Even though I didnt enjoy movie much I really like pvp with your pts (anathema) - simply cos you never know the result infront. Keep it goin and see ya on battlefield. Cheers
  4. normal dmg from sps: 1500 dmg from sps with dance of aqua guard: 1450 Reading these suggestions: pricelsss this is not h5, this is classic... "ressist" buffs has zero zero shit influence anyway, no need to change anything on that... all these songs/resist buffs gonna be overbuff/waste of MP anyway so nobody will use that...
  5. Kure

    PK points

    Dont even try to change (nerf) PK system more than it is now... this system is MUST on classic.... Otherwise i dont see any solution to clearing spots or untaged enemies (hello half of chinesee ally) ... ffs these crybabies made my day
  6. for example friday, but thats not my point... I just wanted to tell Demoss that flamers are pretty much on every side so he cant judge ppl based only on "Oh Oh Oh" spam. /block is nice function if you are tired with shittalk About "ally chats".. well it was completelly different situation and a long long time ago i really dont see reason why you put it to light now it doesnt even have anything in common with anything in this forum topic. Last but not least... who the fuck is "lady with blue hair" and what does she has in common with CS resulting you loosing Giran?
  7. ...If OutOfControll side didnt break... ...If NonFactors side didnt break... . Thats cycle of server - life, new oposition will rise sooner or later anyway, no need to shit talk about that. I dont see reason to comment our situation here, Myrciu has a point about breaking DL side by inner problems not by Perks but w/e. Actually i am surprised (and happy) we managed to take at least one castle, the plan for us was just to enjoy some fun. This doesnt proove anything mate, lot of ppl flaming me (us) as well (mostly from TT cos i am czech in enemy clan)
  8. Kure

    PK points

    Actually its 15 minutes. First PK scroll you can use at t=0, dont need to wait 3 minutes
  9. Kure

    Dajtovillage #2

    Talking mostly about that running after leftovers to give them "shoot of mercy" after fights which you had already won, or (definatelly worst part of movie for me) running literally 2 minutes behind that group in ABG in second fraps before true pvp even started. Next time just cut it please. Another suggestion from me is speeding up the parts when you kite behind corners (mostly loa and i believe in future toi as well)... when in that part of video in 30 seconds literally only thing which happen is jsut Tyriastenne (i realyl dont know why but w/e )over-extend behind corner and is killed it starts to be not entertaining. Last hint is about that solo pvp vs AN. First of all really gz for killing 5 ppl at once but it looked liek it was just supports with huge lvl disadvantage. I would add this clip to the end of video (or better to the end of your another solo pvp video which i belive wil lcome soon as well) with some funny music background as a "cherry on top of the cake"... it wasnt really challenging pvp (and i believe you know it as well) but still valuable fraps. I hope i was specific enough.
  10. Kure

    Dajtovillage #2

    If it were 1/2 shorter it could be good movie... But sadly half of the content is not interresting.at all. But overall decent necro pov imho.
  11. "3.9 Contained in the pictures, videos etc photographs images of pornography, scenes of violence." Sadly i cant... But internet is dark place. God bless the hackers.
  12. I like the soundrack. Btw i wonder how the hell is possible that in the day Emma Watson´s nudes/vids leaked there are still some guys who has desire to flame in forum of 10 year old worthless game
  13. You want to invite him for a date?
  14. Good to know who i will never help ingame.
  15. Plz dont try to use math here if you have zero clue
  16. Funny to watch how lot of people now changing cloaks and jumping off the "Vigi" bandwagon.
  17. "Respect"should be earned on battlefield even if we name some of our CPs Telletubies, dont you think ?
  18. What is dead may never die. Its not just about one CP (I couldnt care less), the shitstorm is much deeper... but dont worry Perks, we will keep fighting Show must go on!
  19. Except untagged chinese.... they run with 1000 bresses instead. But overall pretty much agree.
  20. So basicaly you are suggesting another custom shit? No, thanks.
  21. On 2.0 all mobs from loa will recieve +50 % exp.