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Everything posted by Kure

  1. ​Not sure about others but for me, one of the 'core' classic things about L2 was a Giran full of shops... But the teleports would have to be free for low levels like up to 20, so people can actually go and check the Giran ​gh is good, if someone checks giran for ppl, he MUST have been at least once in GH. ps. if You will make giran trade center again KureciKidylka will scream in pain every time well group there for loa ​yeah man its painfull to port in GH for me (or my crappy computer to be specific)
  2. Kure

    WTB Valhalla/recipe

    As title says. PM here or ingame "Afronus (mail only)
  3. Can be locked! Some random guy was selling this shield in GH for just 8kk I call it bargain as fck. Peace
  4. Hello, since some people still dont like implementation of Moon Knight armor quest I have an idea which can particulary "solve" this issue for them. Im talking about implementation of Clan Oath armor instead of moon Knight. Since admins here (if i am right) decided that there is the right time to implement academy system in 2.0 classic patch, I see only possitive impacts of adding this quest...For those who dont know this feature some short introduction: You need to be in clan accademy, you need to have a sponsor there which provides you some D crystals (around 800 i guess) and you need to complete short quest (part with that sponsor as well). As a reward you recieve D armor set. Here is why I see it better than moon knight quest: 1) encourage newbies for joining clan academy asap. The clan academy proivdes them not only exp boost but also people in their lvl range to play with and as a reward this possiblity for cheap set (but NOT free)... win-win situation for both Clan and academics 2) Status quo in D-grade market. Stuff like briga helms or elven gloves will be still on the market (mostly for twinks and alts of existing players cos of price) but D-grade market will be still present. Crystals will not be needed only for shots anymore so even low D drops can be usefull for crystalization/selling to others which will crystalize it. Ofc some adjustment to that set should be made (aka removing set bonuses) but i hope you get my idea... /flame_on
  5. Respect for sending very expensive stuff to you ally who lost it (on mobs death i guess) during pvp.
  6. where is that sweet spot? and for C grade craft you dont need recipe if the dwarf already learned it
  7. Just few mine hints... 1) add cloaks. Their stat boost are not that big to create some unabalance (2k CP boost from any other castle is better imo) and well... you should have some nice reward for Aden castle 2) CP pots... my opinion is no - simply i dont like that feature much (if you implement it i bet lot of ppl will just use autoclickers which are hard to detect and ruin the pvp)... CP elixirs is different story, if it would have 5 min cooldown as earlier it could be very nice addition to game. It can save your ass when you are unexpectedly ganked and start pvp with some extra CP... 3) Destro rush... no, no, NO please. Destro is strong even now, also he recieves very tasty skills in 3rd class... Rush will make him prety much op. People are complaining atm that he cant catch anything but its not exactly true. His skills boost speed as well and if he catch something its prety much dead in 2 secs. Meanwhile he is working as meatshield for party and soaking shitload of damage - thats his main role imo. You really should reconsider that. 3) about +5 DYE cap... this is the feature i am confused most about. At first i hated +12 dye system on classic but after few months i dealt with it. Honestly its not that bad when everybody can use it. But now when i though about it i can see more negative impacts than positive (in my opinion). Here is why: At first, the biggest winners of implementation of this will be mages (nuekrs). They can simply go +4 wit, +4 int and +4 con. With their new pasive skill (since lvl 40) their m.crit rate and cast speed will be very similar (if not same) as with +12wit nowdays but in addition they will hit harder and survive longer. It doesnt nerf them in any way, i guess its boosting them. Fighters are somewhere in the middle. They still could go some combination of +str/+con without loosing too much (dex even after boost will be most useless stat for them unless it will affect speed as well) but still they have to sacrifice something they can use in pve for example. The classes which gonna be nerfed most by +5 dyes cap will be healers (i wonder why nobody mentioned that yet). Meanwhile mages will be as good as now and fighters will not loose much of their capabilities (and with new skills with p.def debuffs, fears etc) they will deal +- same DPS as now, but healers gona loose lot of their cast speed (speed of healing) in exchange for almost nothing. They are not gona recieve same passive as nukers (according to patchnotes). So basically SE in terms of healing will became completelly useless (pre-40 battle heal in late game is just joke), so they can only recharge and stigma (i doubt short time with long cd enlightment will be that useful). EE has some advantage of more basic cast. speed and can use vitalize which is still somehow fast even with +5 wit but its cooldown is kinda long (you jsut cant heal focused target effectively with that) . We will see what Blessing of Eva will do in terms of cooldown etc... Bishop still can use GBH and lot of new skills so he will not be nerfed that much... Overall i am really confused about this feature, I gues time will tell if i am right or wrong... Please note these are only my pesonal opinions, if somebody see it differently just let me know if i miss something or where i am wrong. GL HF
  8. Lawl dat nostalgy! But on the other hand, lot of good people from that videos are already gon tho...
  9. Shame on you! Bullying 40 lvl players is not good advertisment for newcomers...
  10. ​why? we are actively recruiting ​Chill dude, Fat is just kidding
  11. WTB Knight´s shield. I know its just shitty mid-C but whatever, Lineage is (and always was) fashion game and I just NEED this. I can offer for trade Doom shield (top B), some others C shields (even top C - FP), adena and virginity of my daughter. Contact me here please.
  12. ​ ... we both know this is bullshit mate...
  13. ​občas by taky nebylo od věci odpovědět na PMka nebo nebejt 90% času v offline trade.. pak by nabírání lidí bylo pro tebe jednodušší
  14. ​contact water and tell him to cum back i miss playing with him ​Water has permaban. Sadly. ​What'd he do? Check PM
  15. ​contact water and tell him to cum back i miss playing with him ​Water has permaban. Sadly.
  16. Kure

    WTB/WTT list

    Hi all, WTB/WTT BW light set PL set SB spirit sharing SB summon nightshade contact me here in topic or PM. thank you
  17. ​tbh atm destro is useless... he has nothing to offer in any pt setup... some kind of boost should help this class (similar liek you did with summoners).. think about it
  18. Buttman, is that your alterego? Refusing pvp until "some magical point of lvl", crying about POB with nonsense arguments (like counting farming it in 2 ppl when you have 30 ppl in clan lol) LOL.
  19. ​Well, idk how to respond for this... Did you read the first post or you jsut vomit random stream of words here? Nobody is claiming that we are better pvp players. We know they are better, becouse we see that on daily schedule ingame meanwhile you obviusly just waiting for videos on forum and acting like profi smartass. But you know a shit about background behind that. The problem is that they are crushing us becouse on their (resp. European) prime time is not playing enough ppl anymore. Not a single CP is online (on that time) on our side so our parties are usually jsut mix of everyone and everything (in that time 20 ppl online aproximately on our side) with language barrier. That was the reason i created this topic. To find some people willing to fight them in european time. Im not crying that they are killing us, im trying to find solution... thats all. You jsut cant expect to create 2 random parties in ally (usually with some missing supports, mainly healers) and go fight 10 lvl higher CP with fcking good coordination. And i will tell you secret. On Classic chronicle is controling your enemies way more easy even if they outnumber you if you have higher lvl. So pvp usualy looks like half ppl sleeping, 75% mages with silence, another part of ppl permastuned... meanwhile debuffs landrate from lower lvl side is like 1%. This is not interlude. And if we sometiems succeed, Perk jsut call more ppl and crush us... simple as that But you would already know that if you participated to some pvp on this server someday. Again, Im not complaining on that.. I m trying to find some more ppl so we can TRY create decent oposition for daily pvp (cos as i said, we dont have ppl online in most crucial time), not only on siege. And i will repat it again. Nonfactors was never mentioned as one of the main sides of server. We were never top, never pro etc. But the situation on the server jsut crystalized to this status now... about the rest... well, BizQQ pt is not that pvp active like for example Fanaxx pt, but they jsut dont fraps that often so person like you have absolutely no idea about that. And again, idk the reason why talk about CS on this thread... We know exactly what hapened on siege, we know EXACTLY what went wrong, where was the main mistake. We had a plan, that plan failed, thats all. No need to discussing it with some random guys. We dont need any advice from you, thanks. Its nice that you defend SM, mby they will thank you for that. But I can assure you, i was same pissed like them when CS was over. Cos castle didnt lose onyl SM, but whole ally. And it hurts... And noone force them to be inside LastHope ally, also idk how is possible that they WERE (according to you) good pvp players but somehow now they are not? you are telling me that we have that bad influence on them? even if we see each other ingame very rarely? cmon.. ​Im sorry, when was it? Im afraid i wasnt even on this server at that time. And perk now are above them ofc, cos 90% of them quit probably.. or are jsut invissible. ​just in short for you cos im afraid your brain capacity is not capable of understanding longer texts... "abaut CP... yes its 2016 and CP system was 5+ years ago, so i dont know why this system is new for you" . New for me ? Yes, i returned to L2 after long time. but im not crying, im just not used to it (and msot of players of our side the same/similar) "i dont know to now, what is your proposition to Perkunas clan ?" Did you see some request for your ally in topic? I dont think so, so i dont give a single shit what will you do ... this topic was mentioned as "recruitment" for europeans who is not afraid of stronger enemy etc.. see? i mtrying to regroup ppl, exactly what you suggesting...
  20. Dear Zorgzor... Please read first post again. Maybe after that you will fnally understand what is written there. And if not i wouldnt be surprised anyway. 1) where you see me complaining about siege? I do exactly oposite there. And your counts about 120-150 ppl vs 60 is funny. But its allright, i expect from someone with your understanding skills and bulletproof gramar also poor skills in Math. So no surprise here. We had cca 90 ppl in CC this siege (10 not full parties at CC (around 83ppl) + one pt out of CC.. so maybe not 90 but 92? not sure... idk where we even could gather 150 ppl lol. Also i believe you had 60 ppl. But what about your super new allies OOC? but again, this post WASNT about siege... 2) Im trying to help you too. Becouse.. how long will yo ustay here after all your enemies (from prime) will left server? Its not sci-fi, its already happening. and about the rest... well im not in the mood to compare our e-pennises who is bigger macho in pvp etc, so i dont care what kind of trashtalk you will write next time
  21. ​I dont care about dark/light sides. Im just asking for some kind of balance of forces. Btw If you look closely, you see the light side in wickedsick (white crest, CPs Team Light, Team White...)
  22. Dear European players. I know there are still lot of you on the server. At least I hope so. I think a lot of you started more recently after fail of Innova European classic. First of all welcome to l2.classic.club. But this topic is not mentioned just as welcome message for you. Its a request. for those who are still not oriented in clan politics here, just one quick introduction. Basicly there are just 2 sides now (for a short period of time was 3-sided which was so far the best "era" for this server imho). One side is ally Wickedsick (Perkunas ...). Basicly the core of this clan/ally is Russian speaking and we all know what "Russians" are capable off in L2 Now their ranks joined also OOC (outofcontroll) ally. Which is kinda funny bcs they were die-hard enemies since the beginning of server. And according to forum topics they are still actively recruiting new CPs and players... That makes me honestly woried. Does it remind you something? Hello Comedy? Against them only force staying is our ally. The Last Hope (+ clan Vigilance which is not part of ally thanks to 3clan limit). Thing is, our ally is more like "CS" kind of ally thanks to our very different play times (various players from -4GMT to +8 GMT). WE definatelly lack of players from Europe. Seems to me that almost all European players just left, becouse they just couldnt stand the pressure of Perkunas gangs (in their prime) anymore... or just switched sides and joined them. I would go straight to the point now. We need some fresh faces. To be completely honest I am starting to be very tired. And i am not alone, lot of us (NonFactors) are. We are in the first row when shits hit the fan and we eat full load of it.. EVERY - SINGLE - FUCKING - DAY. We never asked to be the "main side" of server. But the server just crystalized that way and we were forced to accept that. Even if some ppl consider us as "noobs" I dont care. At least we are trying to fight ingame not only on forum like msot of them... At least i am glad that Perk dont PK randoms that often now... but it will probably change when they hit 75 and they will be bored again (like it was on 1.0 and 1.3). As I said, there are so few ppl playing in Perk prime willing to fight them. We are very lucky if we can create 2-3 parties in that time and in 95% its just combined parties not CPs. I think you know the result.. Slaughterhouse. And if we win sometimes.. they just call more ppl.. Thats the reason why i am creating this. We want help. We NEED help. We need everyone who plays in European evening times and is not any coward or carebear. I want people with ballz of steel. Who is willing to die, die, and die fucking again. I dont care about your level. I dont care about your class. Everything has its value. If you just started... dont worry, we can try to help you the best we can (buffs/mby some equip/OOP pulling trains...). But be carefull. Playing in this prime time is not rewarding. Its fucking painfull experience. Something like trying to put dildo in the size of hydrant to your ass. So if you have sucidal tendencies or at least self-harming tendencies, please contact me here or pm or ingame "KureciKridylka we will figure something out. We can offer you almsot nothing but pain. Bu when we succeed in something "big" i can tell you, that feeling is priceless (like for example when we conquered dion castle 2 weeks ago). See ya ingame.