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Everything posted by Kure

  1. it should be more categories (max levels) otherwise it would be like this : 1) fanaxx pt . . .(looooong time nobody) . . 2)-3) JerryZ pt, Reaver pt, BizQQuit pt You dont have to do event for that
  2. Kure


    ​re u sure? i heard u need books anyway even if u get 40lvl + all skill on transfer ​you will recieve all skills to level 41. And llife cubic is learned on 41 in ES. I know it for sure, becouse when my friend was transfering to SK, he recieved phantom cubic as well (and you need SB for it too)
  3. Kure


    I will buy benediction. Can you hold it for me until we meet ingame? Today i saved you money for life cubic by telling you that you dont need it if you are class-transfering, remember? pm "KureciKridylka ingame
  4. Thank you for all the work. Just my two hints... 1) new quests - this is some kind of joke? like kill 400 monsters and recieve 2k adena reward? really? 2) gladiator sonic move - no words for this shit.. dash for 30 seconds with cooldown 30 seconds. So lets sumarize it... nonstop dash, ranged stun+damage, very good aoe (cc and ranged), 100% p.def debuffs, insane damage from skills, TONS of HP/CP... guys, dont you wana consider adding some new skills to this sick class? glad seems to me pretty useless and very weak boost him plz! boost him more!
  5. ​Its will stop people to make that meat crowd for nothing ​no it will not
  6. Seriously, who cares about 1% on siege 2 weeks ago i lost 40% (cos second NF clan wasnt registered) and nobody gives a shit... if someone would not participate to the siege (which is no doubt best part of L2) becouse of fear of losing some little amount of % that he should play some different game... carebears..
  7. ​lv 49..... ​And what? Is it forbidden to be on CS? This bish is not my main, but my pt neded healer so i went on CS with my alt becouse we found another sws (btw CP lf for active bish/driver or sws, europen (perkunas) prime)
  8. Very good CS, i had so much fun I cant wait until the next one. Thanks all for participate, what a pitty it wasnt streamed... But honestly, were you bored from staying 1,5 hrs on the balcony and sometimes snipe someone? I would miss some action if I were on your place.. Anyway I have one small fraps too (jsut to show the atmosphere of yesterday sige for ppl who wasnt there from diferent perspective) , but it is not worth it to start the new topic, i will put it below yours (hope you dont mind). Just one note, I dont play as bish here (Im sws) so I am too far away from profi healer, thanks for understanding
  9. Kure

    So update?

    ​I can tell something from mine experience I'm working on monthly shifts/contracts. Server was opened right after I went to job. Patch 1.3 was lunched few days after I left my home some other time. Next time I'm leaving at 13th of June so be ready for update right after that date ​ +1
  10. ​NonFactors clan lvl 5 today. Just sayin...
  11. Kure

    Blame Gm's

    looks like someone emoquit... yesterday i saw someone shouting the same bullshit
  12. Kure

    Bots | OE

    cool story bro ​You can trust me or not, i have no motivation to lie you about some random guy i sometimes chatt with.. but if you that hard desire for wasting of admins time to check some lucky guy instead of working on serious stuff (bugs, update) they will (maybe) hear your prays for peace in your mind. But in this case as far as i know its only luck and skill in trade, nothing more.
  13. Kure

    Bots | OE

    its not in 2 days lol, i remeber chatting with him like some 2-3 weeks ago when he already had +13 and +12... then one week after he had both +15 and i was encouraging him to enchant more... he also showed me lot of crystals and told about lot of broken wep in meantime.. and the third wep he bought, not enchanted...
  14. ​Your prime doesnt suit ours anyway, but thank you for offer.
  15. Kure

    Bots | OE

    Envy! Envy everywhere!
  16. Kure

    Bots | OE

    Lol, are you kidding me? If you try to someday just not to be only envyous bitches and think about it, you will see that it is possible. I know this guy, he almsot didnt left city for past month. He was jsut buying stuff/oe/selling crystals and more enchanted stuff for higher prices etc. And somehow he managed to oe 2 wep for +16, hes just lucky. I feel sorry for you guys if you see only hacking or exploiting behind usual luck and some skill in trading...
  17. Kure

    Team White [PvP]

    Actually pretty nice vid (except music - but thats only about personal preferences), some good pvp. So that makes me wonder and kinda sad that your CP almost never fight with us. 9/10 times jsut pr/bsoe/relog even if you are (according to this vid) more than capable of some good fight. Hope time will change, see ya on battlefield
  18. that lightning strike is really sick ...
  19. Kure

    Movie by 4G (3G)

    Ofc its not your problem, but there is absolutely no reason to make movie of such crappy fights and handless BD, you can keep it for yourself. Make movie where you fight equals and ppl will be all hapy with nice comments here, pretty sure about that. ​Problem is that they cannot fight equals...almost no enemies are at levels of RED pt (this one) or Reavers pt. And if some of their enemy is in similar lvl range, they just dont play in same time so they meet max on siege. And its hard to catch up their lvl when you play in their prime its like 70% of time ingame PVP and rest farm (with often enemy rushes )
  20. Kure

    PvP Event

    ​LOL, no please. Want pvp? Go outside city, there is more than enough pvp (i dont count only wickedsick but also with other clans for farm spots etc)
  21. Kure

    PR suggestion

    Cmon you are skill-oneshoting players (mages) even now, you really want oneshoting (without much effort just few times use POS) heavy armor users too?
  22. Kure

    Hi everyone!

    ​I did. /on an alt toon in nonfactors but whatever
  23. ​Yeah Im usually spaming all these four skills...hydro blast was just an example besides u get a small gap on CD between hydros when u have 1.6k+ casting speed. An yeah SpS are like snipers with awp..u gotta play it like that ​wtf necro have best AOE in game. (for pve) ​They have highest power on AoE skill. However he cant spam it non stop like for example SpS or Sorc - u go - splash, frost wall + (aura flash) which gives u huge dps. ​The OP thing on necro´s aoe is not power but no mob limit. So in bigger trains they have more DPS imo
  24. Kure

    EAC Spoil

    ​Jacky is not correct i think. Hes right that you cant spoil EAx and EWx on classic official. But here admins added this possibility becouse they refused to add enchants to shops (thanks). They add it on some mobs and posted on forum.. try to look somewhere to 1.3 patch notes or similar topics, you will eventually find it