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Everything posted by Kure

  1. 2) It is up to bishop as well, mostly decision on skills/their timing etc. Basicly if you have to use GBH even once in pve means something went wrong. But i got your point, im looking forward to 2.0 as well eventho with my playtime i will get that nice skills somewhere around next summer (ohh and btw WTT 80 lvl skill with EE ) 3) not really. Idk exact mp regen of that dagger but for leech between trains every mp/sec counts i guess.. but its not priority ofc... and about that heal power.. well i would choose it over cast speed in pve like 95% of time so... everyone has its own priorities i guess. I just wanted to denny @kktnxbye claiming about low-cost support char equip. 4) my experience tells different storry. I guess your pov is too archer-centric where you should burst at least one PR before fight even start... but in most cases situation is very different for me (for example today we had two encounters, first time i died twice (aka first and only target of Dreffmart - stunlock-crit TSS - ggwp ) , second just once (and it was only death of us, stiba got luck on DS crit... ffs i am a bit unlucky i guess or skillcritchance is too high? )... or mby i just suck in positioning (thats also possibility but for example dreft ran straight to me since beginning meanwhile he met half of pt unnoticed during his rush so idk)... but i would liek to see noblesse-kind buff scrolls, pvps should be much more interresting after that
  2. Did you play here on 1.0? Even exping with shots was luxury...
  3. Pretty much well said and i agree, but about that bold part.. there are situations when it is very usefull to have BOA on shortcuts (but not on f1 i guess).
  4. I like when some ppl suggest to newbie stuff meanwhile they know shit about that themselves... Mate, first here is short version. DONT PLAY BISHOP. The longer version is following, aka emo crying experience and pov of one bishop; tl;dr : At this point of the game its 90% of time literally useless char. 1) exping: At this point there are two locations which requires presence of bishop. Lair of Antharras (60+) and Blazing swamp (70+). Both cases only in aoe parties. So if you go there single-targeting (archers/small mellee groups/cdl) its useless again. Raid boss parties you can skip , you have almost no buffs and heals there are with current mechanics (jsut bug minions - agro and run and the rest shoots from bow) not needed, so nobody will really invite you. All aoe locations below 60 are usually done without bishop as well - simply its not needed (usefullness of EE/SE there is much, much, much higher than bishiops). And solo? Yep, you have one nuke but only for undead monsters. Dont worry, there are plenty of undeads in all level ranges but if you go nuke with that nuke you will realize that after 2 minutes you will rest MP for another 10 minutes. Viable combo is duo with SE for that, he will buff you empower, root mobs and recharge you.... and you will jsut kill it but with windstrike (that skil lfrom level 1) not turn undead (more MP/damage ratio). I even tried melee style solo bish but meh... you are killing mobs for eternity. If you somehow choose bishop anyway you need to find CP as fast as you can. Or in some cases good clan is enough (as a good clan i mean they invite you to parties even isntead of their more usefull (read it as SE/EE) box) even in low levels. If you deal with all this stuff another problems will appear... 2) playstyle: @MoDoy is particulary right, bishops havent reached their full potential yet. But that doesnt mean they are easy to play (read it easy to play good).. The main problem is MP. The second biggest problem is MP and third MP as well. There are few tricks how to manage that pain, i guess every bishop discover some of them by himself. If you are not carefull you burn your MP literally in seconds (it doesnt matter if pve or pvp) and after that you (and your party) are doomed. Also, lot of peoples philosphy is simple "Always blame supports" so if something goes wrong, you are one of the first persons to blame Next, life of bishop could be tricky sometimes, you can basicly leech for long minutes but it suddenly appear some yummy situation like tank stuned, 2 ppl paralyzed, 3 ppl sleeping, one afk, two dieing and you have sooo little time to make crucial decisions what to do first, second etc... 3) equip: I dont agree bishop is low-cost char. True is you dont need ++++ weapon necessarry but what other ppl invest to oe weapon, you should invest into armors/jewells. Im starting to have nightmares about 2.0, at that point you will need 4 weapons (which 2 of them should be best possible). So lets sumarize that: +++ jewels (okay, same for all), 2 armor sets (light/robe) (best enchant possible ofc), 2 shitty weapons (MP regen and run speed runes), 2 good weapons (healing power, cast speed runes). As a cherry on top of the cake with all this shit in inventory you dont have much space in inventory cos of weight penalty so every death brings huge risk of droping items. GGWP 4) bishops destiny: get ready when you log you will recieve many pms like "come to ress me to xxx pls" meanwhile sometimes they even forget to tell you that enemies are there (so in the end this adventure will cost you some % as well )... In pvp you are one of the first targets so you die even 2,3 times before gvg is resulted... Meanwhile in pve if you are lucky you are second one to die (after tank), if not - first one to die (damn, healing causing soo much agro) and ress you will recieve is shitty compared the ress you give your party mates Dont get me wrong, i like playing bishop but its definately not for everyone, you have to be carefull about that. Oh and also im not claiming to be some pro so you can expect some flamers will tear this apaprt but w/e. I would realyl suggest you SE/EE if you want play active healing-kind of support. Maybe more SE thanks to its versatility (even soloing is not a bigh problem and it doesnt matter if mage/melee). Good luck ingame whatever you choose.
  5. Get off your dirty hands out of our wet Cipka!
  6. I see Schizo name there... in case your old pal Schizo was from Brasil, you should be able to reach him here (just contact anyone from blood brothers CP)... I remember him wery well from 1.0 / 1.3 here, but after im not sure if he quit or just rerolled to some other char... anyway good luck
  7. This time we had around 232-234 maybe.. im not sure exactly. But not even once we met force vs force if im correct. Sieges became just chess match between soil and bizz. Only about fast regrouping and porting, pure pvp was in minority sadly... There are plenty of reasons behind that, be it classic game mechanics or custom stuff implemented here... All this combined make even arranging true "force vs force" almost pointless so sieges nowdays looks like this. If you want to succeed here you jsut have to throw more bodies at right moment to right castle. Overall I see perk side be a bit better in cooperating so it somehow equallize true battle potential between sides and distribution of castles (2 vs 3) pretty much correspond with true distribution of power on server. It should be also mentioned that we were a bit lucky as well, at one point (half hour before end of siege?) we were holding just Giran. Overall i didnt enjoyed last few sieges much to be completely honest.
  8. I find this Korean RNG offensive... As a bish i was aiming for this cert, cos when i die i am ressed usually just with SE/CH or if im lucky by EE... In pve i die as second target (after tank) and in pvp.. well we all know destiny of bishops (i guess Tereza can tell lot of stories about that)... then rest pt has luxury of bish ress... so i was buying /droping hearts and trading.. i got just loooots of (for me) useless buffscrolls and 20 POB... Then i see clannies shifting multiple of these boxes... Its not fair //stop_cry I would like to see them tradable but its something i can live without. Overall we play like that since beggining so no big reason to change it now.
  9. ​edited Kure, thx for poiting it out ​There is nothing i wouldnt do for my enemies
  10. ​I dont want to be rude but... Is even possible to fit in you requirements? prime 15 hours and still work/study? Or is it missclick (not 7:00 but 7:00pm ->19:00)?
  11. Maybe someone already wrote it here, im not sure (if yes, feel free to delete this) but here you can find "3in1" second class change quests... Designed for most adena/time efficiency. Automatic google translate in Chrome works fine for me. English 3in1 guides: Spellsinger: https://www.skryer.com/forum/showthread.php?t=411 Warlock: http://l2vault.ign.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=435 Warsmith: http://l2vault.ign.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=30 Russian 3in1 guides: Use google translator if needed: http://translate.google.com/#ru|en| Dark Avenger: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_dark_avenger Paladin: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_paladin Warlord: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_warlord Gladiator: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_gladiator Treasure Hunter: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_treasure_hunter Hawkeye: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_hawkeye Sorserer/ss: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_sorcerer Necromancer: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_necromancer Warlock: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_warlock Bishop: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_bishop Prophet: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=human_prophet Temple Knight: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=elf_temple_knight Swordsinger: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=elf_swordsinger Plains Walker: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=elf_plainswalker Silver Ranger: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=elf_silver_ranger Elemental Summoner: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=elf_elemental_summoner Spellsinger: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=elf_spellsinger Elven Elder: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=elf_elder Shillien Knight: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=darkelf_shillien_knight Bladedancer: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=darkelf_bladedancer Abyss Walker: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=darkelf_abyss_walker Phantom Ranger: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=darkelf_phantom_ranger Phantom Summoner: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=darkelf_phantom_summoner Spellhowler: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=darkelf_spellhowler Shillien Elder: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=darkelf_shillien_elder Destroyer: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=orc_destroyer Tyrant: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=orc_tyrant Overlord: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=orc_overlord Warcryer: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=orc_warcryer Bounty Hunter: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=dwarf_bounty_hunter Warsmith: http://www.l2dc.ru/l2races/?t=quest&class=dwarf_warsmith
  12. ​Next time you infiltrate my TS and CC on siege think again. I heard the vietnamese chief in soulmate is not a bad human at all. I gave you infinitywl ( char that i used to level) just because i knew the guy will have nice game time there. Don't blame hemera/cloudy or even me, this is result of your leader's actions. So don't come here tell me my move was dirty. ​ ​Alright so, you got a rat in your alliance. "What to do? Let's DDOS their TS and steal few items from them" This is a good tactic for an ally leader good job man Name your self dirty liar Why you always try to flame people without any clue? ​I don't see any proof that soil was in your ally/ts,just accusations. I can only assume u had your own rat and he gave u info. P.S. That was my non-proof accusation!! You can recruit me now. ​I'm not in my sharpest mind today, dont challenge me to show you proofs. As a hint it includes degrees both long and lat. FORUM EXPLODED =) ​so some Greek was in your TS?
  13. ​I have hours of frapses of Bish/SWS/EE POV (sentenced to play supports forever i guess )... but I think its not worth the effort put it here for several reasons... 1) I play in lower detail mode with bit adjusted terain/npc range thanks to my 10 years old crappy laptop 2) Im not familiar with any editing programs 3) Im not "pro" so that means im doing some big mistakes which leads to point 4) 4) I have no desire to read some useless trashtalks from well known forum warriors here (put some random name behind this)
  14. This is soo pathetic and salty topic, i cant even believe it has 200+ replies lol. The funny thing is that if the FC was official-like since the beggining nobody will cry here (or at least not that much). Its just the way how braindead koreans designed and implemented it, accept it or change chronicle - its simple as that. Why i dont see rivers of tears about banana-stun gladies anymore? Or ranged aoe stun warlords etc? Only bcs admins decided not to nerf these classic features since the beggining, so people just adapted to it. The biggest mistake in this case was the nerfing the skill at the first place. As i said, if admins let FC retail-like since the begining we can all avoid this such a drama.
  15. Kure

    OOC CP #3

    ​i found that fight to be edited, there is no way u would be in the back line with ter0 instead of being first man to rush (even in front of tanks) its like every pvp we watch is like "wth is ter0 doing so much in front? he is freaking bishop!!!" ​I m not Ter0 but Afronus but w/e. My positioning is often strange, i know that, sometimes is intended (kamikaze ftw) and sometimes im just doing stupid mistakes.(runnnig to heal/ress tank who rushed in the beginning of pvp and died/dieing i n the middle of enemies etc)... and sometimes its just technical issues like CPU freezing and playing on 0,5FPS on my 11 year old office laptop... So when im watching my frapses its like triplefacepalm all the time. Thats the reason im not uploading videos of some (in my opinion) good pvps eventho i have hours of that on HDD....I just want to avoid trashflame of some ppl here, its not worth the effort with editing etc... Ohh and btw in this situation i realized its possible to survive FC as a mage (not counting necro and soulguarded OL) even from low HP PR. The key is +CON dyes, bw light with full mastery, luck on shield defence, full song + gr.shield from PP. D4re left me with 40HP. So i dont understand that cry after fxing this skill (yeah its strong but some classes has even stronger skills).
  16. I smell another reroll to PR there.
  17. Kure

    OOC CP #3

    That pvp at limal ramp at 7:30 aprox. Not a single enemy touched me there but RIBOS sent me like 5 nukes to my face followed by FC from d4re Friendly fire at its best A.K.A. kill that mofo bishop ffs!
  18. Kure


    ​I guess that mark "Eternal Rats" has sth to do with politics on the server kindal ong time ago... AFAIK Vigi had some kind of deals with ES back in time but as a return you joined their enemies instead (UQ)... I think its simple as that, they could feel betrayed.
  19. Kure


    Soil.. Please, dont embarass yourself (and whole ally) by some conspiracy theories. Meanwhile you had some point in some aspects there (OE bullcrap), everything is killed by the form you wrote it here... nobody will take you seriously if you will continue this way... This is not how it should act ally leader. About that reloging mate... We just used your tactic in that Breka I guess becouse ​"U had more players, higher lvls, so we used higher IQ. Easy as that (Copyright: Lokiardy)" .. Obviusly we were jsut waiting for you to make some nice train of that Harpies and Bugbears and log in the middle of it and smash you to pieces. Oh Oh Oh! Sadly it showed us that this strategy still have its flaws, need to study your moves more often and more preciselly. Teach me more senpai plz . Nah, now more seriously. I dont honestly understand what you want achieve by this trashtalking. I am casual (3 hrs a day aprox), we are all casuals in our party. When we see that best CP (yep i really consider you the strongest pack atm) on server is running to us i guess its pretty normal reaction to PR (if we manage to switch windows on time cos our EE is boxed for past 1,5 months) unless we have some other ally pt nearby. About that reloging im not really sure what you mean, i experienced this just ONCE (on wednesday i guess?) in that Breka where you catched random pt with just ww, zerk and wind song on. You killed half pt and second half managed to relog there. GF, surelly worth to mention here as prototype of behave of Syndicate. But when you say "A" you should add also "B". Meanwhile your pt is smashing us and in near future always be (and also sometimes Bizz and Rizo packs) the roles usually switch when we encounter TT/CoB/Chinese or whatever else parties you (ally) have. I know we are not "top dogs" in this war, but still we can do our "job" on battlefield. Dont take this game so seriously and enjoy interresting server Love you too, see ya on battlefield. /Couldnt make PR cos im poor bish who doesnt even have BSoE so i died for 4% again P.S. Snydicate is non-existant anymore.
  20. ​mages can instant kill u as well as long as u dont have CP left if they crit, its oftens rarely than in FC case, but it also happens ​well yeah, pretty much everything can oneshoot you if they crit (all warriors, archers, daggers, nukers)... but the key element there is !! IF !! they crit. And also when you have down CP its not oneshot anymore... Please dont cut one thing out of context, the meaning of my reply there was not QQ about FC...
  21. ​HE was always sh1t archer on classic, even before FC was fixed, i honestly have no idea why ppl play that ​So can you explain me why AD, UI, Cleef and this Matrac choose it but not your elf Mr Legolas ? ​i cannot because me myself dont understand why would someone choose HE over PR or SR, 1 possibility is having 1 HE in party which will go for hero, other than that i have no idea ​Soulshots/arrows caddy *flies away*
  22. Both sides has some "point" in this argue... I agree that mages has overall much better DPS than PR with FC... but i see the "problem" for me in fact, that FC is fucking huge dmg instantly.. Me as bish has like zero chance to heal my target if its instakilled (robes except necro, rogues).... If you are fast and lucky, you can manage to keep alive for few seconds more some target hitted by mages (and give some time to you CCs to deal with him) but you cant overheal instakill. You have to accept the fact that in pvp versus archers at least one or two of your robes will die before you eliminate PR (which is quiet easy when you finally manage to target him/her)... Overall IMO lets keep FC as close to retail as possible, so lets be it in current state if its what braindead developers intorduced on offi. Too many customs lead to cancerous server and in some aspects we are already close to edge of that...