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Everything posted by Kure

  1. First of all, Chevignon is not playing here anymore (which is kinda sad, he was cool guy). Its Mizuno driving his abandoned char (all of us know that). But BizQQ... you really think that giving an example of (in your eyes) successfull leader to new player someone, who is convinced RMT trader and scammer, who was perma char/ hwidbanned? How good advertisment for server in front of new palyer is this? That someone like Mizuno is considered as good leader? Besides hes not even good leader, maybe good asslicker, thats all.
  2. Kure

    Please Clean PVP

    ​Exactly. Mizuno (aka Chevignon now) bought bilion of bress and they were leveling clan skills (thats why he add sentence "10% exp and clan wind walk" to his recruiting shout spam in giran. ​OMG You don't know even how to level up CRP but guys from your side have such huge ego, tutor how to lvlup: create clan 3lvl with 15+ members declare war to your main clan Kill twinks from twin clan with chars from main clan. profit. OMG seriously guys... Did you ever play l2 before? ​"OMG OMG OMG".... Lets be serious, I know how to farm CRP... but for someone like Mizuno (unlimited cash, dedicated unfair player) it is too complicated and boring create lv3 clan, 15 characters and killing after that... Link ​Well, considering the topic here, its about having a bunch of pvps.. from 8-1282 pvps, which would mean, we have a lvl 3 clan, 15 characters, and killing after that, So. Kure, where do you come up with this buying Brez idea? because. We wouldn't need that many kills if I did it that way. I love the educated people we have here on these forums. Think before you speak pal... But, Anyway, don't hate on me that I have unlimited money. its called work. maybe something you may not know about, of maybe you do. just with a mcdonalds salary. You lack ability to comprehend a topic that's for sure. Anyway. enjoy the thread, I'm sure i'll be famous here too. - Mizuno ​I owe you an apology for this. Now i know you are using ex-Buttmans clan BBW as your CRP farm (I knew it even before your reply here but whatever). So, I am sorry. And where did I come up with that idea? Well you obviously did that before your first ban (look at the screen I linked). Anyway thanks for enlighten me about work, but I have one (and its not in McDonald´s). And I dont think I lack ability to comprehend text here, I just pointed out the way you farmed CRP before and I assumed you did it same way again (and I was wrong and already apologized for that). Yeah, you will be famous here too. Actually you already are. I think you are the most popular person now in l2classic.club (even more famous than Reaver), enjoy that. I can tell you that i dont like you, even i hate you for what you did and what are you doing now. But I can assure you I dont want to ban you until someone show me bulletproof evidence that you really bought Chevignon character. Until then it would not be wise from admins to ban you. Banning people based only on assumptions not on evidences is the way to hell for server. I think admins know that (thanks). In dubio pro reo.
  3. ​i had it exactly same... try german proxy, the best for me right now
  4. Kure

    Please Clean PVP

    ​Exactly. Mizuno (aka Chevignon now) bought bilion of bress and they were leveling clan skills (thats why he add sentence "10% exp and clan wind walk" to his recruiting shout spam in giran. ​OMG You don't know even how to level up CRP but guys from your side have such huge ego, tutor how to lvlup: create clan 3lvl with 15+ members declare war to your main clan Kill twinks from twin clan with chars from main clan. profit. OMG seriously guys... Did you ever play l2 before? ​"OMG OMG OMG".... Lets be serious, I know how to farm CRP... but for someone like Mizuno (unlimited cash, dedicated unfair player) it is too complicated and boring create lv3 clan, 15 characters and killing after that... Link
  5. Kure

    Please Clean PVP

    ​Exactly. Mizuno (aka Chevignon now) bought bilion of bress and they were leveling clan skills (thats why he add sentence "10% exp and clan wind walk" to his recruiting shout spam in giran.
  6. ​Why would you siege without flag in the first place? It's kind of idiotic. ​im not sure, but i think if you have castle you cant register to attack another one (so you cant flag, you loose % etc...)
  7. ​150? pls stop using drugs... we had like 92 ppl in CC... and remember 1 month ago, when you took Giran... we were rushing you in like 35 ppl, did you see any cry about "zerg" from our side? Calm down pls
  8. ​IMO its not about pc but about missing asian proxy...
  9. yeah, that death 20s to sign was epic i was really mad im glad we still managed to capture it on time, gza again
  10. Kure

    Please Clean PVP

    that statistic overall is rly strange... lot of buffboxes which delevel spoils there...
  11. ​you probably understood me wrong (or i jsut wrote it wrong)... i ALWAYS prefer alive support no matter what (sometimes i level up with you too ) ... i was jsut giving example that SE can be "boxed" in most of party setups but EE only hardly (but in general i dont like boxing too, i play support class also so i know that pain )...
  12. My opinion... make teleportation still possible. You are comparing it with older chronicles.. well, in older chronicles was still avaialble faster regrouping thanks to summoners (later thanks to gate chant), SOE to exact towns was available for dimensional diamonds... so if you block teleportation, CS will became almost boring... on the other hand, if you block it, teleport to giran is still possible in 1 minute from anywhere in the world map, to dion about 2 minutes, so for these two castles nothing changes... P.S. im enemy of perk/ws
  13. For every party is EE must. Far more important than SE (which can be boxed unless its melee pt). Not only for party recall. With better casting than SE his heals are close to bishops (vitalize ftw!), another ress with high % returns is also nice, faster recharge of bish/ol during pvp than SE... IMO EE is far better for pt than SE if we talk about pvp. Besides EE buffs are very usefull too (shield buffs, CLARITY!, resist shock...)
  14. Actualyl they can still play... in 2 days you can be 45.... then hit AC/FOR and PK everytime you are in the mood for 1 hour max (high lvl ppl come there to hunt you and you have to relog)
  15. ​No SA in 1.5. SA in 2.0 ​SA acumen + 12 wit seems legit. ​with SAs should come into play also nerf in WIT stat... so not that much will change
  16. +2 (and i am even from europe)
  17. ​now you will need any random melee DD with you and you will exp fast.. you give him mght lvl1, focus, guidance, dw... phantom cubic from both of you, debuff from nightshade on mob (+agro) and mob will die really fast... dont need any more support
  18. ​+ as i mentioned in another topic already, when 1.5 (new locations) will come, he can be part of small random parties and be there very useful as a tank/heal/buff/semi-decent DD... until now PS was almsot useless, this change bring him lot more posibilities
  19. ​each character who has premium can log +1 char... if that loged char has premium too, you can log another etc... so yes, if your chars will have premium, you can log them
  20. ​ER and NF fight agains each other too, not only agains perk just for info for Flear, COL is not any "game breaker" or unbalancing shit.. and auction is only items acquired by players who want to sell it for real money LEGALLY. Definetly not summoned ++ items from admins etc, dont worry. You can do bussines in auction as you want but when you want withdraw your funds from auction it has 50% tax. Nice income for the server imo, not a bad thing overall. Definatelly better than selling/buying stuff in ilegal sites...
  21. ​Feel free to check "media" section o nthis forum, some good videos are there. But its never that good as ingame itself... Join us, level up yourself and experience pvp here together with us!
  22. ​ ​Changed on test server already ​Nice to read it, good job! Dont get me wrong, i didnt know that.. i just used this former "long term bug" as example that nothing is perfect He wanted the truth, not fairytales...
  23. ​First of all, hello and welocme to the server (if you decide to start here). 1) I dont know the current number but I can tell you enough. all 45+ spots are almost constantly taken and you see a lot of pvp for spots, not only war related pvp. We will see how big influence will have soon update to 1.5 (lot of new zones - IMO will drag lot of new players but thanks to it server will look more empty maybe? idk ) 2) About mass pvp... right now server is 3-sided. there are 3 allies which fight each other. One (the smallest one - Wickedsick) is the only one so far who succeed to take castle (Giran) and is the "best" in terms of levels and gear etc... Other two aliances are somehow equall. But there is lot of pvp between these 3 sides, dont worry, actually i enjoy it far more than before when it was only 2 sided. About size of mass pvp... well i dont know the exact numbers but thanks to classic features one ally is limited to 120 ppl (3x40). On one siege i remember we had like 190 ppl in CC or something liek that. It was jsut brutal zerg agains wickedsick to prevent them take the castle. On last siege we had in CC around 77 ppl (+ maybe some random guys outside CC not sure), wickedsick had like 60ppl, around 70 maybe had OOC ally... not exactly 300 ppl but it was fun enough mass pvp... 3) definetly yes, they are banning not only botters in regualr basis but also scammers 4) yes, there are some bugs,( even the big ones IMO (like lightning strike from SK 100% land rate no matter what even on bosses) -- fixed already ). But the admin staff here is the best i have ever seen in my l2 career. They really work hard in fixing stuff, they are very comunicative on forum or even on skype if yo uhave some issues... big thumbs up from me! But if you want to start play here you have to remember it is not completely official, there are some "custom features" - in most of time for good imo. I will give yo usome examples. PK scrolls work only in floran village (with 0 karma) and soon should be replaced by sin eater Q, a little boost for summoner classes on upcoming 1.5 (not waiting to 2.0 to make this class playable), no castle coins (so not that big unbalance imo)... taking the castle is hard here, the guards hit like truck (oneshot robes, 4 shots tanks). 5) Well you have to decide it for yourself. Economy seems to me pretty balanced. About that mass pvp... not sure if we ever had 300 ppl on same battlefield but 200+ is real enough (a lot of ppl still leveling, gearing and dont want to participate on sieges yet).. But overall... here is not one big MadPro... as i said, server is currently 3-sided and i am really enjoying faar more it since we created the third side last week I mean, yes, wickedsick is good, probably best, but not invincible.. hope you guys would join us, see ya in game
  24. yes, some problems with european proxy (sadly the most stabile one) .. hope admins are working on it, with delay like i had yestarday its almsot unplayable (for tank in mean of aoe)