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Everything posted by Kure

  1. First of all, GZ Perkunas (or wickedsick + friends) for capturing a castle (see Reaver, was that complains about guards necessarry if you were able to capture it in like 1 hour? ). I dont understand why so many ppl complain here about shitty things... Server is dying? Becouse of what? Due to first clan capturing the castle? Hell no. That was totally deserved - no doubt about it. They made an ally, they were all focusing on one goal like one men and captured it without many troubles. Thats the way you should do it. Now they will have big advantage with nice adena income, gz again. What makes me wonder... if so many ppl complains about what happened, WHY THE FUCK YOU DID NOTHING AGAINS IT?! Non Factors made an "recruiting topic" here in forum, looking for voluntiers. They made it a little bit offensive way but whatever, its just war in game. After the absolute fail of OOC ally they are the only one clan who actually fighting WS (or at least they are trying to). Where were the rest people? SIN created at least one pt (better than nothing), ER joined fight after capturing castle (lol), pride didnt come at all (except ochoba and nevu if i am correct). I dont mention Syndicate, that clan is almsot non existent these days (yep i am on of them ). Every former "enemy" of wickedsick just hide in the hole and didnt even left the city, created new clans and just keep complaining on Perk how they rolling out the server. The saddest thing, one of the highest leveled and geared players just created another new clan and keep boasting about awesome diplomacy and high skill of leadership of their CL combined with billion topics about how unfait is to obtain 15k POB for ally - until then they will never fight back WS... This is absolute bullshit, you dont need formal ally to lead bunch of ppl to common goal. I really dont understand what were the people afraid of. You dont loose XP on CS here (except me of course, second NF clan wasnt signed so i lost at least 30% but whatever ). All of you were jsut hiding and let the nonfactors going on suicide missions where they were unquestionably outgeared, outnumbered and heavily outleveled (average NF level was like 58+-). The capturing the castle was not fault of NF, but the rest of ppl who are still complaining. Actually i am glad for Wickedsick beeing here. It gives some motivation to players to defeat them. They are the engine of this server not the plague like some ppl thinks. Even they are maybe a liitle egocentric and the BSOEing and PRing sometimes make me angry. They just keep pushing others forward despite the fact what majority palyers keep telling. And what will hapen now? Nothing special. I seriously doubt anyone in near future will be able to steal castle from perk (especially if you can buy upgrades for walls and for guards who are OP even now ). And if wickedsick will be able to capture one castle every CS? If they are that strong, then why the fck not? Want to stop them? Okay - just move your ass out of the city and fight them (and enjoy some fun!!). Otherwise you have NO RIGHT to complain if they capture other castles also. But I know one thing for sure. I will keep fighting and not hide to some "neutral" clan or whatever. Its just a game, dont take it toooo seriously.... //sorry for the length
  2. ​Isnt Toi a good melee Spot in your opinion ? TOI? ​Another place which will be ocupied and unaccesable during wickedsick prime At least we will have enough pvp fun instead of boring farming ​Tower of Insolence. ​I know what is TOI... and i know its easy "closable"
  3. ​Isnt Toi a good melee Spot in your opinion ? TOI? ​Another place which will be ocupied and unaccesable during wickedsick prime At least we will have enough pvp fun instead of boring farming
  4. You guys forgot about another important thing. Bcs this is low rate (i mean real low rate not H5 server where you are in 2 weeks 80+ even on 3x rates like here) so ppl spend lot of time farming in D (i know it is possible to rush it in one week or so but not for majority palyers) and loooot of time in C grade. So ppl are trying overenchant very often (you can see some crazy shit like +12++ weapons D/C. It means that lot of items will break during atempts to OE and market is flooded with crystals from it
  5. I totally disagree your idea man! Just leave COL system like it is now Buying adena from GM ... Omg ! Then after that people can ask GM to make them whatever they want ! Star war begins ! Server dies ! ​I think you dont understnad what he wanted to say... "There will be many real money traders of adena in this case and admins won't get money" - that means if COL will be untradable lot of new adenaseller bots will appear... "It's ok when ppl can buy some adena for real money and pay admins for their work." - buy COL -> sell COL in market for adena -> so in the end he bought adena indirrectly from admins LEGAL WAY So you two are on the same side, no need to be mad at him
  6. ​Hi buddy, paladins will recieve some interesting skills in classic, dont worry They will not be imo as good like SK or DA, but on 2.0 they will recieve interresting skills like party UD, then some skill to teleport the enemy into you (like reverse rush), angelic icon?, maybe TOL? im not sure but how time will go generally all tank will be boosted. But still DA will rule them all imo.
  7. Just few my notes to the topic (with cold head)... First of all, I cant really blame some ppl to use blessedsoe when they face glad 1v1. Its almost impossible to defeat him for most classes imo if his stuns are landing (even when 1/2 lands with that sick cooldown)... Hellhound is blamin ppl here mostly from wickedsick that they use it the most often. Of course, cos thats our main enemy so he ganging them the most often and see it. And the fact that they use it is mainly bcs of all of their clans (even some pet clan maybe?) has their own CH so no problem for them to buy bsoe. If i compare it to former OOC ally, only eternal rage had their CH. I am 100% sure that if more ppl from this side has easy acces to bsoe, they will use it commonly too. For example i would use it too in some specific situations (like when i am pulling train and enemy pt show up and trying to stun me) but definately not in normal pvp (but thats up to player). Zorgzor mentioned here something about cry of 43+ been killed by 55+ in 50+ location. Yeah thats his problem. But something different is hunting high lvl ppl in low lvl locations. I can understand that clan war is not level war but some dignity should exist but it is off topic here... Back to topic, rising prices will solve NOTHING. Even if it would be 1kk it is almost nothing with current economic. So this sugestion is almost useless, sorry.
  8. obvius atempt to scam imo (according to video)
  9. If that would be implemented first thing i would do is to reset all levels of agression on my sws This way i would not be considered as a "tank" and ppl would stop to abuse me like on of the "panzer classes". God I hate tanking... Okay i was just kidding. You can reset ALL of your skills even now. It cost 40€ if you need it. Just switch your class twice and you will recieve all skills to lvl 40 and rest only SP.
  10. Kure


    ​You are basicly right but that doesnt mean that admins shouldnt check / fix bugs connected to this class.
  11. ​Sorry, my fault, thanks for correction. but what about the mats to craft 2 sls? i think its definately more than for one B wep... I cant see reason to complain about this...
  12. Maybe there are less PRs becouse they lack the only archer AOE skill (which actually kinda sucks but sometimes they can be invited to aoe pt thanks to it)?
  13. I am not sure but I think you need both - DCS and 490 SOPs. So i cant see reason to complain over this.
  14. Kure

    Archer ?

    ​Hello and welcome, good decision to chose this server ​As someone mentioned, there is no OP party or classes (maybe just glad and necro OP IMO but whatever ). Archer CP is very good in pvp but pve not that much (cos they have limited posibilities for aoe compared to mage CP for example). Yes there are some high lvl Archer CPs... for example Reaver´s CP is probably the best. It depends on your personal preferences. From archers i like mostly HE (bcs of lot of HP/CP), but there are no big diferences betwen them i believe.
  15. Kure

    SA - Question

    ​i really dont see reason why enchanted weapons should lose enchants? is this some classic feature?
  16. Actually i really think that after this update the biggest boost (compared to situation now) would be for PS... then ES and warlock became the "third" (but still with big boost)...
  17. Kure

    restart time

    ​lot of peaople plays at that time (mostly south americans)... meanwhile at 11 AM south americans sleeping and majority of europeans are at work, so online in that time is i think the lowest. Only maybe Asians are affected (Soulmate?) but cmon, its just 30 minute break... ​Who cares? Server is European. ​Admin staff care. And it is a good thing. I believe they have good reason to run maintenance at that time so you have two options. Deal with it or leave the server. Simple as that.
  18. Kure

    restart time

    ​lot of peaople plays at that time (mostly south americans)... meanwhile at 11 AM south americans sleeping and majority of europeans are at work, so online in that time is i think the lowest. Only maybe Asians are affected (Soulmate?) but cmon, its just 30 minute break...
  19. ​Don't forget you can just spam mana recharge on your pet, and have the pony recharge you. Which makes it so you never run out of mana. Resulting in a ~50 mana net gain per recharge exchange with your pony. This interaction can happen every 6 seconds. Resulting in 500 free mana every minute. Every 20 minutes you get the 2 minute Seraphim pony buff which will more than cover the cost of switching summons / cubics every 15-20minutes. ​actually you dont need to recharge pony... you can just summon new one with full mp... you have your investment back after killing one mob and you save alot of time by that
  20. ​it will be good for you too... finally you will have some organized competition (but it will take some time of course)
  21. I was checking some stuff on some free server (i will not name it, dont worry). It is H5 chronicle there, so results might be a little different but.., You (as PS) have open new good posibilities. I was able to even SOLO aoe with nightshade and 35lvl aoe spell. I went to Ancient battleground , pulled 4-5 groups use mass curse of shade and used common tactic hit and run. Nightshade was not recieving lot of damage cos i was still on the move. I had valhalla +0 (acu) and DC set (i know, A grade set but with no dyes)... buffs only self / lvl1 potions. I lost like 1/3 MP, thats true.. but MP issues might not be that big with lvl 1 BTM/HP potions. But thats not the point what i want to say you can tank some smaller parties (in LOA you still need tank) but when you will have enough lvl to be able mass debuff mobs in loa you can join any aoe pt there (more easilly than warlock and to be honest i believe more easily than ES, bcs -20% m.def is better than some mana regen). So the situation is not that bad for you imo.