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Everything posted by Kure

  1. title says it all... pm me here with offer
  2. How exactly will be warlocks allowed in aoe groups? as far as i know the crit chance/power doesnt apply to skills so their usefullness in that groups are discutable. Where did you test it? I have some idea if is it possible to PS be in the role of tank (or just mass debuffer p./m.def if there is a tank) in aoe group.. I think the best progress by this patch will be for PS, bcs now they have nothing and after that patch it will open lot of possibilities for them. ES can solo now too (true, without empower but still with infinite MP, so rest buff arent that big boost). I am glad that summoners will be boosted, you should be too. And complaining that one of the "same class" is stronger.. well, i can complain too why glad has ranged and clsoe combat stun while tyr has only close combat ("same" class too), why necro has transfer pain summon while other nukers dont.. i can continue with comparations of "simialr classes" all the they but i belive you can get my point...
  3. Kure

    Siege ?

    ​Taking from guards is not THAT hard. The hardest thing is "battle on two fronts (Germany definately know what i am talking about)" when you have to focus on guards and also enemies. I mean.. I believe if your ally have better CP setups for sieges not for PVP only (where you are definatelly fantastic no doubt!) taking castle would be piece of cake for you with your level/gear and most important thing - organization. From what i see you lack dworfies with golems and tanks. Tanks are esential in effort to take castle from guards. My opinion: let the guards be like they are now. Now it is real challenge to achieve sth... And taking castle is not the best thing on CS - its that fun on pvp, remeber that CRP farm in killing enemies was probably bug (im not sure, my clannies said that). GMs gave us (syndicate) after siege 500 CRP back (definetly more than we lost) and i believe they let your earned CRP be (so gz ). They mby fix it until next time. Another thing, seems to me that walls and doors broke to easilly compared to first siege. I think they are bugged too (can GMs check it?). ​ yeah we came at giran castle and the wall itself just crumbled at the tremors our ally made while marching towards ​i wasnt at giran but in dion crashed after one hit from golem.. it is not ok i believe ​Taking from guards is not THAT hard. The hardest thing is "battle on two fronts (Germany definately know what i am talking about)" when you have to focus on guards and also enemies. I mean.. I believe if your ally have better CP setups for sieges not for PVP only (where you are definatelly fantastic no doubt!) taking castle would be piece of cake for you with your level/gear and most important thing - organization. From what i see you lack dworfies with golems and tanks. Tanks are esential in effort to take castle from guards. My opinion: let the guards be like they are now. Now it is real challenge to achieve sth... And taking castle is not the best thing on CS - its that fun on pvp, remeber that CRP farm in killing enemies was probably bug (im not sure, my clannies said that). GMs gave us (syndicate) after siege 500 CRP back (definetly more than we lost) and i believe they let your earned CRP be (so gz ). They mby fix it until next time. Another thing, seems to me that walls and doors broke to easilly compared to first siege. I think they are bugged too (can GMs check it?). should be fine now. ​what is fine?
  4. Kure

    About Dyes

    ​Sadly, +12... Thats sick
  5. Kure

    Siege ?

    ​Taking from guards is not THAT hard. The hardest thing is "battle on two fronts (Germany definately know what i am talking about)" when you have to focus on guards and also enemies. I mean.. I believe if your ally have better CP setups for sieges not for PVP only (where you are definatelly fantastic no doubt!) taking castle would be piece of cake for you with your level/gear and most important thing - organization. From what i see you lack dworfies with golems and tanks. Tanks are esential in effort to take castle from guards. My opinion: let the guards be like they are now. Now it is real challenge to achieve sth... And taking castle is not the best thing on CS - its that fun on pvp, remeber that CRP farm in killing enemies was probably bug (im not sure, my clannies said that). GMs gave us (syndicate) after siege 500 CRP back (definetly more than we lost) and i believe they let your earned CRP be (so gz ). They mby fix it until next time. Another thing, seems to me that walls and doors broke to easilly compared to first siege. I think they are bugged too (can GMs check it?).
  6. Kure

    New summons

    ​This actually make me curious. How exactly pet movment system changed? I dont know anything about it, enlighten me please. Thank you
  7. okay, you are right probably... i though that -15 dex would change stats much more so probably i will also change my dyes on sws from -15 str to -15 dex it really takes almsot nothing...
  8. +16 str -16 con build: ​With +12 str - 15 con / pl set, I have 39 str (same as a human fighter) but I have ~946 hp with power supremacy on @ lvl 57. And ~600 patk. Its very risky with this setup, because one soul shot crit from a mob, and you're at half hp. With -16 con. You can only carry 3k shots on you without going overweight. If you do this build, you either can go back to town and receive a blessing of light every hour and restock, or you need to have a dwarf and drop shots/potions on the ground. +16 str - 15 dex - 1 con: Viable build right now. Might not be good once you get a decent amount of focus buffs. No dyes: Zuk is running this build. I don't like it. You might as well exploit the fuck out of +12 dyes while you can. Sacrifice: By the time you use sacrifice on your summon, you're already dead. I would probably never use this skill. One healing pot will be just fine to get me back up to full hp. Focus/DW/Guidance Self Buff: With the focus/guidance/dw. I really dont think its going to benefit me that much. Its the same reason why I dont have a boxed PP with me. Summons have a static 44 crit. With focus lvl 3, itd go up to ~57. It doesnt change it at all tbh. My crit rate with dual swords goes to 72->94. +22 crit rate. [+25 with spirit sharing (+3% crit rate)] My crit rate with a dagger goes to 108->140. +32 crit rate. [+36 with spirit sharing (+3% crit rate)] Curse of shade: Stacks with phantom cubic Has an agro effect. Decreases pdef/mdef of target. It will be the reason why I use nightshade over shadow. Mass Curse of shade: Its decent. Depends if a party will let you in though. You will most probably have to pull mobs though, which can be very dangerous since you're in light armor / robes. Curse of shade on a level 58 ps vs level 58 wl. [All skills learned] Warlock's Pdef/Mdef with no buffs: 454 - 562 Warlock's Pdef with hex (effect 3): 359 Warlock's ​Pdef/Mdef with curse of shade (effect 1): 429 - 533 Warlock's Pdef with hex (effect 3) and curse of shade (effect 1): 340 Curse of shade on a level 74 ps vs level 74 wl. [All skills learned]Warlock's Pdef/Mdef with no buffs: 511 - 638Warlock's Pdef with hex (effect 3): 406Warlock's ​Pdef/Mdef with curse of shade (effect 3): 465 - 585Warlock's Pdef with hex (effect 3) and curse of shade (effect 3): 371 Curse of shade/Gloom level 23 on a level 74 ps vs level 74 wl. [All skills learned] Warlock Mdef with no buffs: 638 Warlock Mdef with gloom (-23% mdef): 516 Warlock Mdef with gloom and Curse of shade (effect 3): 475 ​in some things i compeltelly agree, in some i am not. I think you are tooo sceptical. Of course Nightshade all the way (if it will really have that "new" boosted stats not that old crapy ones). I cant see reason why not -16CON... just use nightshade agro before you attack on mob and you are safe. And i dont think you will spend 3k SS in one hour with consumtion x1. Nightshade sacrifice wasnt that bad as you describe as far as i remember. I think it had same or simialr casting time as heal. But it will be slower cos no shots yet.. but for healing between mobs is good... or simulate the role of healer in small scaled party (if you have tank he has more HP than you so you will have plenty of time to sometimes heal him (talking about solo target)). If you dont have tank... well, nightshade can tank too and you will need his sacrifice very rarely. Also i am not that sceptical about his buffs. It can help you find some partner for duo exp (focus and DW are the most important buffs for melees).and focus would add more crit rate if you dont have -15 dex. As I said, IMO you see the world too pesimistic, these changes are very nice for you (nightshade OP)... ​
  9. Kure

    New summons

    ​Lol you gotta be kidding me. I dont understand why are you upset about this. You are telling that it will benefit only 10-20 real summoners on server... yeah thats maybe true, but did you ask yourself why only few people? Bcs summoners (with all the respect) sucks now. This is actually something that can make this class not enjoyable, but finally playable. Other thing, why you bring here "disbalance for constant players"? Disbalance from what? You are mad that you have to level new box? Or finding real player? or just you dont want to change party setup? If you are that mad about it then lvl up your summoner too. It will be same situation like now with prophets for example (i know personally only one active PP). Honestly I consider that CP system as a cancer which almost killed this beautiful game. CP players seems to me like slaves of this game, like living alarm clocks. Log in at exact time, log out at exact time, no socializing and making new friends in clan/or just randoms ... I can understand that CPs are usually better if you want be "successfull" (thats why wickedsick rolling out the server - they seems to me they are created onyl from CPs). Please dont get me wrong, i have no problem with you if you want to play in CP, thats your decision. But I really can´t see reason why you don ´t want small boost for classes that need it most (and in this situation are almost completely useless) and argumenting by disbalance for constants (this game was not designed for constants but for everyone). Actually i am very gratefull to admin staff for creating their own way of classic server. I am glad that they dont brainlessly follow the path from Koreans and actually trying to fix things that the original devs really fucked up (castle shop for example, PK scrolls - hope soon will be that Q instead of it as theye promised, hiting your CC in mass pvp etc)...
  10. I had similar problem. Click on that "red enter" button in top right corner (insert paragraph).. so you can get coursor in front of quote... after that you can normally push delete on keyboard and quote will disappear. After that just delete all text what left. ​
  11. ​Glad is OP even now, it will not change much when they get sonic move IMO. I just hope they add some skill someday for SWS too (now we have only one skill with low power and 15sec cooldown)... i know it is skill with silence but still.. i miss some skill like deadly strike when i pvp 1v1. My apologies to thread creator for off topic.
  12. Well, my opinion... actually nice improvment for summoners, i really like it. I ´m not playing one but after that pain they had suffered so far i wish them luck with these changes We will see how it change the game for them. Warlock will be welcomed in every archer pt (not sure about usuall fighter parties bcs everyone is doing aoe so they do dmg through skills and not general attack). If he dont find pt he can just solonuke (35 lvl spell) like nowdays with his infinite MP, maybe even better than now due to new solo locations than will come into play. But this update IMO would be gamechanger for ES. As I said everoyne is doing aoe so MP regen buff will be needed every time in every party. ES´s solo situation is similar as warlocks. Generally very good change for these two classes. But i am very curious about Phantom summoners. They will become quiet good for melee solo even without pet shots. Focus+DW+guidance from nightshade + shield+might (even lvl1 from himself) + potions, spirit sharing... So they could safely get +12STR dye and PL set all the way through B/A grade bcs of nightshade agro (and sacrifice heal if things get bad). Also they can become good option for small scaled solotarget melee pt where they can offer almost 4 roles for one slot in pt (tank, DD, " basic buffer" and healer) + best mass cubic for melees. I am looking forward to see gfBot reply to these changes honestly i am considering starting PS too, i really like that class (mainly look of his summons and dark elf female boobs). Generally 1.5 update will bring small parties finally into game and PS can actually benefit from it most of all chars IMO.
  13. Even before updates.. when adena was 1x and for death you had -10% I have did with fighter class lvl 36 in 3 days... without buffer... and I did play like 4 - 6 hours/day... so what you said is not true... now I am lvl 60, 40% and I got 558h in game. Its like 9 reall time days. BUT !!! FOR SURE do not add any NPC... ! PPL had hard times... this server should be hard and now its even easier than before and than it should be. STOP cry and play.. If you dont want play 3x, find another server. This is made for ppl who celebrate this game... its not some damn pvp server which is alive for 3 months and then die. ​In which country is 558 hours 9 real time days?
  14. Kure


    --- solved
  15. You really want to wash your dirty laundry on public? GF guys...
  16. Ring of seal +5, nassens earing +5... offer me in messages here
  17. Kure

    Mob HP too high

    Hello. I will use this topic bcs of similar problem. Seems to me that after update to 1,3 almost all monsters with 2x HP are 4x HP... I saw it when levelling new toon in elven ruins on talking island (that skeletons and dre vanuls 2xHP), and the same i see with all 2xHP monsters in abandoned camp ... Also that disgusting giand eyes just under dion. Im sorry for no writing the exact names, im not in game right now ... i can write it here later. It is not a big deal imo, i would like if you rather fix droping stuff on sieges than this, but just for info..
  18. ok guys... lf spoil for that two recipes (spoil only). offer me price!
  19. cmon guys... or wtb recipes for that two things...
  20. Hi all! I am looking for craft who can do compound helmet and necklace of seal. Text me here or PM ingame "KureciKridylka
  21. I think it will help to be able push the "bot report button" in town (peace zone)... after recieving adena sell PM just click it and admins will see it.. right now it is possible onyl outside town...
  22. I have that delay too (started about 4 days ago, after DDoS attack)... hope it will disappear after updating to 1.3... And I am not alone, some of my clannies noticed same thing (big delay which started few days ago). And i dont think problem is "on my side", befor that I ran the game smoothly...
  23. Hi, I found yesterday evening skillset of patch Saviors. I think on that version on classic it will be slightly better for BD... You will become clear glass cannon. But with new skills you will be able to deal more dmg than now.. For example skill with 2700 power with -23%p.def debuff (combination with hex is fcking sick), or "return" of medusa (can help in some situations).. On top of that berserker dance... As I said, glass cannon. https://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=fr&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.fr&sl=ko&tl=en&u=http://lineage2classic.power.plaync.com/wiki/%EC%86%8C%EB%93%9C%2B%EB%AE%A4%EC%A6%88%2B%EC%8A%A4%ED%82%AC