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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Rizos

    Dat damage

    ​ ​easy self rekt.
  2. resist shock is rly OP, lvl 4 works rly strong, just test it.
  3. Rizos

    Siege - Aden Castle

    hex has too low range for siege in 80% of situations. Str is for much more dmg with auto attack(auto attack crits do better dmg than fatal counter so if u boost em ur even stronger, if u play on custom server, u need to customize ur setup too for better good :D). Str also gives crit chance for double shot (dunno if for fc too cos its custom, but double shot seems to have better crit rate than fc with 53 str). Str also boost doubleshot/fc dmg but just a bit, and the most effective stat for pve dps, much better than dex. Gonna try to make siege movie on next siege, ull see dmg difference ;P
  4. Rizos

    Siege - Aden Castle

    ​​Yup lot of time im forgot that even click so much on buff potions P/s: did u notice that im not using any Hex plus only 1 stun in whole this siege. im quite strange how u play some parts. For example fatal counter makes same damage as crit, you could just kite and when u have lower hp then use it, but in siege nobody lets you to be low hp, thats why u just shoot in my opinion. Stun is not really needed if u assist fine Dead eye skill, when i played PR i used it only when i was fully buffed, and if i have no d/s only rapid shot. But maybe im wrong and in classic its different ​u are 100 % right. Death eye only worth with hunter song, if u have cat then its even more worth (like 12% dps boost, + burst crits) FC is sad skill rigth now for mass pvps. Not worth the mana :D. Thats sad. It has good use tho when you shoot enemy and you see him runing away into enemy zerg, u are still reloading arrow so u know u wont shoot him again cos of range but you can do this 1 last shoot using fc and mby it finnish enemy ;). Also i dont like his PR build. Its good on offi cos if u buy demon robe set you can switch 2 sets and instant low ur hp by like 30%, and + dex dye for faster FC cast so u are safer when u cast it faster. Here sadly this setup has no use because FC is too weak to make it worth. I feel much better in pl set ++(for hp boost) and +8 str, doing much better dmg with auto attack crits than fc and i dotn have to care about my hp pool or mana plus its much betetr for pve.
  5. Rizos

    Siege - Aden Castle

    Ooo pr Movie gg ! Watching 5:11 /summon monkey. We had 2 CCs 430 ppl )))))). Hwarang in 2nd cc
  6. sure bro, scrol down the cc window in screenshot and check
  7. ​you just lost the argue, why should we have 2 CC? china was included like everybody, like i said even cameras and all boxes were in CC. bro i like it))) u cant believe u fu cked u up with same number of people :DDDDD p.s. some clans could have 9 people online. Ye bro 9 online from clan.... ​Monkey : THERE WERE 375 PERKUNAS, I WONT LISTEN TO UR ARGUMENTS!!
  8. edit ur post and use this link (https://youtu.be/fCOJBNGFvec)
  9. Dunno if it was intended but you cut 1:37 min from ur movie
  10. Rizos

    Pvp siege

    Agree with progressive. Ppl so fking toxic here. Dont worry roolback watch some archer mass pvp movies, and try to make next movie. U can do only better
  11. ooo can flood? ok . JuanBsoan and Zorgzor cp the biggest bsoe masters on the server! <3 Back to the topic. Sup AD? sh**ty SR 68 and more dmg per crit/doubleshot than HE 71 with +16 bow . Time to apologize Amonia! Nice movie Placku, decent targeting skills, I thought u would jump from aden wall with that fear :O. Waiting for small scale pvp movie, they are more interesting for me and as far as i know for u too
  12. ​1. You dont know how economy. If u increase adena rate, emi and bop will become even more expensive cos adena will be easier to make and every1 will have a lot but bop and emi will still be hard to make so ppl will pay more for it. If u want emi cheaper, u need more ppl at 50 lvls or higher rate for emi full drop or higher rate/moree mobs on high lvl with sop/cbp drop/spoil, or less ppl who overenchant emi(not gonna happen especially if u increase adena rate). I wouldnt change any rates. emi ++ is endgame bow now, and bop shafts gonna drop from pytans on 2.o so its gonna become cheaper. 2. If u want enchants to be easier to get/cheaper, they would have to drop from 6x/7x mobs. if u add more spoils for 5x mobs ull just boost bots farm(its bad idea). One thing i can agree with u and i dont understand its politics is why ewb/ewc spoil is added but there is no eac/eab spoil. 99% of server eabs are from orfen thats why they are so expensive cos clans who farm orfen keep it on insane price. I made 2 chars 65+ and didnt drop even 1 ewb or eab from mob. I think its gonna change on 2.0 and more mobs would drop it but i didnt check it so its not confirmed info. 3. Agree with you about subclass. Dont make new custom craps plz. Also subclass system is one big sh1t. About dualbox i dont agree with you, i think you are just too low lvl and you have problem to find supports to exp with them, its gonna change once you hit around 60 lvl. You need cp, 90% of server playing in cps and they have their supports active and i dont see problem if some1 exp low lvl char and box support or box support to get several more % on his dd before cp time starts. The only problem i find it it, supports are less attractive than for example they were on god, so many ppl prefer to play DDs, i hope its gonna change in new chronicles, dont need to add new custom things here. 4. NO CP POts 100% agree 5. I prefer if a grades are rly hard to make like for example vesper set in gracia chronicle, they give very good stats, some of them are veen better than epics, for example mj set gives more stun resust than baium lvl 3 etc, they should be as hard to farm as epics are, but every1 gonna have his own opinion depending on their lvl, clan, and farm capabilities. 6. Keep low c in lux, dont see reasno to change anything there, keep top conly form craft/full drop, same goes for D grade, low d are in shops and top d only craft/full drop, Didnt see any info that somth is going to change in this so dunno why you say this.
  13. ​Haha, cmon now. PK level 20 lowbies? Damn! None taken, mate. Take care ​ ​ http://l2classic.club/forum/index.php?/topic/13191-now-i-know-why-we-are-bad-boys/#comment-76812
  14. Rizos

    Pvp siege

    Atleast he tries to assist (unlike modoy) but failing on it
  15. Rizos

    Pvp siege

    LOOOL 1st time seing biz flaming his ally member so hard
  16. Rizos

    Sieges Recap 04.12.2016

    Better than master of bsoe/PR
  17. Rizos

    Sieges Recap 04.12.2016

    Basically with hdd ur geting freezez while loading textures for example when many ppl just appear on your screen, or after you teleport, but once u load all textures ull have same fps as with ssd, SSD just loading it much faster, here u can see what it is about:
  18. Rizos

    Sieges Recap 04.12.2016

    Its mostly about CPU and graphic card. SSD helps for recording movies, faster loading teleport, faster loading of textures, enemies etc but not for fps. P.S. Zorgzor how many PRs on siege? 5-10? PR master cp. You wanted to be better than bsoe master juansebastian?
  19. Rizos

    Pvp siege

    Nice BW set. Gloves robe , Too bad we are no wars, i would know who to stun to mobs. 31 items inventory and good itamz to get . I wonder how its possible that im PR with -10 con and same lvl and i have more hp(in pl set, you have 5 more con) than u but 400 less cp oO P.S. Thug life on gnom. Copy cat! P.S. 2. Damn 71 archer with red bow, i expected higher dmg . Good fight :)
  20. Rizos

    Dat Modoy

    If you count friendly fire also, then yes
  21. Modoy rekt hard? Short story from our server discord (every1 invited): AND KABOOM! ONE COOL GM INFORMED MODOY, WHO HE REALLY IS! I cant stop my tears from laugh! T_T P.S. Modoy, dotn worry bro, "you are just a random, you can do whatever you want" (c) UchihaItachi P.S.2: San0 u are the best! ​
  22. Bring "zerg" card plz guys. lets talk about zerg its ur only excuse always
  23. Rizos

    HellHound VS Soil

    DanielDefo ​ someone that presses even F3 with mouse cannot be called a good players the only reason why he became who he did its becuz he had lot of money to invest and he was allways running at least 1 grade over his oponents gearwise. but there are couple of good glads out there. dunno if they play on classic tho, imo MuerteLegend strikes me as the most skilled one when it comes to skill usage, combo decision, macro usage, and decision in general. @SOiL i was using blunt on glad when it was not even cool yet!!! but 2 handed ​the point is to use 1hand for better skil cast speed + shield i gues