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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. ​Sano, NCSoft didnt forget to fck this part up aswell :D. They can still surprize after 10+ years of game. They Changed olympiad bufs so that PW could always have M def and p def self buff and it was imposible for TH to get em from npc. Now on 2.0 you can get m def and p def buff from oly npcand its not like you cant take some useful bufs and need to sacrifice smth to get these, because good dagger bufs are removed (Death whisper no longer exist on oly npc buffer gg). There is some human race fanboy in ncsoft - Necro, Glad, WL, TH - All superior to their other race counterparts especially on Classic chronicles
  2. I would say its atleast 10%+ real chance or even 40, didnt make any good test ever. Its even 5 min reuse while UE last 30s and 15 min reuse :D
  3. I support this idea and agree 100% even tho im not dagger. Just sad thing is the skill normally started on 66lvl while dash start on 20+ q_q
  4. I dont understand this change. Why would they nerf wit but give this skill instead . What did they want to achieve?
  5. My favourite event! Finally rewards adjusted a bit and we cant get normal soe or rez anymore Grats for 1 year of great work and i wish you more and more players
  6. Ok so i guess in korea there is some donation item - pendant od land dragon. You can enchant it for various bonuses like reflect dmg reduction (smth like god augments had). So here we receive big dmg from reflect because we have not these items implemented. As they wont be implemented in future(i think), you suggest to decrease reflect dmg % values on bufs and songs to balance game but keep mechanics how they work right now. Thanks for information.
  7. ​I know you use soem translator but we cant understand anything :X. What is land dragon of pendant?
  8. Rizos

    FightClub Shop.

    This San0 today, joking everywhere
  9. Divine set + ecliptic axe. You can consider Yaksa mace because its cheaper and easier to get
  10. Plz some1 put info about all prophencies cov and vop to compare them easily. PoWind was always designed to support daggers. Its actually cool for dagger now, ++ speed and crit dmg plus SE can support daggers in best way out of other support classes (STIGMA!). SE is mage/meele pack support. In mage pt he gets powater from ee anyway. PoWind for archer? I doubt any archer pt would have SE...
  11. or make it reflect 20% from normal meele hits but 10% from arrows/nukes/skills?
  12. ​If it would be possible to sell CH, some ppl would mby decide to do it. I would sell my ch if i could but no such option, would have to sell whole clan and transfer CLan Leader i guess . Right now i can just stop paying "bil" and give it away for free..
  13. 1st - ​its not a bug its how it works on classic, same as god system. it reflects not only melee attacks as it did pre god, but it also reflects damage from skill, archer skills, nukes, etc. 2nd - it has already been submited to be fixed but theres more stuff needing fix also, stuff cant just be insta fixed out of nowhere. ​Haha, sorry, misspeled i meant "buff" not "bug" Hmm.. Hard to answer about this dilema. If its not fixed mages with freezing skin re dealing even more dmg overall. Dark Avanger with Reflect Damage is still top tank, now even better. But acording to classes that have some op skills like Riposte Stance of Gladiator/Duelist bcoz this class has everything and should be nerfed... I dunno, i vote for back to old way and nerf to gladiator. Bcoz for most classes it changes nothing, there re 4 classes having this buff. Sorc, SpS, WC, DA. WC is rare, DA has it for his own, and 2 mages that re nukers, they already deal huge amount of dmg, they dont need to reflect dmg. 2nd - thanks for reply bout this. ​SpS/Sorc usually buff whole pt with this, you forgot to add SWS to class list. He has 20% reflect dmg song on 74, so you can stack up 40% reflect - now imagine killing bish with it. Considering mages always have sps or sorc to buff whole pt, meeles mostly have wc and every1 has sws, soon when ppl hit higher lvls everyone gonna run on 40% reflect. In my opinion its too overpowered and it nerfs archers the most ( Nukers can self heal when going low on hp and healers dead/stunned, and meeles have zillions of hp so they are happy to reflect zilions of dmg)
  14. Rizos

    2 in 1

    ​Agree, I would even enjoy watching video where he rek me :D. Dagger movies are the biggest fun
  15. It was called vitality system. I Wouldnt mind to add it only if there wouldnt be "vitality items" that made game pay to win
  16. Rizos

    Archer CP lf ppl

    Its wrong topic :P. This cp doesnt exist
  17. Its probably 2.0 saviors info. here on 1.5 u already get penalty for 3 lvl difference
  18. Rizos

    Project rules, 1.14

    ​how far is the too far? We need to test it to undertand what range will be too far. So after scripters will make this option and install on test server, we will try with 10k range, 20k and etc. sometimes its necessary to pull rb from spawn spot, coz there is alot of other players willing to do it. ​In my opinion RBs should be competetive, not farmed in peace by pulling to other side of map