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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. mobs lower by 3 lvl or more (3 lvl difference = green, 5 or 6 lvls = light blue) already have exp penalty. u need to kill red light red yellow or white mobs to exp without penalty. the higher lvl difference, the bigger penalty u get.
  2. dude you are 59, mobs are green for you, u have exp penalty
  3. Arcane shield doesnt make sense on sps. I think ncsoft misclicked and necro should have it
  4. Why remove tyrant rush oO. Read my previous posts Because when ncsoft added skills they missclicked. Rush had to be only for destro. Tyrant has totems for gap closer. Ok so tyrant doesnt get any skill after 76, only barier and final secret cool. Atleast ppl dont waste time to make 3rd class on him. Cool suggestion ^^ Dont forget to remove shock blast on WL cos he already has 1 ranged stun, and lethal blow on daggers, they have already deadly blow :)
  5. Ok so tyrant shouldnt get any usrful skill on 76+ only barier and final secret while other classes get op skills? Nice logic
  6. Why remove tyrant rush oO. Read my previous posts
  7. ​What i dont understand. Mages can gimp 10 men and 5 str and get +4 wit +4 int + 4 con dyes for cost of some m def and mp regen (men) and p atk(lol) Wl cant get anything useful except +5 con. And u tell me mage gets big nerf with +5 dye limit, and other classes wont get nerf. I dont think mages are geting big nerf cos they can put 3 different useful dyes
  8. Some classes are better on 1v1 other better on mass pvp. This game is not balanced for 1v1 so every class has same chance to win. Instead of 12 wit u will get +4 wit +4 int +4 con. I dont think you will be weaker, not even sure if ull loose any dps cos of new casting speed and m crit pasive. Ull have A BIT lower c speed and m crit rate (just a little bit cos of new pasive) but ull gain like 20% m atk (+4 int) and nice hp+ cp boost. What WL gets instead? he will make +5 con instead of +12? Str is not worth for him on pvp because it doesnt increase skill dmg much, and DEX doesnt give speed anymore - gg NCsoft. SO who made better trade sorc - +12 wit for +4 wit +4 int +4 con or wl +12 con for +5 con. ANswer urself... Edit.: About tyrant and rush, i dont mean exacly you, i just saw some ppl QQ about tyrant rush. i just quoted ur post cos it was 1st i noticed
  9. Why would u change skils at 1st point? U didnt get my point, By dye system every class is geting nerfed and u want to modify 1 specific class, its totally different than global dye change. About tyrant rush, what would u like to change in it? I think gladi other warriors get better skills and no1 qq: gladi gets 10s silence+root+50%dmg reduction!(its not OP right? Warlord gets next long ranged aoe stun with -30% p def m def and1 more aoe skill with high power with mass windwalk cancel and 1 more skill 1 target 3,8k power 3s reuse skill (overall 3 very weak skills right?) Tyrant gets only rush with 400 range (it doesnt dmg or stun if u didnt know, its not rush impact but rush) and 78 lvl needed to get it, and ppl cry about tyrant new skil. I dont get it
  10. ​Best way in my opinion is not to change oryginal skills cos it affect idividual classes. I vote for rush for destro cos there are many skills modified already compared to ncsoft original (like lightling strike, fatal counter). I play PR and its NERFED by 50% DMG on fatal counter compared to Gran Kain, i think its WAAAY TOO MUCH. Dye system affect every class co its global change, every class will get nerfed dps or max hp so i its fine. U cant get +12 wit but u know others cant also. But when u play nerfed char like PR and it looses its advantage compared to other archers its like if u played necro with +5 wit limit but sorc and sps could use +12. Now you want to remove rush from tyrant also while it gets rush on gran kain? ANd he wont get any new skill on 78 then while wl/glad gets cool skills?U want to create new skill on 78 to compensate rush for tyrant? So mby remove dark vortex on necro and keep water wortex on sps and fire vortex sorc? Ur suggestion doesnt make sense Thats why i dont agree with ur suggestion
  11. yes, exacly. Not hard to test somr things and remove if they are OP
  12. Rizos

    Project rules, 1.14

    Koll, you are talkong about mobs, are you planing to do such thing to all RBs, that they wouldnt get pulled too far from their spawn point, or only mobs?
  13. Modoy stop cry, nobody plays destro anyway and rush would be like on tyrant on on 78 lvl i suppose, dont you think warrior 78 sould be competetive?. Do you know any destro close to 65 even? Let them have smth to attract ppl to play them. They offer nothing special that would make ppl play them right now. They are strong if they can stun lock you but other warrior classes offer much more - ranged debufs better dps with skils, more speed, aoe stuns etc. Destro skill dmg doesnt scale well on high lvls, they dont hit hard with stun on 75s+, these skills were always strong on low lvls and then were loosing on dmg compared to daggers/mages/archers and i bet u know it. Destro 40 can mby kill some1 in 5-10s if lucky enough to stun, but on 74 u gonna laugh with resist shock 4 that they cant even reach you and once they reach u they take u down 25% cp and dont even land stun. I think we should also consider how many players play each class, it tells pretty much about their pvp abilities compared to other classes ( the same way riot balances champions in lol, based on popularity of class and winrate)
  14. Rizos

    WTS Crafted Dagger

    Dont kill d grade market!
  15. Rizos

    Archer CP lf ppl

    BD found, Looking for 59+ -Archer (preferably SR) -PP/WC -EE/bish
  16. ​+1 exacly what i said, i have the same opinion
  17. Rizos

    Archer CP lf ppl

    edited LF active 59+ BD PP/WC EE/Bish or can provide character to drive pm in game Rizo
  18. ​I said "less useful" instead of "useless" for that reason ;).
  19. Best option to bring ppl to this project is opening new server. Either you just open some high rate or open server like x5 merge with our in like 1year when both server lvls are +/- equal. That has MANY side effects, like some ppl would leave x3 for x5 etc but 90% of ppl are coming to new servers to have equal chances with others, to have fun since begining instead of nonstop exping for months trying to catch up. For almost 1 year old server like this, it is rly big success that population stays on +/- same lvl, this never happens in l2, but increasing 1 year server population is imposible, some ppl will come and others gonna quit. There wont be any big pack of friends or strong clans joining here unles u open new server imo
  20. Rizos

    Sleep animation

    Same thing happens with stun :(
  21. I dont think u can, atleast i cant. When I was runing with mobs on me and my game crashed, i tried to log immidietely(i had 2nd client opened) but i couldnt log. It was saying all the time "account in use". When my character was in game in combat, server didnt let me get in until my character died and combat ended. Dunno how it works for you..
  22. LOOOOOOOOOL :DDDDDDDDDDDD. So plastic and ugly. I guess its you then, doesnt look like he has balls so all fits well. Now i got it :D