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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. 1) DEFINITELY change dyes to +5 max. +12 is for god system where ppl have 100 str so they add 15 it doesnt matter that much. +12 dyes are stupid. 2) No for cp pots 3) fix summons so they hit while moving 4) Put Fatal Counter to original form like on official (no crits possible but 2x more dmg), PR is underplayed class same like destro and paladin 5) Rework destro - give him gap closer like rush skil (40 rush skill from h5) or dont give gap closer but increase frenzy/rage effect (frenzy +80% p atk or smth like that with 2hand and rage back to original +55% p atk BUT - P DEF) 6) Rework accuracy/evasion (change chance to evade formula to interlude so you chave 73% chance to avoid hit when accuracy - evasion =-27, now its like 30% chance) so there is reason to use light armor on archers and daggers ><
  2. Hello We are archer cp from ETC clan. Clan lvl 4, ch, windwalk skill, ally with unique, war with the rest. We are 60-67 lvls. We play around 16-22 gmt +1. Currently looking for active: -Archer -Bish/EE -WC/PP pm here or ingame Rizo
  3. 1. Cloaks look very bad with c/b/a sets i totaly dont like it. I would agree to give CL bonuses of cloak to pasive skils or smth but plz dont make the cloaks. 2. Good idea, plz make it like very small ch ance but good reward, not useles rewards like from events , or some exp/sp scrols +6% or smth. 3. TOTALLY AWESOME IDEA. I would love to have skills with /force and i wouldnt have to see these crappy god icons.. 4. I dont think its necessary. I guess too much work for u and too little reward for server. Better make Global Event than this 5. I always hated cp pots, especially when they were for aa and very expensive. Always made big advantage for rich players over new commers. Imagine ppl making new char with +8 d weapon and 200 cp pots(eahc cp pot healing half of cp) new ppl wont have chance to pvp cost wont have adena for cp pots. Also effect of cp ports was way too high compared to hp pots etc. Ppl wil start toi use cp clickers etc. If u rly have to implement cp pots make it heal for 50-100 cp, not 200+50(big + smal potion), or just increase delay between them to 2-3s instead of 1 s like it was before. Also make it being able to use automatically like soulshots ( i saw such feature on some server), so ppl wont mess up with iullegal programs
  4. up, Also recruting active CPs 40+!!
  5. Rizos

    WTB AQ

    WTB AQ 180kk mail rizos in game
  6. Rizos

    Warlock sumoner bug

    ok so you were still higher lvl than me. Check how it works on gran kain
  7. Rizos

    Horror DA

    I agree with you soil. I liked much more when there were +5 dyes and tyrant/glad needed lvl 7/8 force to maximize dmg (tyrant here). Now they made tyrant/glad easy chars for noobs plus blaster stun op
  8. nice exe file name of this bot :D. Fk boters..
  9. Rizos

    Warlock sumoner bug

    I tried it with 1 warlock, i was 60 and warlock 65 and it was landing like 30%... I think it lands with too low chance on lower lvls and with too high chance on high lvls then. Maybe chance is static and doesnt change with lvls difference?
  10. ​I saw some test if i remember well. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=pl&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://4gameforum.com/threads/520638/&usg=ALkJrhgBURR0XDWcTNQmo-t1jXlFHPYwZQ Ok so: -Holy weapon works on physical atacks including bows (DOESNT WORK on nukes), no idea if it works on physical skills tho. - 20 holy attack (only holy wepaon buff) gives 3% bonus vs every monster (doesnt matter if monster is undead or not) -Holy attack/resist stacks( dance of light + hW+ toggle should be more effective), same as ressists i assume. -Bonus is pretty low
  11. lets log test server make 2 chars 60 and fight? I can bet for adena if i win u pay me, ill be dorf, Not gonna waste time for free
  12. I think yes, kite lion hearth, then stun battle plus destro gets canceled bufs
  13. Destro wont get any rush, not even on 2.5, not even on 85 lvl :d. Ppl complain cos spoil is stronger than destro right now, smilar amout of hp and has 2 stuns (1 even with cancel and 5s reuse lol) ;D
  14. Rizos

    Horror DA

    ​yes and str gives crit power right?
  15. ​Totally agree, frenzy is ok. Rage dont care. But the thing that you cant prefrenzy before fight on your own sucks. If that somehow be able it would be cool. ​PR also had pain of saggitarius, and now he cannot low himself before fight as well ​But PR is not a nerfed destro. It is a top class, archer. ​Surely not nerfed like destro but still nerfed a bit q-q
  16. Rizos

    Horror DA

    then go test on skelth
  17. Rizos

    Horror DA

    ​yes i think it shouldnt give stun resist. If it gives its bug i believe. Sano should check it All debufs were changed and caped to 90%. Dunno why stun would be exception
  18. Rizos

    Horror DA

    ​Then grats, u found a bug! https://4gameforum.com/threads/573235/ https://translate.google.pl/translate?hl=pl&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2F4gameforum.com%2Fforums%2F1416%2F
  19. Rizos

    Horror DA

    CON/MEN doesnt help with resist on classic, And u ll always have chance to get debufed from enemy if u dont outlevelhim by 7 lvls. If it was like u think, for example on gracia final u would get zaken + antharas + resist shock+20 and u would never get stunned cos 30%+20%+50% resist, but %s dont sum up bro
  20. Lol on offi there is MDT, here we have giran harbor. I like this idea because it has free teleport and ppl have no lags in town. Keep it as it is now plz
  21. forest of mirrors with ur buffer or find sws or tank + recharcger and go aoe satyrs in EV
  22. Rizos

    Event: Lucky Games