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Everything posted by Rizos

  1. Kiss of eva :O. Do u have this info from korean website?
  2. I htink you are too slow ;(
  3. even making them 3x expensive (cmon we have x3 adena rate so on official ppl farm for these potions 3x longer) or increasing reuse time to 2 sec for example, 75 hp/s isnt big deal but could still be usefull to save your ass on pve. The thing i hate the most about cp pots/qhp pots is that it promotes cheaters in game. Guy with clicker and these potions has HUGE advantage over legit guy, and you wont find out he uses clicker unless he makes fraps... I should actually like this qhp since im pr and i burst ppl so they cant even make use of this potions but i just hate clicker festival, who has bigger wallet competition and destroying pvp balance because classes with lower dps cant ever kill such guy with qhp clicker.
  4. Im not gonna judge if its clicker or not but he could have qhp on macro on f6
  5. Im not at home but: https://l2wiki.com/classic/Quick_Healing_Potion
  6. I know what u mean but sadly they cant be used on full hp i think ;/
  7. i actually disagree, i doubt ppl will vote to keep this potions, only koreans and chinese use them so only these ppl would vote for it, i doubt any1 else likes idea of these potions. Just make poll topic and check result
  8. they actually weight 180 modoy.
  9. well they cost a lot and weight a lot, but why not puting + con on pr as the guy on the movie and opening wallet to afford them? ^^
  10. castle quick healing potion spam 108/min nice pvps, brb castle
  11. Myrciu are u playing on korean server? i see ur nick on some kind of korean pay2win server movie. Ur fanboy with same nick dieing 1 pt vs 1 guy ;/. O wait is it our server? Nice p2w feature we have here, too bad admins think its ok ;/
  12. Nice fights + what modoy said. Dude buy buff slot books . About next target once you start using it ull notice how it works, it always pick closest target, you can make it work just by beeing close to enemy healer. Once you get used to it ull predict which target it gonna pick when u push it and ull use it in right moments. This will make ur pvp much easier, i played dagger a lot i know what im saying
  13. Rizos

    Meanwhile in Jungle...

    well just my opinion because once i made 70 on my char i was never there again to gank wars. About lvl same goes for my pt, im 75 dajto 76 rest ppl 70-72 but ppl call us 75 lvl cp ;P
  14. Rizos

    Meanwhile in Jungle...

    Liked your previous movies but this one is sh1tty. No interesting action, killing lowbies in FoM with 70 lvl (you have lught blue mobs there). Fights are nothing special also, not worth to fraps.
  15. Rizos

    More PVP

    Problem that 2nd pt from top spot (myrciu) came instantly
  16. Ill make some small test today
  17. Men resist some of debufs (for example poison), wit doesnt resist anything, gives magic evasion tho which helps to avoid nukes. Aha you mean attacker wit. Hmm i think it doesnt change any debuff chance
  18. Rizos

    Dajtovillage #4

    He lowered PR hp so PR can 1shot. Its hidden tactic in that action
  19. Rizos

    Dajtovillage #4

    Holy sh1t recruitment advertisement :D. Now i can delete my frapses Q-Q. So thats the fight i was wondering how you killed 8 ppl when me and modoy couldnt find any war on whole map
  20. Rizos

    New player

    Hello Check this topic if you are interested:
  21. Rizos

    More PVP

    Najs muvik
  22. Rizos


    Yea waiting for 2.0 so i can beat modoys dagger 74+(after he reroll) with tyrant 67. Thats gonna be fun
  23. Rizos


    Its about soulshot bonus not p atk. Each enchant gives 0,3% soulshot bonus
  24. Rizos


    Im not saying dagger dmg here is correct for sure ( it might be wrong) Im just saying that you bring bad proofs, try to find smth better. Im telling you pve stream from 1.5 can be best source