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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. ​But-but-but my d-grade market!! ​yeah, because newbies are totally going to waste 10kk to buy a single D piece, when they could get a mid C weapon from luxury instead plus some armor piece with the same money. to be honest, i don't really care if the moon armor set will be implemented or not, but being against it with the usual "hurr durr it will ruin D grade market!!!1!11!!" concept is just nonsense. those against it should at least try to find a more constructive excuse. new players won't care about crafted top D items, simply because they'll save money for other stuff. anyone that started recently is running around in devotion or mixed NG/D items. mithril plate at best if they manage to afford it, not to mention weapons. the only people that are buying briga helms and elven mithril gloves are all high level characters buying them for their low lv alts as a little extra, and nobody else. so don't tell me that there's a D grade market for new players, because that's bullshit.
  2. a destro with rush? you gotta be kidding. they already got their own buffs to increase speed, and beside they'll get more stuff in 2.0: as you can see they will get high speed full buffed to the point that almost nobody will be able to outrun them, except maybe human daggers/archers with dash or gladiators with sonic charge. demolition impact works pretty much as crush of doom stats-wise, and they will get a mass slow+fear too. i think that's more than enough already.
  3. you could always run around checking mobs details, they got both spoil and drop list added there.
  4. if they plan to make another one, they should at least put only useful stuff like crystals, enchant scrolls or hair accessories. especially because using money to get not-so-cheap event items just to obtain stuff like potions or other consumables that can be bought from NPCs for far less money is quite dumb. 1h single buff scrolls are quite useless too.
  5. when u had 200+ recs back in c4, if you PKed somebody your name didn't had to turn red, but it turned white instead. that may be why they got removed. PK scrolls are still imbalanced as shit thou.
  6. it's populated, just not overcrowded. there's plenty of elitists around thou, even starting from lv 25, so you'll need decent gear if you want to get invited in exp/RB parties. some classes have a bit more advantages than others thou, for example fighters buffed with VR won't have to rely on hp recovery too much, while mages can't do anything to avoid sitting for 5 minutes to recover mana when it runs out. same goes for RBs, depending on the class you play you may/may not need specific items if you want party. healers don't need anything specific as they have only to heal the tank, while tanks will need at least a mid D armor if they don't want to be oneshotted from RBs. if you play a fighter class, you're basicly the underdog, and you won't get invited in most parties unless you have a bow with you. if you have a crap bow, you won't get invited anyway. that pretty much sums up pre lv40 gameplay, but i'm sure that even after hitting 40 it's the same story anywhere you go. at least the economy here has been started already, so if you need adena all you have to do is spoil materials and sell them. the downside is that it will take a while, but if you have enough patience, you can pretty much afford anything from D to C grade if you farm enough. and by enough i mean at least 4-5 hours a day.
  7. ​Power break and ofc Freezing Strike (slow) as well ^^ ​you'll run out of mana quite fast if you use them all on raids, better stick with what deals more damage or uses less mp out of the three i mentioned. hex works better since it lowers the p.def of the RB and everyone with a bow can gain more dps from it, bleed and poison are extras that somebody else can use if there's doubles of the same class in party.
  8. people are taking even spoilers for RBs pre-40 lv as long as they have a bow, so a warrior with War Cry would be even better. as for archers, dps-wise PR would be better due to hex, bleed and poison( since they land on Raids as well ), but that's only related to PvE.
  9. the problem is that if the guards are archers, even with UD most tanks won't manage to survive until all the guards are down. i've been there before, and i've seen that it's not doable. you either get two 40+ tanks with AoE aggro and good gear, so one of them takes the boss while the other keeps the guards focused on him, otherwise it's gonna be a wipe 100% of the times. not to mention that you always have to keep an eye on the guards respawn to avoid getting the healers oneshotted, so it requires constant attention. that's also why nobody is doing them with random parties, people just look for RBs that are either solo or with melee guards simply because they're way easier to deal with.
  10. mostly people that want extra money. or buffers that want to leech some exp if they can't find "better" party setups, wich is actually good for people that want to keep spoilers at low level too.
  11. ​the "problem" of doing RBs in the traditional way is that it requires a tank with enchanted top gear and good mp management from healers/support, two things that are very hard to come by when doing party with randoms. currently the bosses are hitting as hard as to 3-4 shot tanks, while back in c4 if you had enough gear and buffs, you could pretty much duo any RB that didn't had guards with any melee DD+healer because they were hitting like a normal mob. since back in the days there were people soloing low lv RBs with destroyers in frenzy buffed by high lv SEs, my guess is that they wanted to avoid repeating the same mistakes of the past. thing is that changing RBs stats also changed the way people approach them. doing a party with 7 bows, a healer and a tank has become pretty much the basic setup for doing RBs nowdays, simply because there's less risks of wiping involved and it takes way less effort on mp management. add an overhit by fighter classes at the end and voilà, extra exp for everyone.
  12. ​that's exactly why new people are not staying around here: 'cause they can't solo properly. at least not without a box( that wouldn't be "solo" anymore actually ). and since almost everyone nowdays is running around with a high level boxed buffer, good luck finding an active buffer at pre-40 levels. the fact that summonners are currently the only class that can manage to solo properly doesn't mean that other classes have to be always forced to waste time just to recover some hp or mp. thinking only about a single class is quite egoistic and surely not fair towards the other classes, especially because with or without herbs it wouldn't change a thing for summonners since they would still be able to solo exp regardless of having herbs or not, while on the other side it would help a lot the other classes, especially new people that are starting from 0 and want to catch up fast. ever tried leveling up a character to 20 with no gear and buffs? anyone that did it knows that after hitting 14 you have to waste hours sitting on ground just to recover hp or mp, and if you don't even have a top NG weapon, it takes triple of that time. is it fun? hell fucking no. and it gets even worse after 20. beside, it's already been explained before that shots have not been implemented yet due to damage similar to people in A grade. there's a reason why they were not added until 2.0, and they have nothing to do with herbs since they're two entirely different game mechanics, so it's pointless to bring them into a discussion about hp/mp regen. anyhow, giving out free gear is pointless if people can't manage to lv up properly by themself. it's already happening with NG gear, so it won't change with higher grades for sure.
  13. ​1] u get a shadow top no grade weapon and some buffs scrolls. as they're not permanent, you'll have to buy new gear after hitting 20, especially because you won't be able to do much alone anyway, unless you have a friend buffer, a box or playing as a summonner. 2] for PvE, it depends pretty much on your playstyle. you can solo with any class if you have decent/top gear, althou the fastest way to exp is still the traditonal one by doing trains, either with mages or spear users. PvP wise, mages and archers have the advantage due to range, followed by gladiators and warlords due to ranged stuns. 3]if you have a SE as buffer, yes, it is worth to do pole trains with destro. VR has been changed here, and it works 100% of the times only on normal close range hits. ranged attacks, skills and spells are not included. Gladiators still have to rely on Focus energy to perform skills. Dagger blows are pretty much like playing with a roulette, you either get lucky and land them all, or u land none. chance is about 50% below lv20, after that it may get a bit better depending on class, dyes, etc, but in the end it always depends on positioning.
  14. lv 20~30 zones are quite crowded(especially by spoilers), dunno about higher levels yet. there's always people making parties in the matching window thou. consider also that many people try to lv up mostly by doing raid bosses for quick exp+drops, so that's also why exp areas are not much populated and there's few AoE groups grinding mobs. there's also other people that are using boxes from either PA or secondary laptop/pc, so they won't go around looking for party for sure.
  15. they will be added in 2.0 with the introduction of A grade, you just need to wait.
  16. if hp/mp regen herbs were actually implemented, there would be no need for this kind of customized buffs mechanics in order to lv up decently. same goes for shadow/temporary gear. you will still need buffs in any case if you want to lv up faster, but being limited to sit on the ground every 3 minutes to recover hp or mp is something that makes the game plain dull an very boring in the long run, especially when someone doesn't have any active buffer to exp with, or no boxes. to be honest, the mp regen rate is quite dumb considering that you need about 30 seconds to recover your hp from low to full, while for mp it takes an eternity. NCSoft should have kept those herbs in order to make grinding a bit less frustrating and more enjoyable for everyone, be it farmers or casuals.
  17. there's only one legit way to solve adena problems: spoilers. also, NG shadow weapons will help only until 20, after that you're on your own.
  18. Arcanum


    makes me wonder how the hell are map borders set, that area shouldn't even be aligned with talking island: if anything, primeval isle should have been there, after the ocean. or the kamael isle. korean geodata ftw :v
  19. it is crowded, just not overloaded. don't expect 4k+ people online, that's not going to happen( wich is good in part, because there's more free spots to farm for exp or spoil materials/scrolls ). there's plenty of parties around starting from lv 25+, however depending on class and group setup you might need specific weapons if you want to get invited( bows for raid bosses are a must nowdays ). there's also many clans recruiting as well, probably more in game than on forum.
  20. Arcanum


    basicly, for mages it's either trains with mobs weak to fire, or weak to wind. there's no other weakness that works for AoEs, since blunt and bow weakness are only for single-target weapons, and not magical obviously. that is if you want to focus on magic elemental weakness, otherwise you could just spam poison and/or bleed on anything that moves and nuke the train with an AoE in the end. or let a warrior/warlord do an overhit with spears for extra exp instead( usually it's about +10% extra exp with an overhit via skill per single mob ).
  21. except that there's no actual D grade market for armors, because most people would rather cristallize what they get and sell the crystals for C grade equipment, or shots. right now the only people buying Brigandine helmets or Elven Mithril gloves are high levels that want top D sets for their alts, and i can guarantee you that new people will rather prefer to spend money for an entire mid-tier D grade set in order to be able to level up decently, instead of wasting all their money for a single D grade armor piece of a set that will be obsolete after hitting 40. consider also that not everyone is willing to waste time leveling up a spoiler for money, wich is also why most casuals are giving up after hitting 20. the moon set was added in KR to help new players to catch up, but apparently the elitists here are afraid of people that could eventually bring new competition.
  22. as mentioned before, herb drops for hp/mp regen would really help anybody, from starters to higher levels. right now new players are pretty much crippled after hitting 20, and the shadow weapon doesn't really help when they're running around in NG armor without decent buffs, be it a mage or fighter class. if we consider the exp curve along with mana regen, it's no wonder that new people are not really interested in staying here for long. i leveled a warrior from lv20 to 26 today in about 6 hours of exping in duo, with no buffs except might and shield lv1 and NG gear provided by starting towns. was it fun? hell no. the only thing that kept me from falling asleep was chatting with the other guy in party. back in c4, in 6 hours i would probably have gone from 20 to 30 by myself with no help, so classic surely isn't meant for solo players, unless they're carried by a box. and even then, without active people playing support it would still be boring as hell, and would not increase the playerbase in any case. it's a good thing that at least the rates are x3 here, because if it was like offi, i doubt that the current online would have the same amount of people. what happened in RU and EU after the first 3-4 months should already serve as a good example.
  23. afaik, only specific passive skills can increase the mp regen. the only way for gear to increase the mp regen would be if the armor set was +6, or at least that's how it was back in the days pre-GoD. as for the armor, i would rather get a plated leather set and stick with it until B grade. it's the only C grade set that will increase your dps, and since in classic it's all about farming in party, i doubt you would really need an heavy set if you're not even tanking. soloing with a dagger+box is another story thou.
  24. yeah, i know that feeling very well. i've been there before, and it wasn't nice at all. in any case, the game mechanics are always the same, so there's not much to do against higher level/better geared players. i've already wrote what i think could be an incentive for new and returning players in another thread, but in the end it's up to the admins. thing is, if people will have to deal with high lv griefers on daily basis, there's not many solutions. either change exp spot, or form a zerg of lower level people and zerg them out( althou if the lv difference is beyond 10, there would be no point whatsoever ). but if beside loosing exp, we also include the risk of loosing items on PvE death due to griefers using stun or paralyze, well it's no rocket science that new players won't stay here long, wich is a shame.
  25. on a side note: on L2C EU they( the opposition that formed at the beginning ) also kind of left the russians "on the loose", grinding mobs 24/7 thx to drivers and accaunt sharing. if the opposition didn't had internal conflicts, they could have tried to unite and keep hunting them on daily basis, but i guess that in the end PvE took priority over war, so they failed to keep them around their own level. kinda sad to see the same thing going on here. there's not much that can be done against griefers, except removing the items drop on death. the only way to "fix" the problem is to try to endure, level up, gear up and most important of all, get more people to PvP. 'cause in the end, it's always all about numbers in L2. exp rates here are also x3, so dying in war shouldn't be as bad as it is on offi.