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Everything posted by Arcanum

  1. actually it's the other way around. if a clan of lower levels goes to help the enemy for war or castle sieges instead of staying neutral, u can't pretend to be left alone after that. you have chosen that side with your own free will, so don't cry about the consequences of your actions now. what goes around, comes around.
  2. i'm really curious about what kind of "politics" you guys used, doesn't happen everyday to get free meatshields for sieges some of your minions are already getting kicked out of AB on daily basis thou, you also have to ask yourself if they will keep supporting you when they won't be able to exp properly anymore
  3. from lv1 to early 20s you'll be exping solo mostly since starting areas aren't much populated, so you'll have to deal with that. after 20, u can start going to abandoned camp, making aoes with a party. after 30, aoe at partisan. after 40, aoe at alligator and so on. however, keep in mind that Classic is not for solo players. especially not for casuals. so if you want to solo, you'll have to either use 2 pcs, or get a box by buying coins with real money or adena. otherwise do like everyone else was always meant to do: find friends to play with.
  4. the real question here is: considering what happened today at giran bridge, what will you do if someday vigilance ally will get your same numbers on sieges? ...let's meditate.
  5. 140? lol, yeah sure. meanwhile, on vigi side: those are real numbers by the way. but don't worry, we had boxes too i have to be honest thou, today was fun. especially when your zerg was getting wiped at bridge of giran north gate, not once, but two times in a row. that sure showed how good you are at using meatshields, much quality indeed. i don't even know how you people manage to get some low lvs to sacrifice themself for you
  6. it's not that there was lack of informations, it's just that most people never bothered to check for infos because they're lazy. read the part in green. and always keep that table in mind, especially when you'll implement beast shots for summonners in 2.0. i wouldn't want to see some people crying about their summon not dealing enough damage with spiritshots.
  7. i understand what you mean, but there's already un-official alliances in our server that are not declared, and who is playing in top clans already know who is helping each other. an example would be the new NFactors clan helping perkunas. they're not in the same ally, but they help each other in war. the limit on clan members and alliance isn't really something that is preventing people to help each other. at the moment those limitations are there just to be annoying, because people will still use the command channel, teamspeak or other programs to organize themself when it's needed, even if they're not in the same ally. the suggestion of increasing the number of clans joining an alliance was made simply because it's way easier to manage 120+ people with a single ally chat, rather than having to create multiple chat channels or organize stuff with 120+ people in the same teamspeak.
  8. the panic is real guess someone won't sleep very well this week, sieges coming soon too :v
  9. that's the problem of custom changes: it always starts with few things, then everyone else jumps on the bandwagon with their own ideas about game balance, and in the end it becomes a mess. my opinion is: damage skills should work as official Classic. if the admins decide to change/nerf some buffs for their own vision of "balance", they should keep in mind that having mixed buffs between previous chronicles and classic will only make the gameplay even more unbalanced in the end. so if you change buffs to work like their older versions from previous chronicles, you should also consider changing other buffs as well based on that specific chronicle( VR/reflect, for example). custom skills should have never been added to any class for balance reason. giving extra servants to summonners was the first big mistake. consumable items can be put up to debate. just as buffs, that's basicly the only thing that can be changed/nerfed, or eventually removed in some specific cases(quick healing potions/CP pots). so far those restrictions have improved PvP by making it more skills-based than before, and i honestly hope it will stay this way even after 2.0. guess that's all from me.
  10. clans at max lv back in the days had a total of 220 people. here we're stuck at 40, wich is basicly a little more than 4 parties. i don't pretend to have the same amount of previous chronicles(even if it would help, and a lot too), but since there's already clans that are running out of space and can't invite more active people, at least consider the fact of increasing the number of clans that can join an ally, if you really can't increase the basic amount of people per clan lv.
  11. ​ probably because those infos were taken directly from the official 2.0 patchnotes released by Innova, and they were showing how stats scale up to the breaking point? good job for your contribution to the topic, captain obvious. [edit] san0, if you're alive, give me a sign :v (and possibly some infos as well regarding the other stats)
  12. ​i'd like to think that too, but admins haven't been very clear about 2.0 changes and patchnotes. as an example regarding stats, on that calculator +4 CON gives about +500hp on human fighter, around +600hp with another +4CON and around +700hp with another +4CON dye. that's about +1.800hp with +12CON, similar values apply to CP as well. all i want to know is if they scale in the same way here in this custom classic server, if it's different for every race, and if there's stats(like WIT/DEX) capped at some "break point". i'll update the main post, forgot about DEX as well.
  13. yes, those are exactly the old stats from pre-GoD chronicles. the problem is that they're capped only at a value of +/-10, and i'm not sure if they scale in the same way in classic for every race. beside, on that roster is not shown how much HP/CP a character can gain or loose by changing the CON value, only weight limit is shown there. i could always use that calculator to see the overall amount on every single stat, but since admins will probably know better, i'd rather prefer to have a clarification on this, just to avoid further confusion.
  14. so, we already know the "caps" about WIT and DEX: now, i'd like to know the caps about all the other remaining stats. with variations for every race, if there's any at all. i already checked plenty of l2c sites for info, yet i found none anywhere. meanwhile, during my quest for knowledge, i stumbled upon this calculator: it has no limit on dyes(so u can calculate up to +12), and it is quite detailed. thx in advance to whoever will bring me them infos :v
  15. i honestly hope not. giving a free instant win button to daggers was one of the most retarded and unbalanced things that ever happened in lineage 2. and even half-kills are debatable.
  16. it's been already discussed before. reflect needs to be either changed back to normal attack only, or needs to be nerfed at least by half. 40% reflect damage on both normal attack AND skills is just too much, either make it 20% max or change it like you changed VR. having custom changes from different chronicles mixed together always ends up with fucking the gameplay and overall class balance.
  17. people have always fought with +5 limit on dyes in pre-GoD chronicles, so i don't see what's the problem here. i'd rather prefer to see people actually experiment new setups by themself and build their char how they prefer, instead of going bandwagon on a single +12 stat and follow the same copied setup as everyone else playing their same class, especially when there's new damage skills involved after hitting 76. but that's just me anyway. Classic is supposed to be following the same path and content of the old chronicles in any case, the only difference so far is in 3rd class skills that have been added, re-adjusted or removed for balance reasons. even if i hate Soulbreakers with all my strength, i'm already prepared to see them coming soon or later, together with the other 2 Kamael classes.
  18. that nerf is not even half of the main %, rather more like 1/3. now let's see about those passives and runes: now, let's do maths: [humans] 10% + 6.63% = 16.63% cast speed with new passives + rune lv13. [elves] 13% + 6.63% = 19.63% cast speed with new passives + rune lv13. [dark elves] 9% + 6.63% = 15.63% cast speed with new passives + rune lv13. that's even more than what the SA acumen was giving back in pre-GoD days(15% cast speed). in KR they changed the dyes system back to +5 max for a reason, and it's because of the SA system getting implemented along with new skills, so the changes over basic stats were necessary. that was made to actually balance things out( belive it or not, i couldn't care less), so now people playing over there will actually have to use their brain, instead of going "hurr durr press 1 button 2-3 times, gf thxbye". charging into an enemy group with no tactics and proper use of ccs/targeting can work only on randoms. you can't rely only on damage output when playing with people that know what they're doing, especially when they can( and they will )punish you for rushing to their face. yeah, because anchor, fear and sleep aren't ccs from nukers. it seems you played elemental summonner for far too long and forgot about the other mages.
  19. ​u forgot vop from 76 lvl for sweet 10% cast speed but u cannot say something will be op before u actually test it, so for now let it be ​because an SPS with +12 WIT isn't already a joke in 1.5, right.
  20. one thing is for sure: if they'll add the SA system with runes in 2.0, they can't leave the dyes system as it is right now. imagine a mage with +12 WIT, SA acumen and additional passive skill for casting speed from 2.0. that alone would be already broken as fuck, i don't even want to think about a mage with that setup + empo/acumen/wild magic. add a BD with mage dances in the mix, and there you go, most broken class in game.
  21. except the fact that they just showed the land rate going from 65% to 39%, so even without buffs it's still based on luck in any case.
  22. i vote for auto fishing, as long as: - it doesn't give exp; - it gives only hair accessories(recipes/parts) as reward. everyone wins.
  23. ​that almost sounded like "we don't know why we got some extra allies all of a sudden, it's not like we needed them anyway...oh, but they're really useful when it's needed." probably one of the best quotes of this week(and it's only tuesday!), allies poking each other was missing in my list. now i've almost seen them all the reason isn't really hard to find out thou: when you got 2 sides hunting you, you either join forces with someone else, or you go down the drain. and apparently the drain wasn't big enough.