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In my opinion,30S is enough to prepare,its a waste of time to wait 120s for every match. Not mation most matches are low quality
Hello everyone! I would like to suggest to create a Olympiad training arenas! Me like others players cant play Olympiad every weekend and some "life hacks" we just learn if we practice. So, if we could have an Teleport (Gatekeeper) in a place like Coliseum that we can move to arenas like the Olympiads arenas (four pillar, fount and open arena) with a friend it would be great to improve out tactics to play oly and have more fun!! What everyone think about it?
Hi all! I hope this topic will be useful. Is there a chance that Bracelet lvling system would be reconsidered again ? - Natural limit for 28 coins per day max. Points: - It is good for casual players but there is no extra reward for players aiming to high end game. - Good level players are struggling to play and join server to bring new fresh big war game. They feel the unnecessary barrier to farm knowing they are in disadvantage. - You did well for start players. Which is good for casual players and useless for more advanced. Low level bracelet limitations: - Ability to farm better in PvE( no extra p/m atk.). - Olympiad - a person with ability to hold more talismans win. - High-end pvp ( evasion talisman, baium, FI talisman, olympaid talietc.) P.S. You added extra bracelet in game which gives nice boosters but might not be worn due to slot limitations. As 4% from White talisman is essential. Solutions: Either of those. - Additional quest which just gives Daily Coins as a reward - New bracelets embedded in client which can be bought for L-coins. -Mobs with Daily Coins rare chance drop (like you changed for Proof of Blood) I guess this should be also considered in anticipation of the update where "Meta" is changed and new popular classes might appear again. Thank you.
Diversity of Olympics - Spellsinger Month: December / January Server: Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Saviors Name: Lauria Class: Spellsinger (sps) Clan: - Alliance: - Length: 17:53 So here we go with 5th volume of Diversity of Olympics - Spellsinger. So first i will warn about some things, which some people might consider useful 8:25, fight vs xavierwulf (WL) takes very long fight and is mostly kiting, if you arent interested in that you can skip to 11:30, at 13:30 there is also addition of some text/TS to add context into my last few fights and why i played them as i played them (if i got those fights during first few weeks, i would 100% sure played it differently, but since i had to play EXTRA carefully, it was played how it was played ) and at 16:40 - 16:45 my sony vegas had brain fart and somehow didnt manage to successfully grasp the idea of rendering whole fight Thought about class, eventho it doesnt have hard CC (only sleep which is okayish but not on powerlevel of other CCs in olympiad), very fun class to play, you can adapt many different approaches to match depending on skill/equip level of your opponents, most of matches dont take too long and is not much kiting dependent, so far i think i enjoyed this class the most from all classes i played in olympiad Enjoy.
Diversity of Olympics - Gladiator Month: January Server: Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Saviors Name: Mephisto527 Class: Gladiator (Glad) Clan: Anarchy Alliance: - Length: 12:11 Finally managed to persuade myself to go through those gladi frapses and finish 4th volume of Diversity of Olympics - Gladiator. Decided to make first gladiator movie before spellsinger as last one was kinda "caster" class (ES), so sps is going to be next. About character, was quite funny as when i borrowed the char first day of oly we found out it didnt have enough SP for any 76 skill (sonic rage and blaster included), so we spent first hour of it just powerleveling so i could at least have the sonic rage hex for it and later on that week the char got SP to learn also stun from 76 (yay! no more 79/80 lvls resisting many stuns ), also got better blunt rather than playing with mage blunt borrowed from our WC (thanks @Yomana ). There is still lots of space for improvement on gladi with switching weapons and energy stones, but i didnt want to make skill macros with energy stones recharging and switching weapons was kinda harsh as ~ half of my matches were played from home where i had different keyboard and thus different layout, so i simply didnt want to missclick some other binding and lose match coz of it Enjoy.
Diversity of Olympics - Elemental Summoner Server: Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Name: Aralyann Class: Elemental Summoner (ES) Clan: - Alliance: - Length: 17:00 I was home for a longer time after finishing all exams so i made it just recently after comming back, Diversity of Olympics - Elemental Summoner. Probably one of the strongest classes there are right now (on fully stacked characters i would say only necromancer can be considered better), but still has some classes which are able to beat it, especially in certain arenas. So here is montage vs classes which has potentially chance to beat ES. Personally didnt really like the gameplay of ES, matches were usually way too long and stressful considering most of the time you have to do nothing (thats how video looks like, but hey, maybe someone will watch it?!), tho i would definitely say it has much less RNG involved than Warlord class i played in my previous video. Next videos should be slightly more interesting and faster paced (also shorter? ), since today i should finish gathering material for Gladiator and Spellsinger frapses for vol. 4 and vol. 5, so even if this one wont be your cup of tea, dont give up on me Once again, premiere of me playing ES in olympiad Enjoy.
Diversity of Olympics - Warlord Server: Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Name: XavierWulf Class: Warlord (WL) Clan: CHILLi Alliance: Scourge Length: 13:53 Came back from christmas holidays, so here is second volume of series Diversity of Olympics - Warlord. Was kinda hard to actually make video of this class as it doesnt have many counters and the counters are usually not really enjoyable to watch (loop macro thunderstorm vs DA for 3 minutes for example), so i tried to put there some mirror match ups or few clips vs classes which probably dont have upper hand over warlord, but has decent chance to win if played correctly. Next video will be from Elemental Summoner (which will be also kinda hard to make movie as the matches arent twice thrilling, but we will see ). Here is video of me playing warlord for the first time on classic chronicle. Enjoy.
Diversity of Olympics - Plains Walker Server: Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Name: MoDoy Class: Plains Walker (PW) Clan: Defcon1 Alliance: No Alliance Length: 9:19 So after long time i finally decided with which format i want to go with my olympiad frapses, so here is first volume of series Diversity of Olympics, where i will be playing different classes as i am not stuck to play classes from my CP anymore to secure some of the heroes. Rather than doing oly video from previous month, it being mixed with 3-4 different classes, i will rather make class based videos after i get enough footage for the class, This time its gameplay of Plains Walker, next video will be from one of the classes i play this month (SPS, ES, WL). With that i am also looking for suggestions (but please, not some absolute garbage class like dagger ), what should i play in january? Enjoy
Since i had very good feedback about my lowbie tyrant troll movie, i made next movie, this time also with high lvl character. Dont skip funny moments in the end of video! Server: L2classic.clubChronicle: Classic 2.0Nick: Knom/DankolovClass: Tyrant/Grand KhavatariClan: NonFactorAlliance: BarrysBangBrosLength: 12:20Scenery: Olympiad Big thanks to @DanKolov for leting me use his char
February Olympiad Server: Chronicle: Classic 2.0 Name: MoDoy Class: Silver Ranger (SR) / Adventurer (TH) Clan: NonFactors Alliance: No Alliance Length: 12:52 This time i want to thanks @Anytime for letting me play his TH so i could try dagger gameplay (eventho i failed to take hero on it in the end). Unlike last month olympiad video, where i aimed for funny parts of olympiad, this month i put normal olympiad gameplay of my SR and TH from last weekend (first 3 weeks i couldnt fraps from brothers PC at home). For the end (10:35) i left special candy of this month olympiad, so enjoy Enjoy.
Ghost Hunter lvl 76. Enjoy ;-)
I play vs WL in oly and suddenly he dissapears! Yes...I can target him but cant see him anywhere in arena. Dafak...?
Hello i would like to ask our admins @San0 , when its going to be the last olympiad week on this month, since we have 5 weekends this month and olympiad period should be maximum 4 weekends. So my question is : Its last weekend of olympiad period going to be 22/23? or else it will be 29/30? Thank you.
- Note that these are official patch notes. As San0 mentioned in this preliminary patch notes thread, L2Classic Club probably won't be following all the changes (CP pots in store, dem star wars cloaks etc.), so it's more of a general info put together
Hello all, the topic is created cause of Olympiad is one of the most interesting aspects of this game. Unfortunately, many servers failed at this point so thats why i post here now. I suggest to start olympiad with adjustment regarding enchanting. All enchant bonusses should be removed when character enter olympiad competition. So items should be +0 like. Reason? There is donate allowed, many ppl would left server if donator with +10 item will kill them easily on Olly... Oly is in purpose to see who is better player, definitely not who is more equiped. So please administrators to take this in account and consider this suggestion. @ administrators, there is already topic created in section general discusion. So you can see reactions of players. HERE
- 20 replies
Hello all, the topic is created cause of Olympiad is one of the most interesting aspects of this game. Unfortunately, many servers failed at this point so thats why i post here now. I suggest to start olympiad with adjustment regarding enchanting. All enchant bonusses should be removed when character enter olympiad competition. So items should be +0 like. Reason? There is donate allowed, many ppl would left server if donator with +10 item will kill them easily on Olly... Oly is in purpose to see who is better player, definitely not who is more equiped. So please administrators to take this in account and consider this suggestion. @players... Please all of you vote for this suggestion. +1 = like -1 = dislike Thank you for your attention. Bye
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