
Active suggestions #1

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Dear players!

We keep getting a lot of suggestions on what to add/remove/change in the game in private.

We believe it is an incorrect approach, as we can only hear 1 person/group ideas and thoughts on the matter, and we urge everyone to use Suggestions section of the forum for the open and transparent discussion.

As of now, we have gathered latest suggestions which we are going to share with the rest of players along with our view on every suggestion.
Still, we want to hear everyone if there is anything you want to say regarding those suggestions.
Our position about each suggestion is not final and might be changed if we see any valid points from commentators.

If there will be more suggestions poring to our PMs, similar topics will be created. We will not be discussing any changes in private without giving a chance to speak up for everyone interested.

Classic Team

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Dion suggestions received in last weeks:

1) Increase box limit with Premium Accounts.
- We don't have it in plans right now. We still want players to be more active during CP farm. 

2) Transfer Prophets Auras (Armor Ritual / Counter Ritual) to Dion.
- We believe it's too early to have such big changes to classes. We will be looking into new skills later.

3) Transfer Fruits / 100% EXP scrolls as Strix Daily quest reward to Dion. 
- We don't want to give scrolls. We are trying to get away from them because players were min/maxing them by logging out to not lose buff duration. Fruits will be added later (same update cycle it was added on Talking Island).

4) Increase level cap to level 80 or higher. 
- Level 80 will bring drastic changes. Skills like Counter Critical / Song of Purification / Insane Crusher / Servitor Share, will have huge affect on PVP/Olympiad. We want more players (we are thinking about 20/30%) to reach lvl 79 at least. We believe that if more players will reach level 80 together, it will affect PVP/Olympiad less and will be more balanced.

5) Set level restrictions to high level zones.
- We think that zones should be level restricted by monsters power. Teleporting players out of the open zone will feel like it's not open world as Lineage was meant to be. 

6) Daggers trains and drop mobs. Do something with it.
- We see it as part of Lineage 2. You still can PK them or stun them in order to stop from coming to you or you BSoE. You have enough options to deal with it.

7) Decrease amount of exp players loses per death on sieges.
- We already decreased it by 50% from what it is on official server and we are planning to decrease it more when players will be higher level.


Talking Island suggestions received in last weeks:

1) Make it possible to Chant of Gate on Hellbound.
- We want to hear players opinion about it. Note: NPCs on Hellbound still checks if you have finished quest and will port you our if you don't. We are not planning to change this part for now.

2) Kick dead characters from Baium/Antharas Lair that are dead for more then 10 min.
- We see Lineage 2 as game of opportunities. When we micromanage and remove some options from players - game becomes more strict, like say "play our way that we intended". This change will help side that already won, but will remove one of the comeback options from already losing side. We don't think it's a good idea.

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Responding to this thread with regards to the TI suggestions:

1) I personally think Chant of Gate should not be limited anywhere in game. Perhaps an exception for FI to avoid gating parties into Sailren, but at this point moving to farm spots using Hellbound crystal is an annoyance. Cannot think of any real negatives to this change.

2) Don’t have a feeling either way. Understand points from both sides of the argument.

Happy to provide feedback as suggestions for up and think this will only be good for server!

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I think Chant of Gate should not be limited anywhere in game also,it will help ppl ez to gate their char to farm spots and ez for enemies to gate to gank them.

these limites only lead to free farm---if you can cost 10mins to run all your char to farm spots,you can enjoy free farm all day,should we expect so many free farm?

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I know FI have limite about lv76,if you enter FI and below lv76,you will be kicked out ,so i think its no problem for every spot.just allow us to gate and if there are some limites for these sports,just check like FI and kick out.

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Even if nothing change, its good to see that ADMINs are speaking with player and giving the positive and negative effects of anything.

1) Increase box limit with Premium Accounts.
- Thats a big point, if change to unlimited windows like TI players will be able to do solo things like kill rbs alone / farm gc alone... Of course not all are able to that but few are and its a huge advantage... Otherwise this is a limitation to players also, for example if you play as main support you cannot exp your main char and make a "decent farm"... for a "decent farm" you need a good DD + WC (cov) + BD... there is no another slots... maybe increasce to 4 boxes per PC... Would be good to hear opinions from all community of players..

2) Transfer Prophets Auras (Armor Ritual / Counter Ritual) to Dion.
- Loved that auras on TI, did the PP very usefull.. since there is not a lot of shining sets (+6 to mp regen and etc) i dont think would impact hard anywhere, except about Ritual.. +30 speed its too much for now... maybe could be added a nerfed version...

3) Transfer Fruits / 100% EXP scrolls as Strix Daily quest reward to Dion. 
- Agree with ADMINs point. Would suggest to give instantly rune of exp instead of scroll or buff scroll, when you delivery your daily quest you could recive a XP/SP rune of 2hours +XX% XP/SP

4) Increase level cap to level 80 or higher. 
- Agree with ADMINs ponint. its not the time to make 80 available since just few people will be able to learn that skills, would hardly impact in server and huge disvantage for who is not 80 level.

5) Set level restrictions to high level zones.
- Always a big point, Should be a limitation for few places.. Its part of the game drop people.. OK.. .so if someone want to do that could at least "Work" to exp his dagger, not coming with lv 49 to 51 dagger non stop, kill 1 rb and recovery all the EXP... or even level 1 chars like was in ABG, useless people coming non-stop with level 1 chars disturbing, luring, picking up.. disgusting..

6) Daggers trains and drop mobs. Do something with it.
- Part of Lineage 2.  Agree

7) Decrease amount of exp players loses per death on sieges.
- Part of Lineage 2. If you want something Fight for it. There are rewards and costs.

8- (Bonus economy and fun) Increasce death penalty to -10% instead of -4% and reduce cost of Blessed ress. 😎 

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99.9% Agree with the explanations/justifications that Koll provided.

These are not active issues but rather suggestions by hardcore players so they don't get bored.

Again, This server is alive since 2016 because of casuals and not hard-core players, hence your thoughts are 100% correct @Koll, happy for that!


One and only point maybe it would be that it might make sense to have 4 boxes upper limit to Dion, but again, I don't have a strong opinion. Maybe 3 max. clients per PC is the ideal to keep the balance of MMORPG VS Single player game.

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  On 4/8/2024 at 9:58 PM, Koll said:

Dear players!

We keep getting a lot of suggestions on what to add/remove/change in the game in private.

We believe it is an incorrect approach, as we can only hear 1 person/group ideas and thoughts on the matter, and we urge everyone to use Suggestions section of the forum for the open and transparent discussion.

As of now, we have gathered latest suggestions which we are going to share with the rest of players along with our view on every suggestion.
Still, we want to hear everyone if there is anything you want to say regarding those suggestions.
Our position about each suggestion is not final and might be changed if we see any valid points from commentators.

If there will be more suggestions poring to our PMs, similar topics will be created. We will not be discussing any changes in private without giving a chance to speak up for everyone interested.

Classic Team

1) In my opinion, yes, more than 3 BOXes should be released, after all, today many people use more than 1 computer to log into several screens.
What is the difference between logging in 5 boxes on 1 computer? None! Frankly, I don't see the point in banning one thing and not banning another.
The only ones who profit from this are the companies that sell laptops.

4) Not releasing level 80 is penalizing those who have committed to the game until now and UP daily.
Everyone who is 79 80%+ will soon be 100% and will naturally become discouraged.
Freeing those who are still 78 or 79 will certainly struggle even more to reach 80, making farm areas more competitive.

7) Sieges are one of the main contents, but by penalizing death you are taking away the dynamics and making it tedious. Many don't like losing XP and wait inside the city for the PERFECT RUSH or especially after they die they spend 15 minutes waiting for Bishop's resurrection for fear of losing 0.20%

I don't see the point in removing the penalty only when more people are lv 79+, once again you are penalizing those who commit to the game and helping those who play 1 hour a day.

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For me, almost every question has a good explanation from the ADM, except for penalizing players when they die in sieges, that doesn't make any sense, you're taking away the dynamics of the siege and making it tedious. Whoever is in the siege is already at a higher level and cannot lose XP and are waiting for the Bishop to be resurrected, even though they could already be in combat again. In my view this is regrettable, it needs to change urgently, so much so that in epic you don't lose xp, just follow the same logic, simple.

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1) Increase box limit with Premium Accounts.
- We don't have it in plans right now. We still want players to be more active during CP farm. 

How is this even part of the consideration? 

There are virtually no players who main support classes anymore - everyone already has sws, bd, healers, buffers as boxes which makes social gaming a non-existent culture.

Any box increase will simply result in further death of the server.

I would advice to look out into what makes other private servers thrive out there (not going to add a server name to avoid getting banned here but it starts with R). Servers that have no box allowance that have significant online numbers and plenty of party matching requests for every class to be valuable.

If anything a suggestion that should be considered is to go to 0 boxes, not increasing ghost chars and trains of a few solo drivers... whilst the rest of the server is dead.

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4) Increase level cap to level 80 or higher. 
- Level 80 will bring drastic changes. Skills like Counter Critical / Song of Purification / Insane Crusher / Servitor Share, will have huge affect on PVP/Olympiad. We want more players (we are thinking about 20/30%) to reach lvl 79 at least. We believe that if more players will reach level 80 together, it will affect PVP/Olympiad less and will be more balanced.

How is this % going to be tracked?

Not sure if admins are fully aware what's happening in the Dion right now:
- Most 76+ players are bored out of their minds creating new chars that further increases the numbers of ghost chars of low leves, or quitting to other servers (sometimes in full on clans/CPs) until an occasional event or update drops in.
- There are virtually low numbers to no players in any of the low lvl zones (<60lvl). The only active town in the game is Aden where majority of active players run through at least; probably most busy zone to farm is BS only. All other areas either breezing with bots or a brave player who has not seen any other players in days...

Just some signals to consider that a couple of problems should be addressed: 1) high lvl caps, 2) growth for low lvl zones. We somehow focus only on end game without considering that most players are leaving out of boredom or because there aren't anyone else to play with.

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1) Increase box limit with Premium Accounts.
- We don't have it in plans right now. We still want players to be more active during CP farm. 

my opinion: I think it's worth releasing 1 more access

2) Transfer Prophets Auras (Armor Ritual / Counter Ritual) to Dion.
- We believe it's too early to have such big changes to classes. We will be looking into new skills later.

my opinion: Too early to have the aura and new 2-in-1 buffer

3) Transfer Fruits / 100% EXP scrolls as Strix Daily quest reward to Dion. 
- We don't want to give scrolls. We are trying to get away from them because players were min/maxing them by logging out to not lose buff duration. Fruits will be added later (same update cycle it was added on Talking Island).

my opinion: maybe the scroll is still early, especially gaining 100% weekly scroll, this would arrive very quickly at the TI server stage, plus the fruits would help in pvp and farming

4) Increase level cap to level 80 or higher. 
- Level 80 will bring drastic changes. Skills like Counter Critical / Song of Purification / Insane Crusher / Servitor Share, will have huge affect on PVP/Olympiad. We want more players (we are thinking about 20/30%) to reach lvl 79 at least. We believe that if more players will reach level 80 together, it will affect PVP/Olympiad less and will be more balanced.


my opinion: I see that 2 exp events were held, there are GCs that many here came from IT and know the mechanics of the game, they know how to focus on some classes to get ahead, this has to be valued as a strategy that each CP and ally, Those who can't reach 79 are solo players or who don't have at least 3 hours of play a day, my CP is all 79 and I only play 3 hours when I have prime.

5) Set level restrictions to high level zones.
- We think that zones should be level restricted by monsters power. Teleporting players out of the open zone will feel like it's not open world as Lineage was meant to be. 

my opinion: this is something to think about, in TI there were several pvp like in FI where players took mobs to drop, the mobs were attacked in any spot, sometimes restricting some mobs so that if you are attacking one type the other doesn't turn on you .

6) Daggers trains and drop mobs. Do something with it.
- We see it as part of Lineage 2. You still can PK them or stun them in order to stop from coming to you or you BSoE. You have enough options to deal with it.

my opinion: it would be to put something like a pvp zone, if you enter that zone you would enter a flag to be able to kill them, PK them at char low and have to pay 594k per PK and sometimes you run the risk of more than 3pk and drops are difficult

7) Decrease amount of exp players loses per death on sieges.
- We already decreased it by 50% from what it is on official server and we are planning to decrease it more when players will be higher level.


my opinion: you have to eliminate the loss of xp in a siege zone, you must lose exp for guards or guild with a castle owner if you are attacking or defending another castle.

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1) Increase box limit with Premium Accounts.
- We don't have it in plans right now. We still want players to be more active during CP farm.  Can be 1+3 or how it is, for me no problem 🙂

2) Transfer Prophets Auras (Armor Ritual / Counter Ritual) to Dion.
- We believe it's too early to have such big changes to classes. We will be looking into new skills later. Agree, too early.

3) Transfer Fruits / 100% EXP scrolls as Strix Daily quest reward to Dion. 
- We don't want to give scrolls. We are trying to get away from them because players were min/maxing them by logging out to not lose buff duration. Fruits will be added later (same update cycle it was added on Talking Island). Fruits YES, scrolls NO.

4) Increase level cap to level 80 or higher. 
- Level 80 will bring drastic changes. Skills like Counter Critical / Song of Purification / Insane Crusher / Servitor Share, will have huge affect on PVP/Olympiad. We want more players (we are thinking about 20/30%) to reach lvl 79 at least. We believe that if more players will reach level 80 together, it will affect PVP/Olympiad less and will be more balanced. Wait for more casual players hit 79 or even 79lvl 100%.

5) Set level restrictions to high level zones.
- We think that zones should be level restricted by monsters power. Teleporting players out of the open zone will feel like it's not open world as Lineage was meant to be. Areas for now are OK, only when FI comes - do 76level like is on TI.

6) Daggers trains and drop mobs. Do something with it.
- We see it as part of Lineage 2. You still can PK them or stun them in order to stop from coming to you or you BSoE. You have enough options to deal with it. Jealous people who cant farm or cannot log so many windows. Or people who want drop and get items for free, in my opinion its not part of L2. I come to play and relax, not deal with daggers. I play olympiad and get trained by BRs cos i m making the oly harder - So cool 🙂 I wanna see how many people on server wanna keep this ON and how many are againts it.

7) Decrease amount of exp players loses per death on sieges.
- We already decreased it by 50% from what it is on official server and we are planning to decrease it more when players will be higher level. CS are about PVP, not about loose exp, so should be 0% lost in CS zone.

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1) I also dont like the idea of one player logging a full cp to play. But at this points i would say 1 main + 3 boxes would be good so ppl can log bd, song, wc and DD, so it can be possible to farm on harder places. Anyway many ppl get more pcs or notebooks to log more boxes. This way at least they will have to buy PAs to log them.
2) Phophet auras are very nice and bring a fresh air for the class, but i also think its too soon to introduce it, maybe after lvl 80+ is released.
3) Fruits should already be available from dailys... xp scrolls should not be given, MAYBE 50% rune for 1 hour would be a good thing.
4) Many players are already waiting for the new cap, some classes are not worth it to get lvl 79 for now and also we have many players that deleved from 79 to 78 and not see many reasons to farm now, since the penalty on dying on 79 is too damn hard for now. lvl 80 should be released. With CC many players will be able to get to 80 easily.

5) Just for FI and maybe some new goddard places (i hope)
6) Item drop from mobs is what makes farming exciting and makes you to be careful where u try to kill mobs, if there are ppl disturing u can always log PK char, use a class to control it (sk, wl, etc), or even change spot. Its fine the way it is, its classic feature.
7) Some exp loss should remain because if there isnt any penalty, ppl abuse this with flag attacks, etc. Its fine the way it is. 

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I also suggest that FI should be slowly,its too ez for FI players to get exp and items now.

sv rbs' exp should be cut off 50%

daily quest 100%scrolls should be cancelled,although these boosts help ppl to get more exp,but ppl are also locked by these boosts,ppl should focus on the open world not the boosts

lilith/anakim spawn too much,i noticed that you just cut 50%numbers of mobs killed to summon lilith/anakim,it also make FI server become faster,I can understand that you hope ppl get more lilith/anakim runes so that other ppl could have chance to buy them on market,but its not possible,only few cps playing on TI server seious,they wont sell any rune on market consider about you can make lv10 runes,and the fact is still no runes sell on market since the change.it only help those ppl play in decent clan/cp

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  On 4/11/2024 at 3:48 AM, bjack said:

I also suggest that FI should be slowly,its too ez for FI players to get exp and items now.

sv rbs' exp should be cut off 50%

daily quest 100%scrolls should be cancelled,although these boosts help ppl to get more exp,but ppl are also locked by these boosts,ppl should focus on the open world not the boosts

lilith/anakim spawn too much,i noticed that you just cut 50%numbers of mobs killed to summon lilith/anakim,it also make FI server become faster,I can understand that you hope ppl get more lilith/anakim runes so that other ppl could have chance to buy them on market,but its not possible,only few cps playing on TI server seious,they wont sell any rune on market consider about you can make lv10 runes,and the fact is still no runes sell on market since the change.it only help those ppl play in decent clan/cp

I actually agree that Top A is too easy to obtain on Talking Island, but I don’t know if there is a way to “fix” it at this point. Especially considering there are zero alternatives because you can’t farm low / top B.

I disagree exp is too good, there are very little disturbances while farming and players have figured out how to completely min/max boosts. They haven’t really buffed or changed exp in the last 12 months, players have adapted.

Don’t have any strong feelings on SV exp. Open world exp should be better than raids in my opinion.

Players will min/max boosts no matter how many or few we have.

Completely disagree Anakim/Lilith are spawning too often. Lilith has spawned 5 times since April 1 and Anakim 3 times. They spawned more often than this when server population was higher. Orfen/Core/QA all spawn as many or more times than this - nobody complains about epic respawn and it’s guaranteed (you go to beach for 2 days and it will be there when you get back). Anakim/Lilith require many hours of dedicated farm to spawn and they take 6+ times longer farm to spawn than Chimera Captain.

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1.Please revert the exchange method for the Tower of Guardians' order forms to the old way.
2.For hunting in the Anakim or Lilith Fields, please make notifications for boss spawns only visible in the specific area. This current method benefits only those who wait for the spawn time without hunting.
3Please increase the drop rate for A-grade armor and weapon order forms. The drop rate is too low, and similarly, the drop rate for Blood Oaths is also too low, making it very difficult to level up the clan.
4.Hosting an event where players can recover one of their items that failed during enhancement could bring many players back and help the server.
5.Please create a Free Teleport Order form.
6.The account fee is too expensive. Please lower the price. It's difficult for newcomers to start.

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Talking Island

1. Please change the order form for the guardian tower to the exchange method as before.

2. Please make it so that when hunting in the Release or Anakim hunting grounds and the boss appears, it only appears in the Release or Anakim area. It is unreasonable for the notification to appear throughout the Aden world

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  On 4/8/2024 at 10:00 PM, Koll said:

Dion suggestions received in last weeks:

4) Increase level cap to level 80 or higher. 
- Level 80 will bring drastic changes. Skills like Counter Critical / Song of Purification / Insane Crusher / Servitor Share, will have huge affect on PVP/Olympiad. We want more players (we are thinking about 20/30%) to reach lvl 79 at least. We believe that if more players will reach level 80 together, it will affect PVP/Olympiad less and will be more balanced.


This answer makes no sense. Why server have to wait for more people to get only 79lv if the skills that you are talking about that will have huge affect for the game comes at lv 80? Then you should count those 20/30% of ppl who is already 79lvl and 100% so that increasing cap wont affect game that much and will not give advantage only for few groups of ppl. Because now i dont see any logic on what kind of difference it will make for 79lvl players if u add 80lvl cap and from those 20/30% of 79lv players only few will get lvl 80 the same day and rest of players that will be at 79lvl still will have to wait days/weeks/months (depends on double exp weekends and other events with extra exp bonuses) to get  80lv. Also why not to count not only how many ppl will reach 79lv (79lv and 100% to fair) but also classes and more specific those classes u were talking about that gets huge advantages like prp/sws/summoners/da's? I dont really care at this point when server will increase cap, but if this is the answer that server gave to the players why is not here yet, then make it when there will be enough of those classes that change the game at 79lv and 100%

Edited by JzOo

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dont know about DION server

but in my knowledge,TI is really fast now,seems no chance to expect the merge,only few ppl playing on TI server,dont know if their suggestions only benifit themselves,

I can understand ppl focus on their golas and wanna finish it asap,but all these changes only make this game easiler.but all these changes only benifit those top clan players,

focus on helping low lv players better than help top players.

this server was perfect in last 6years,it get ruinned since the epics drop rate doubled bc ppl suggested they should get items easiler,all these change you did for now is the same way to prees the button of fast

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