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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/16 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    boy!!! you disappointing me!!! where the server name on the video hum hum?!?!?
  2. 2 points
    i dont think such thing as total balance exist in this game, still with double hide and double shadow step i dont think dagger gonna have many problms with movement. and also daggers are not supose to fight a duelist on a 1v1 face to face scenario. thats why the dude is called a duelist, he primes on duels. 1v1/1v2 fights. while he has mana to burst enemies down. either u keep not letting him do his stuff or if he does his stuff you most likely gonna die. if we try to search for perfect balance we will find out the game is all broken, you can wonder why HE can use the lvl 1 dash if other archers dont have it, why dark avenger has a pet and other tanks dont, why necro can have a pet and take advantage of transfer pain and still hit as hard as other mages, why kai the cat has more p attack then other pets of same level, why crafter has a golem and spoiler doesnt. and so on and so on. you basicly just cant try to balance something from one point of view cuz it will be breaking others.  imagine now that everyone would go like "ah but dagger have lethals and other classes dont so to balance lets give lethals to other classes also and they can ignore the targets CP so lets make it for everyone the same to be balanced."  what would i do with my life?
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    that sounds like a very bad, on budget, cheesy, amateur porn movie
  7. 1 point
    Archers are fine, every archer is better in different situation. Every archer has some advantages and disadvantages. Thats how other classes balance should look like. Pr is nerfed but still has his special skills that make him better than others in some situations. Interesting how Sano wants to keep server w/o custom things but he "customized" exacly the class what i play (PR). How unlucky i must be :D
  8. 1 point
    Hello. Please contact me at skype: koll.classic, I will need Team viewer.  
  9. 1 point
    I feel like there're more and more people every siege Nice vid anyway
  10. 1 point
    Last fight was niceee. Just dont put those PR videos... WTF is with this server, everyone want to say that they dont do PR, so why the fuk u have all EE in CP? when we have 4 boxes we always do.
  11. 1 point
    I'm in the video, so obviously a good video.
  12. 1 point
    still respect for the Zebra head song.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    ​Sano, NCSoft didnt forget to fck this part up aswell :D. They can still surprize after 10+ years of game. They Changed olympiad bufs so that PW could always have M def and p def self buff and it was imposible for TH to get em from npc. Now on 2.0 you can get m def and p def buff from oly npcand its not like you cant take some useful bufs and need to sacrifice smth to get these, because good dagger bufs are removed (Death whisper no longer exist on oly npc buffer gg). There is some human race fanboy in ncsoft - Necro, Glad, WL, TH - All superior to their other race counterparts especially on Classic chronicles
  15. 1 point
    Playing with other players is definitely the answer. People say playing with friends is the best, but I say matching up with randoms is where it's at. Usually the first ~1 hour everyone's just minding their own bussiness (just 'cg' on level up, 'lvl?', 'anyone got shots' etc.) but sooner or later people break the silence with absolutely anything to avoid going insane. And if you're unfortunate enough to stay in one good party for ~5 hours, things start to get... Philosophical.
  16. 1 point
    I use to level up with the mobs which don't have drop, only tons of EXP and it makes the leveling smoother (from 40+). My advice is that just play when you really want to play and not because it is your goal to go for lvl cap. Because going for lvl cap is very time consuming. I don't know, I just enjoy every aspect of the game, even being low lvl (20 - 40) is enjoyable for me. But if your joy is to go for lvl cap and be geared you will be consumed by the game, because the game really ask for your time . Also, I use to hear streams, videos or whatever that may entertain me while I'm lvling up.
  17. 1 point
    well, to start with if one dorf gets inside the castle easy you not putting up much of a defence, are you? i dunno, its like, ppl are not supposed to "abandon" their castle when they are defending it, if they do they should get punished for it.  i know its allways a lot more interesting to go around and mess with the ppl on other sieges, take the fight to them if they dont take it to you right? but again to do this you cant leave your castle completely unattended. and if you choose to do it, then its normal you gonna get punished for it. thats why its called a castle DEFENCE you are meant to defend it. its not like a dorf or 2 dorfs or 3 dorfs can do much if you leave 4 or 5 ppl behind at least for scouting duty. just my opinion.  
  18. 1 point
    We are recruiting any as long as they are active atm, cap's may close. But if there's a what do you need, feel free to ask! Nonfactors in a nutshell. Our slogan since the beginning. Make Aden Gr8 Again