It honestly doesn't look that OP. The A scrolls look imba but the market price gets destroyed fairly quickly.
I still think they're going to nerf those next restart though.
number 1 : lazy trader who doesnt care about his customers. all he wants is money and as much as possible ...
number 2: smart trader who cares about his customers. he is not lazy and always tries to offer best for his customers
number 3: asshole
number 4: this one wants to sell fast. its best to be his customer and make money off his deals
Good zp, thats a good attitude to have, getting 0 epics, 0 baiums, 0 castles, 0 prime hours winning, its good that you dont feel like loosing, you wont ever loose with an attitude like this, keep it up.
Do you realize i saw how he fight and win with baium lvl 3 vs no baium even lvl 1 isnt a BIG DEAL ...
I say about how he play ? potato style, btw who played on Angerfist last oly and lose 3 times in a row with top eq vs low eq DrElmar? Me kurwa or who ? .
Mission complete - triggered ?