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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/15 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    As most threads are about problems and demands , i wanted to make a different thread, to say thanks to the server officials that way. Right now, you are really giving me back the old classic feeling of Lineage 2. The shop items and the premium account system are quite reasonable and i REALLY hope they will be sufficient to enable you to pay the server and earn your share of money, so that the server will stay (that way) for quite a while.
  2. 3 points
    меня русское коммюнике юных мамкоебов 13+ не возбуждает никак, как по мне лучше уже бразилец, который умеет грамотно водить парики. А вообще твой пост попахивает шовинизмом) хочешь исключительно играть с русскоговорящими - есть РУОФФ, где доступ со стран не-СНГ запрещен по правилам, там ты увидев "буржуя", репортишь, что играет он не с территории СНГ, достаешь водку и балалайку и начинаешь праздновать победу над капитализмом
  3. 2 points
    There are many people with this problem i tried many things i saw on the forum and is not resulting in anything. I changed many things in the windows and permissions also created another administrator and regular user, i looked at the host file and everything is ok. The launcher opens up normally as well as make full check, do I download new files that was excluded, however is I put login and password gives the error. And I do not know what they have to make all chronic i have like as (Infinity Odsseye / Freya / High Five / Interlude / Ertheia) normally run.
  4. 2 points
    Hello. Changed. But only because of mistake. 
  5. 1 point
    "Only caracters of lvl 20 with complete their first class transfer can use this function."
  6. 1 point
    Dear friends! After the last restart, something strange happened. On the server side strange message started popping up. Here is the message: Our technicians urgently began to investigate the cause of the message and found the same problem on the site. This problem affecting the site visually, but we found nothing yet. Update: A new weird NPC was found by our technicians on the server side . Apparently, for some reason he sends these messages. We still can't find this monster in the game, but maybe you can. We need any information about it, better the screen of it, so that we can understand how it looks and may be visually detect it in the code!!! Spooky Scary appears in a certain time and accompanying his appearance with the message on the server side. We will follow up messages and report in announcements when he appears. NPC Name: Spooky Scary. We will be very grateful to you for finding Spooky Scary and making screenshot of him and we are ready to reward each one of you with Death's Deal Certificate 50% for 7 days. Please post a screenshot in this thread where we can see your nickname and the Spooky Scary.
  7. 1 point
    Hey dagger sers so hows it going ? Hows dagger class life here? ;p Pve pvp? Very hard? casual or Godly char? in this server.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I think it's ok, cause dat adena-bots are damn annoying. I think nobody will exp bot-character to 20 lvl and even make class transfer. So idea is good, you have my vote.
  10. 1 point
    ​ Já desisti de jogar, simplesmente não existe uma solução pra isso . Eu tentei absolutamente tudo, tudo mesmo, mas a única solução foi essa, deixar de lado antes que eu faça alguma besteira no sistema do meu computador de tanto mexer nas configurações. O único jeito é esperar abrir o Oficial e torcer para que esse problema não me apareça por lá ! O pior é ter que aguentar as imagens e vídeos divulgadas do servidor e não poder entrar pra brincar também..
  11. 1 point
    after almost 11 years of l2, i swear i never saw a server were so many ppl would cry so much about the damn bots... theres like prolly 2k+ ppl playing on the server and its funny how you guys think that the 3 or 4 admins can be everywhere at all time and any time to control everyone. you find a bot, you do as they said and leave name on Skype and when they can they will check it out. just dont be a fukin crying biatch spamming the fukin forums all day long everytime u see a bot. actualy i think admins are beeing very soft on the fórum rules. on my opinion i would just give like 1 week ban for everyone discussing about bots in fórum. its not only against the rules but it messes up the new comers who see every fukin lil crying whinner complaining about how full of bots it is. get out of your damn cave and start looking out side of your belly hole.
  12. 1 point
    GM's need to clean this up. There are dozens of solo and duo bots running around the dion fields farming the bears & hobgoblins. starting to be more bots than live players
  13. 1 point
     Clan Targaryen Reclutamos gente activa, dedicada y con ganas de jugar sin parar. Clan Targaryen busca gente lvl +23 y en especifico Tanques, Buffers en general y wizards​. Lideres del clan: Lion y Aleya. Nuestro TS: ts3.targaryens.com​ Grupo de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1500850736844239/ Al entrar al ts deben contactar al lider del clan, o algún delegado así serán enviados a el canal para su respectiva explicación de como funciona nuestro clan. Cualquier duda, pueden enviarme un MP y lo contestare lo mas rápido posible.
  14. 1 point
    ​Saber recipe is needed because you can get first dual D grade with them so it's very important for some people, for BD or Warrior/some class who need good damage output.
  15. 1 point
    ​Да l2j голимый, конечно. Но опять же, какая разница? Я играю.
  16. 1 point
    Cause in Classic 1.0 it must use it like this. We have description from 2.0 and fixing it. 
  17. 1 point
    idk who u trying sell it to... the biggest artisan atm is lvl 30. maybe in a week some one will buy it from u for 50k. just dump it in to the grocery shop)
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    If they would ban the trades in the party matching system it would be a huge advantage. A ban hammer for the ones using the system for merchandising purposes! Can I have a *hear, hear!!*
  20. 1 point
    The NPC (Leopold) congratulates you and tells you he's giving you the mark, but he doesn't. I did 2x turn ins, first at level 21 with mixed badges but still over 100 and second one at 25 with over 100 from one specific badge, just in case. Both times the same thing. You can still get the quest in Dion, but it seems Cargo boxes are not enabled. Somehow somebody linked me one on last Beta but dunno how he got it.
  21. 1 point
    Луки всегда жрали вагон сосок и только по этой причине будущие лукари качаются до 40 с дагами. Вы первый раз в л2? Или пришли с хф х500... Вы может почитаете о классах, прежде чем выбрать тот или иной класс и не писать подобную чушь.
  22. 1 point
    You can get the quest in Dion without the mark~
  23. 1 point
    Use l2encoder/decoder to edit user.ini and change value for these settings: MouseX=CameraYaw Speed=+3600.0 MouseY=CameraPitch Speed=+3600.0to lower, for example 500 I had this problem when played l2 interlude on virtual machine and helped when changed both to 150.
  24. 1 point
    ета фича самая лутшая, я тоже потерял вещ под мобами, крысёнок забрал и неотдаёт но я радуюсь, а не плачю думаю тут нехватает прикреплённой темы с большым оглавлением " СТЕНА ПЛАЧА "
  25. 1 point
    ​А вы не интересовались, что хотят сделать админы на своём собственном сервере? Они предоставляют бесплатную игру в одно окно. Хотите больше - платите, либо ищете группу, что ещё более логично. Привыкли на х9999 фармить в соло? Ну так кто вам доктор, что вы не понимаете, какова по своей сути Л2. Кстати, мне самому всегда нравились рейты х50-75, но я уже наигрался, захотелось вот на лоу-рейтах да Классике побегать. Знаю куда иду, знаю, что хочу получить. Опять же, цена для буржуев приемлемая, а для России, из-за курса, выходит, что в два раза дороже, чем на руоффе. Ну, тут опять же, кто может платит, кто не может, играет честно или ищет лазейки под страхом бана. Выбор сугубо личный. Нельзя поставить рейты выше текущих на руоффе, потому что там другая версия игры, претерпевшая значительные изменения. Если бы вы знали, то руофф также начинал с 1.0, и проходил все обновления постепенно. Здесь будет поставлено 2.0, но до того момента играем во что есть. Не хотите задротить, можете просто подождать, когда обновят клиент, и сразу начнёте с халявы. Евроофф - это хорошо, А кто сказал, что он будет бесплатным? А он скорее всего будет по p2p по цене 10€ или близкой к этой, так опять всю дорогу не дешевле, чем тут или на руоффе. Так что удачи в поисках сервера на 146% удовлетворяющего всем хотелкам.
  26. 1 point
    Что тут ещё обсуждать? Это Классика, и это фришка. Как у любой фришки - есть куча проблем, которые закрываются постепенно, а как у любой Классики - множество изменений по сравнению с прошлыми хрониками. Понятно, что может не нравится такая фришки, но лучше всё равно нет. А если не нравится Классика, ну так зайдите за 300р к Угнове, посмотрите что там творится, поймёте куда попали.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    is he playing on a laptop? if he is using a laptop he might have by pre definition to use the multimedia keys of the Fs instead of functional. if this is the case, restart your pc go on bios and on key function option change it from multimedia keys to functional keys. just out of curiosity, is it a dell laptop? xD
  29. 1 point
    Dear friends! We have planned two restarts the next two days. Unfortunately I won't be able to do everything with one restart. Tomorrow, October 29 at 11:00 CET 1st restart will be made. After tomorrow, October 30 at 11:00 CET 2nd restart will be made. You will need to update the patch after this restart.
  30. 1 point
    ​А как ты хотел? Не нравится - не играй.
  31. 1 point
    ​Не обращай внимание на этих ущербных, им легче затролить, чем помочь. Баг в описании к оружию, все пухи жрут по 2 соски, так и должно быть.
  32. 1 point
    all this d great does not give resistance to stun if you know what i mean
  33. 1 point
    ​"Miscellaneous bourgeois, soon you'll have to learn the Russian language in the mines in Siberia" Aaw man, dat hate... ​ ​It's sarcasm, mate. We, russians, can not live without jokes, you know. Or we will freeze. The real "hate" is in this topic, and it is directed to russians.
  34. 1 point
    He has only 800 hp not hard to kill, lol
  35. 1 point
    ​Any proof?Or it's your imho? ​You are retarded....
  36. 1 point
    Open world PvP and PK are two different things. In the one both players agree to the fight and in the PK you have a random person killing anyone they see no matter their level or equipment or what they were doing. Why would that be encouraged? So he can burn it faster and continue? If those hotheaded potatoheads can't control their rage the innocent players are the ones who ll be discouraged not the PKer.
  37. 1 point
    People wake up, u forget about this thing, there is no party matching at all, start using it, its rly usefull. Tell about it everyone asap!