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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    All i wanted to say is: AWSOME SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks you so much admins !!!! I read alot of complains.. but guys... This is the most awsome server ever Yesterday i had a random party of like 6 people in elven ruins it was so fun haha Good old days are Back Cya ingame
  2. 2 points
    ​We doing everything that we can do to fix it and trying to fix it as fast as we can. I already gave info why it can't be made faster. ​uve said that 8 player party already works well...u could apply this update atleast since its already a big help
  3. 2 points
    Теперь я понял, почему тебя с "голумом" сравнивают )) Ты реально болен ))
  4. 2 points
    More playing the game and less complaining about the game, please. 20 threads of whining people gets tedious.
  5. 1 point
    yeah i really enjoy to read stories like that. welcome to the server
  6. 1 point
    ну ахуеть, вот это эпик дроп. ты наверное сам у себя отсосал после такого рейда. обязательно расскажи всем ребятишкам )
  7. 1 point
    The quest Lvl 35 for second class "Mark of Challenger" gives 77k adena when finish it. Shot00012.bmp
  8. 1 point
    No tenés que hacer nada, instalarlo y ya. Cada vez que haya una conexión saliente de tu PC te va a avisar que programa la está haciendo y te da la opción de permitirla o bloquearla. Tan solo tenés que permitir las que ya conocés una vez y para la próxima ya no te pregunta.
  9. 1 point
    ​That's so good to read buddy! Thank you for playing here, it's players like you that make this server so good!
  10. 1 point
    Yeh, server rocks. Geodata are good, every zone works, skills works, damn this server kicks ass! Bring more people in!
  11. 1 point
    ​People are complaining mostly about the party bug, because it is a pain in the ass to lvl in high lvl areas. Aside from that, this is the best server I've played in my life.
  12. 1 point
    Hi all! Firsly, I'd like to congratulate the server's team that managed to give life to this awesome project. I've been reading you guys and also searching for stuff about L2classic for quite a long time! I've also downloaded the game and gave a 5min try to check the interface of classic, which I loved. Now my questions: 1) Is it possible to give me some information about the "Head-Admins" of this project? A mini bio? I'm pretty sure they are not randoms due to the fact that all this work (including services on the website/forum communication etc) is freaking awesome and well-built. 2) How come that these people that were mentioned above had access to L2classic files? It seems weird. ***Now in-game questions*** 3) I will speak honestly and tell you that I really dont know where to start. Here or L2classic official that is about to open? Could you state some pros and cons? 4) Is the server really crowded or all the love and fire we have for classic suddenly burns out? 5) If I join here, today, solo, will I be able to find some decent parties to farm and have fun? Will the server according to the number of online players keep me interested? (farm for higher equip etc) (Mind that I dont plan to be a factor, just have some fun and bring back some memories) Thank you all in advance for your responses. p.s: I would like once again to congratulate L2classic.club team for this project and giving us the chance to play for free OUR favourite MMORPG, the way it was supposed to be played! (Sorry for long post)
  13. 1 point
    Problem with Br proxy is fixed. Problem was in Data center where proxy is located.
  14. 1 point
    The blessed scroll escape clan hall price isn't the correct, you can check it in this page: https://4gameforum.com/threads/26618/ the correct price is 22,000 adena.
  15. 1 point
    Lvl máximo 75, grade máxima POR ENQUANTO, no 1.0 é grade B, no 2.0 é grade A e pelo jeito no 3.0 será S.
  16. 1 point
    ​вариантов не много или же гран каиен за 700 рублей или же евро ну а смысел ити туда если гк уже год и кланы норм одеты или же евро платить непонятно за что и столкнуться стемже бредом
  17. 1 point
    Yay - more Crystals for the economy . But for real : do you think, that when 90% of the server population is asking for 9/9 party the admins do NOTHING? Yes, it has been over a month since the serverlaunch, but maybe the problem is harder to fix then most of you think. Also the staff here has fewer members then the official server, so ofc it's gonna be slower. PS: I don't think the admins will even care if you crystalize all your equipment....
  18. 1 point
    ​o servidor continua com o mesmo numero de players unicos que tinha na primeira semana, alguns sairam, outros vieram como acontece em todo lado, a diferença é k agora sem os bots e sem o dual box free, nao é toda gente k pode andar com mais 5 chars as costas, Também não se podem eskecer k nas primeiras semanas toda a gente tinha k farmar nos mesmo sitios pk os levels eram todos identicos, agora com uma player level base k vai desde level 1 ate 55 normalmente players farmam em zonas diferentes e já não parece tanta gente como era no inicio. a prova disso é so olhar nas towns e ver as pessoas que andam por la, ao inicio havia muita gente em starter towns e gludin/gludio, neste momento já nao encontras tanta gente em gludio/gludin mas encontras mais em dion e algumas já em giran/oren/hunters. acerca do forum é simplesmente devido a mudança de domain, muita gente ainda nao entendeu bem o k se passou, já pa não falar tmb que muitos dos players so vem ao forum quando é pa criticar alguma coisa ou pa xorar e maior parte das vezes sem razao. ou quando o server vai down e kerem saber o que se passa. o bow +16 é simplesmente dum player que a unica coisa que fez no server foi basicamente comprar todas as COL k pode desde o inicio e vender col + items das lucky boxes, acredito que tenha feito muita adena especialmente com as recs de shots no inicio do jogo, os logs foram revistos e revelados, os enchantes usados foram comprados de outros players a maior parte deles, e os enchants foram todos legitimos, é simplesmente um caso de alguem com muita sorte e muito dinheiro, no entanto não acho que um player com uma boa weapon vá fazer qualquer diferença na minha opinião, é UM player com 1,4k de HP e nem seker joga activo ou é dos mais high levels no server. para akeles que decidem sair do server nada mais posso dizer a não ser muito boa sorte e divirtam-se muito seja qual for o destino que tomem. para os que ficam e alguns já me conhecem minimamente bem (especialmente na comunidade brazileira) sabem que o server vai tar ai pa durar e que vai ter sempre diversão, bugs levam fix sempre que possivel, prometemos um anitbot decente e ai está ele, prometemos eventos e admins activos e podem ve-los ai, brevemente o problema da party ficará finalmente resolvido e no entanto vai sempre haver players com alguma coisa pa apontar de errado seja ao server, seja aos fixeiros, seja aos admins. PS: Peço desculpa ao Sisyphos por ter dado um highjack no topico com assunto offtopic. ve o lado positivo, é um update no tópico for free xD
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    we would also like to be able to leave free oflineshops, it would increase the ammount of shops in town etc but you guys also need to remember running such a server has its expenses, and if you think a bit and analyse the items for sale on shop, the offline trade envelops are pretty much the only reliable way of income, as so, i believe it will stay as it is.
  21. 1 point
    Since admins can't write this to you Afrou I will.. You my little dear boy are an pain for your world around you... Now let me tell you how a normal person sees your post in a way you can understand: You are like donkey from Shrek asking are we there yet constantly.. And if the admins wasn't so damn nice they would write Shut the fuck up.. And wait for them to tell you something.. The road to the castle wont get shorter because donkey ask Shrek all the time if they are there yet.. Neither will the finish of 9 man party go any faster because you ask admin all the time..
  22. 1 point
    Leyendo los últimos post se entiende perfectamente porque recrimino a la comunidad Hispana. No hace falta que de mas explicaciones al respecto, al que no le caiga bien por intentar organizarnos un poco, el mismo. Lo de unificarnos en un clan no era del todo así. Proponía no crear cada uno el suyo, si no tener 3-4 pero fuertes, no 20 con 5 personas. Y tampoco sabia exactamente cuantos seriamos ni nada. Después nos quejáremos si el server esta dominado por otras partes y nosotros no somos capaces de plantar cara por nada. La verdad, siento si ha molestado mi actitud de querer hacer cosas, aunque no entiendo que pueda molestar. Llevo muchos años a mis espaldas ya en esto. Enfin, no desvirtuo mas el post. El que quiera que ponga los datos que dije, si mas adelante cambiase actualiza sin mayor problema. Para todo lo demás, ya sabéis donde encontrarme. Un saludo.