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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan

    Last weeks of 1.5

    Good movie, 3:15 gotch ya I was happy about this frag haha
  2. Don't excuse yourself as you were only responding to our threats. Many times, you were the ones who was starting all the sh1tstorm. And that is how it was, butyou will never admit it, you guys are always perfect no matter if you continue the same thing that JF were doing in this forum. First drama with JF, now drama with TT. Coincidence ? i dont think so... Anyway, I said too much already, have fun with your clown fiesta and trying proving who is better and fighting every day same arguments etc.
  3. That's funny, tell me your behaviour is right. Fighting on forum, calling people names, You can always criticize people when you are giving example of good behaviour, for now you can shut up and watch yourself before you start criticize others.
  4. No wonder, but you guys continue clown fiesta for us, when I see what's going on in forum everyday. Hypocrite much? This guy have no right to speak things like this, cuz he knows me only in interne. But well, not everyone is smart enough to know what to sayand what to not say, so keeps barking all the time without any real arguments. Don't play his lawyer role, as what he said was nothing less than pathetic, or maybe he is your boyfriend then I understand your white knight role
  5. Empty words, just like you. Too big ego, yet no one in reality so you can only bark here like you do everyday. LMAO Woof, Woof @Kure
  6. My intensions are not to be a leader, and I don't think so at this stage there is any chance to rebuild green side. But I agree with you, about the last sentence. For now, Im thinking dominating ally is SM, but well, I think siege will resolve everything and make things clear. Anyway Im not here to argue, I stopped forum fighting. Neverthless, althought I dont like you I must say that you are very loyal, because you stay all the time in WS in bad times so it's respected. GL, HF at siege. I won't be there anyway
  7. It's not a theory. just friend from that clan told me. They are Polish guys so I know some of them. But you have party guys 70+, good equipped and you lost with them 3 times in a row untill DS came to your aid. Isn't that pathetic @Stiba007? You can say what you want, but your ally, excluding one very good party has only quantity. SM side is much better if terms of quality, they have many high lvls a lot of epics and are organized. I don't know why are you arguying with them if clearly they are better in that moment. This argue here in forum is pointless, better make some mass fight with them and see who wins, then it will be proof for anything. Greens are done, only left blue, wk and ws. But considering the fact atm SM taking all the epics, continuously farm in LOA etc. and take what they want well we both know who is the winner no matter if we like them or not.
  8. Stiba just one question, pls tell me how is it if your party getting fcked by random clan Divide et impera, 60+ farming at tree, and calling DS to help? And fight them just because you act like a GoD of AB, and stun their tank with trains. That's shame
  9. Lol, you can make 2 parties from that easily
  10. Gladi 72 Joking, have own CP, but Im curious how do ypu split your CPs? GL in recruiting anyway!
  11. I remember, when I was clearing alone your party hehe. Fun times
  12. Yes Lafi, because we are very bad and handles players in this clan, and such a legend clan/ally like TT don't take us
  13. I don't rly wanna argue, but talk between leaders in TS was about all of the clans joining TT side (including jungle) We didn't agree from the beggining so saying that they didn't invite us is just meh. All know if Naga agreed, we would be in that side too.
  14. Seems like you are bored at home Jerry
  15. I rerolled pr because my CP members have good chars for that party and was hard to make melle party fully working in a losing side. You didn't even use TSS from the blunt, so not me but you don't have the clue.
  16. Don't involve JF into Ih3art's and zacman's decision. We still are separate side. Small but still independent.
  17. Because we didn't want to join JF is alone now.
  18. Yeah true dat, he can switch near pr which would die in probably one hit from TSS, loaded to 3 momentum. The thing is with hammer crush + buster he spend too much mana without dealing good enough damage. But what am I saying if I have no clue about my glad
  19. Oh! so I see I have no clue how to play gladiator. Allright then edit. I think it's all about switching weapons at the right time, but well, I don't know anything
  20. Rarely using duals? Man, you wasting all the potential that gladiator class is offering. Triple slash + triple sonic slash, can deal even 5k crit.
  21. Hehehe, here comes the hardcore gameplay UP!
  22. Thanks for wishing but dont QQ so much, it's obvious if we see Stiba007 we pk. No matter if we are 4 or 18 GUYS GTFO FROM THIS TOPIC WITH UR SPAM !