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Everything posted by Aduha

  1. Hi, I'm going to explain this easy. You need to make twin DA, and farm oly to feed your main char on 3rd week. GL HF after that you can use hero berzerk to be immune for all debuffs 120 seconds. Lifehack.
  2. Aduha

    When you lose pvp in toi

    You said "it's our floor!" but you did it with out confidence
  3. it has different skills than used to be - okay, but i dont see guards on Baium Priest
  4. looks like kids fight in sandbox
  5. феникса читай
  7. Ахренеть, ну и бред вы пишите. Тесты Ольфа читайте
  8. with Priest in game also were added 11 more 70 lvl raids(21h included), 1x 65lvl bosses ect. and 6 75lvl (21h)
  9. why you add priests and not adding rest bosses. btw on retail all bosses priests included have static 22h resp time.
  10. Check his (or natsuyama) last .... 13 matches. (its called feed in open)
  11. Aduha

    PVP tournament

    ez top 1/32 even w/o fights.
  12. And don't forget that crunchi made it for you, so dont talk at all.