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iAxZp last won the day on May 17 2021

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About iAxZp

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  1. Rizos summarized the whole story. My 50 cents on this subject: 1) We made list of server flaws only Koll gave a fuck and he is the only reason i sticked around this long(but sadly thats not enough) 2) We pointed out solutions and ideas . Still 0 implementations 3) We made tests proving drop rate is fucked , again except koll trying there was 0 changes all these up to the point gms woke up from comma when all EU community left and cashed out. Now @San0 the train is gone , we cant bring back people with "small baits" no matter how many "drop rate changes" or "mini updates" or "meme giveaways" u guys will do. Your arrogance and "i know better" attitude combined with the guidelines sjeks and voo instructed u made this server the l2 biggest shithole. This abomination has nothing to do with TI we loved and supported. If u feel offended u can ban/delete message and act butthurt , but if i was u i would think very well before act. There is only 1 solution if u want to save the project: COMPLETE SERVER MAKE OVER 1) Make proper advertisment for new chapter new "masterworked" classic updates and fucking pay people to play if needed.(with proper map explaining whats next) 2) When this new content is ready introduce proper catch up mechanic with stages ex:1-40 x15/ 40-52 x10/ 52-61 x7/ 61-74 x5 /74+ normal rates. 3) Fix all mechanics like TI about drop/exp rates and even easier for people to get daily small accomplishments and keep them hooked up with the game. 4) Make proper classes rebalance not just copy paste post antharas balances, server stage is different it requires different approach. 5) Revoke the meme 1+1 low interlude lovers cringe windows limitation. we don't need this shit , we are old and with less and less time to play everyday, u cripple small groups and cps this way and randoms that wanted to make a proper solo/duo farm setup and enjoy on their own pace. 6) Show u care actively , we didn't see u are alive since opening to this day, the only gms interaction people see is when media channel is cleaned from spam. 7) Implement Rerolls already to allow randoms change their own chars into something a cp needs so they can enter competitive stage. 8 ) And last but not least, quit this " we want people to slow progress" policy no1 is going to farm 1 full week to craft 1 bw glove we don't have time nor patience to play on on purpose reduced rates.
  2. It has to be one day. check ur agenta and tell us what day it is good for you, then we will make a poll to see if every1 on server agrees. if not we postpone it for 2k24
  3. -Exp scrolls combined with Bosses exp boost will lead into relog chars to powerlevel fiesta(kill cp primes in long run) -Epics 75 is great addition if u put stats that fit server state and we dont hit AQ for 8 hrs like its antharas -Nerfed runes values in that stage of server is going to be problem we dont have super runes, its wrong to have nerfed runes. -Archers need the Passive crit on bow mastery , in case u dont reverse nerf in othel runes
  4. asking me who am i, saying hangle farms 4 hr/day and saying i am 6 months server player. u clearly dont know who i am so w/e . have a nice day
  5. i dont recall any moment asians won against any europian clan, also asians are the ones bought everything from people cashed out so i suggest you stfu and go to ur corner before i start posting asian receipts
  6. iAxZp


  7. Exactly. That's why ur opinion has zero value.
  8. We have traditionally better players so other sides zerg us to win some obj. What is there for new people to see?
  9. iAxZp

    G4NK // Multipov

    suck as many dicks as u want. still u gonna gatekeeper hug and drop wars
  10. LF CP from any ally/clan/randoms except macaco side for core/orfen/aq farms levels irrelevant(as long as u dont get petrified)/equip irrelevant, classic point system. events manager me. you can contact me on discord or in game to "axzp.
  11. we will discuss also how to delete epics then pretend its not you and gms dont ban you?