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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. SOiL

    Here we go again

    ​i like biz videos, he posts only nice pvp and only when its a hard win agains higher levels. btw, hate so much how those guys post videos about ganging and making fun of pr and bsoe. one moment saved in my mind how soil party attacked dee who was farming and equiped with divine set and dee didnt even see them, and soil like a true honored warrior made a commen in video about the bsoe. ​Have you ever seen 1 guy on tp with your party and let him go to his party so you can play 9v9? I did. (Ask maquavel) Have you ever gave back drops to an enemy that died from mobs? I did. Have you ever played 1 v many without bsoeing? I did. You guys that talking about pvps and making whole time PR or BSOES without even trying fight back, it's lame. Then why you even talk about pvps? I putted that scene on video because NF were regrouping on tp and they died too. (Also we've never cried about boxes etc, do you think when we're dying we're all actives?)
  2. BOP is the best for all updates incomming, btw wts BOP +4
  3. ​Who bought items for real money? They only money I spent is for 2 PA in start and for teamspeak. Stop saying random bullsh1ts. Go random aoe loa heart and you will understand why we're fully equiped. ​they never seen those monsters... ​btw you both agro on him, but he just read your words ​Nah progressive said for people that selling items for money, not giving money to get items. You guys should read better..
  4. ​Who bought items for real money? The only money I spent is for 2 PA in start and for teamspeak. Stop saying random bullsh1ts. Go aoe loa heart and you will understand why we're fully equiped.
  5. SOiL

    Video 3

    GreenLightDS 0:40 I'm here... 0:42 TO DESTROY YOU!
  6. SOiL

    Here we go again

    ​You know everything about organization watching first part of kols video of sieges decided you are just ez. But you are also braindead you can also ADD some ganks in SOS full party vs 3 guys which are 10 lvl below you.. GG WP w8ing next video ​You were saying you have nice organization, not me and nice politics.. But anyways. Next time we will ask if you're all there or if you're afk and then we will start hitting
  7. SOiL

    Here we go again

    9v2? You mean 9v8 but 8 weren't organized well It's not my problem. About holding the doors, I think noone got it but we killed all ES side and we were defending castle while praying vs perkunas side. gf
  8. ​Man at last you did a good post..
  9. SOiL

    Here we go again

    ​cool story is ur copypaste music from first server vids. Also cool story is easy Oren Castle ​What about music? o0 Good job, you got oren with our balls.
  10. SOiL

    Here we go again

    ​Aha.. cool story
  11. ​Dont you think that Perkunas "zerg" is just result of your own (and UQ) politics? These clans which joined them have nothing to loose, you were/are harrasing them on exping spots anyway. This way is their ONLY opportunity at this moment how to repay you for all you had done to them so far. They know they have zero chance for capturing castle or even have positive kill/death ratio on siege/daily pvp, but annoy you during capturing more castle(s) is rewarding enough to at least try that. And why only oportunity? Cos they dont have enough ppl/levels to create fourth side and their possible equall enemy (your "academy" clans aka Lowczyzzakamenia) are not accepting wars or/and constantly calling babysitters from main clans when in trouble. Funny thing is that BizQQuit didnt have to use much politics at all, just dont harrassing low lvl/new clans was enough (there are some exceptions of course (hello z0z), but not in that big scale as on your/uq sides). Simple offer of some kind of help on daily basis (not 24/7 100% protection ofc) in exchange of strengthen their ranks on siege is win-win situation for both sides of agreement. P.S. "300" lost and was slaughtered (even it wasnt 300 but around 7000 from which 5000 retreated after 3 days) but whatever. ​No you're wrong on this. I'll tell you a simple example, TERRORISTAS clan we've never hitted them,never harrased them. Never. Joined you because I don't know, just joined the zerg. Totally were with ES side, now joined your side, and better keep them there. Just by their name I don't even like them (Plus stiba talks..) Maybe people prefer to be with the many and joining you. I prefer to be with less and stronger. If you think that will work, I'm not so sure.. It's not reality, they are not soldiers, it's a game they're players
  12. SOiL

    20.11.2016 Siege Recap.

    Leo morrachioli \m/
  13. SOiL

    WTS BOP +4

    Mail me here or in game "SoiL
  14. ​Do you think that's politics or strategy, gathering in 6 clans the whole server to keep aden and running on the other castles? That's just zerg. Nah, I told you before. Most of people with clan that wants to play can do that. 27 people CC hold gludio and won. Take care of your zerg, this kind of alliances get sad quickly..
  15. ​kill them j/k, our archer cps gonna be smacked like nothing by your melees while we wont be able to defend ourselves much it takes all 4 archers to perfectly assist on 1 warrior to kill him, considering others 3 are distracted by other ppl and are not comming for us, but it takes just 1 wl stun and its game over, duelist/tyrant can smack 2 archers in those 4 seconds ​But archers are the coolest chars in this game imo. And also very usefull in long range fights.
  16. Do you think I'm sad that we kept Giran vs 2 alliances? Bwahahaha, was great! My kids took many frags on your bodies.
  17. SOiL

    Siege Date

    ​Yep you're saying to make it earlier not later.
  18. Admins you should make siege earlier not 2h later. We have people from vietnam-korea they can't play such a late time on sieges, they're already playing in midnight..
  19. ​So how did UQlance? Suprised? ​We didnt gather all server to play.. Did you even see any of UQ with us? We didn't lose anything even if you were more than 200 people if I'm correct, oh wait 180 + ES alliance that you used them to take cover your asses. ​Lel, u tell to brace, why should ignore such wise man? And if u didnt had UQ with u its ur problem, coz u didnt deny u re not allied with UQ, the screens from 1st post tell alot too. Oh, first time u had less ppl should care who u bro with. ​First time we had less people? I'm gonna laugh on that, when we lost dion we did take gludio with 27 people. After that we've never had more than 90-100 in CC. Farming with some guys are not making you ally with them, but now with this zerg, who knows.. GL on farm spots P.S Brace yourselves.. use translate to see what it means
  20. ​So how did UQlance? Suprised? ​We didnt gather all server to play.. Did you even see any of UQ with us? We didn't lose anything even if you were more than 200 people if I'm correct, oh wait 180 + ES alliance that you used them to take cover your asses.
  21. ​and still you achieved nothing untill nf went dawn. There's nothing to achieve in 1.0 except lvls. However we tried to make a Hellenic clan back there. Where are you now? Oh yea playing at wargate with full of bugs ​