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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Koll

    Auction house

    Hello. Nick?
  2. Koll

    cant play

    In 3 min will be up. Try to login after it.
  3. Koll

    cant play

    What is Crome.exe - file? Can you send me this program?
  4. Koll

    cant play

    Hello. Account name?
  5. Hello. Supports will answer you in ticket. Only way is to transfer char.
  6. Yes. You will still have all your items.
  7. Hello. I don't see lots from you.
  8. Recovery or change it via account manager:    
  9. Koll

    Siege time

    Hello. After last maintenace we didn't noticed that there are problem with server time. Sieges will be at same 17 CET as it must be. With next restart we will fix it.
  10. ​There wasn't problems 3 days ago. 
  11. All tickets was processed.
  12. Koll


    ​Password to MA and to game account is different.  This is how to recovery INGAME ACCOUNT password:  
  13. Koll


    Hello. You changing password to MA, so you need to login in account manager with E-mail + new password. Then you will be able to change password to your acocunt from there.
  14. Koll

    account banned

    ​You was getting money from many bots + you was logining on this bots. How your sentence related to reason of your ban?
  15. Hello. It can be fixed and we know about problem, but right now it's not in priority. 
  16. Hello. Go to: http://l2classic.club/account/recovery They recovery pass to MA with this. Then go to http://l2classic.club/account/login and login with MA login ( E-mail ) + MA password. Then in account manager you will see all account logins you have on this MA.
  17. Koll

    account banned

    Hello. Char name that was banned.
  18. Hello. You was banned for botting and adena was deleted because you farmed it with using bot. 
  19. Hello. It's 17% http://l2classic.club/forum/topic/13610-l2classicclub-holidays/ 9/100*17 = 1.53, but web trying to round this number and because it's closer to 2 - it's showing 2. You can cotact support, they will added 0.5 to you. 
  20. ​Hello. As you know it's December 31 so we are also trying to prepare everything for New Year. Sorry for delay.
  21. Koll

    L2Classic.club Holidays!

    ​Hello. Check again. Maybe he is back.