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Everything posted by San0

  1. becuz i want to have it with a more interactive way with community having fun with whoever wants to have fun while chit chating and let the people have some say in this. this is something between me and the community we have, just some fun during this times when life outside isnt as good as we would like and theres a bit more of free time to be used. also, about that tournament, even when we make it, im sure stream will get banned within hours if it gets a big number of viewers.
  2. k another new rule it came up to me just now, i will not accept any items/adena from other players. RULES UPDATE: - ALL GAMEPLAY NEEDS TO BE STREAMED. from the first moment char is created untill "challenge" is completed it has to be done on stream. this is both to ensure that all is legit and to avoid ideas later that i did any shenanigans with admin stuff. - OBVIOUSLY NO ADMIN COMMANDS. - YOU GUYS PICK WHAT CLASS I NEED TO PLAY. we make poll or something and let you guys decide what class i should be doing the challenge on. - NO BOX. The class its chosen is the only char i will have logged. - NO BOSS SPAM. a boss here or a boss there is ok but main focus would be hard core old school grinding. - NO DONATION OPTIONS ALLOWED. This means, no auction house, no buying COL to sell for adena in game etc. wtv i get in game needs to be obtained in game without out of game interference. - CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE AFTER PURCHASE OF FIRST 3rd CLASS SKILL BOOK. Guess its a good and maybe hard way to finish it depending on class you guys choose. - WHILE NOT PLAYING CHARACTER WILL BE LEFT TO FISH. Char will stay there, everyone will be able to see its not being abused somewhere and i would need to restock on fish for stews for next day farm. Also its free exp that every new player should use as much as they can. - NO PARTY MATCHING CREATION ALLOWED. can only use party matching to join already existent groups. - NO BABY SITTING ALLOWED. can beg for buffs from friendly buffer in town but cannot allow people to constantly run after me with their chars/boxes giving me full buffs constantly - NO ACCEPTING ITEMS OR ADENA FROM OTHER PLAYERS. whatever i need i gotta get it myself or buy it with adena farmed by myself or with other items obtained by myself.
  3. already explained this, me doing this will not change anything on server functionality cuz this will not interfere with my working part. i do not "MAKE" the stuff, i tell people what i want them to be done and they do it, so between the moment i tell them i need this event done this way with this functions and this rewards, and the moment i have to test it, theres a waiting time.
  4. play time will differ from day to day, i usually wake up early morning and do what i have to do from working part (i prefer working morning since while brain is fresh and world is quiet) so the play time will consist in most of my free time. no hard core schedule tho like "i have to play 6 hours everyday" or something like this but i believe i wil be able to put up 3 to 4 hours per day some days more some days less. i dunno exactly how its in other countries atm but here due to the virus thing we are basically on lock down and advised to not leave home unless its for work or essentials, considering my work is from home i already got that part covered. i can get behind that book thing, so challenge would finish after purchase of first 3rd class book! about starting part, ill start as soon as we set in a class.
  5. rules and interest first boys and girls, after we set on rules we check about classes with some poll or something still need to figure out when challenge would be considered completed, i would prolly say uppon third class. this seams to be the point of entry for most of CPs or clans high lvl. rules so far. - ALL GAMEPLAY NEEDS TO BE STREAMED. from the first moment char is created untill "challenge" is completed it has to be done on stream. this is both to ensure that all is legit and to avoid ideas later that i did any shenanigans with admin stuff. - OBVIOUSLY NO ADMIN COMMANDS. - YOU GUYS PICK WHAT CLASS I NEED TO PLAY. we make poll or something and let you guys decide what class i should be doing the challenge on. - NO BOX. The class its chosen is the only char i will have logged. - NO BOSS SPAM. a boss here or a boss there is ok but main focus would be hard core old school grinding. - NO DONATION OPTIONS ALLOWED. This means, no auction house, no buying COL to sell for adena in game etc. wtv i get in game needs to be obtained in game without out of game interference. - CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE WHEN ???? undecided yet on when challenge would be set as complete, cant really make a Zero to Hero cuz is not how it works on l2 (feeds, gears, big sides etc) and hero is a important part of the game for high lvl content so i dont think i should mess up with that part of the game. - WHILE NOT PLAYING CHARACTER WILL BE LEFT TO FISH. Char will stay there, everyone will be able to see its not being abused somewhere and i would need to restock on fish for stews for next day farm. Also its free exp that every new player should use as much as they can. - NO PARTY MATCHING CREATION ALLOWED. can only use party matching to join already existent groups. - NO BABY SITTING ALLOWED. can beg for buffs from friendly buffer in town but cannot allow people to constantly run after me with their chars/boxes giving me full buffs constantly
  6. we will get to pick a class later. atm just want to measure peoples interest and try to complete a full set of "rules"
  7. last time i played l2 was like 6/7 years ago, i doubt you gonna learn much ill prolly be the one needing some lessons throughout the process
  8. the char people choose will be the only char i will have, no extra chars, no shop chars, no boxes.
  9. droped bw gloves back on c4 days while pvping in blazing swamp fighting for naga, my clan leader altho he was also one of my real life best friends almost murdered me. and yes, this happening, prepare for some rage moments for sure
  10. ideas for rules: - ALL GAMEPLAY NEEDS TO BE STREAMED. from the first moment char is created untill "challenge" is completed it has to be done on stream. this is both to ensure that all is legit and to avoid ideas later that i did any shenanigans with admin stuff. - OBVIOUSLY NO ADMIN COMMANDS. - YOU GUYS PICK WHAT CLASS I NEED TO PLAY. we make poll or something and let you guys decide what class i should be doing the challenge on. - NO BOX. The class its chosen is the only char i will have logged. - NO BOSS SPAM. a boss here or a boss there is ok but main focus would be hard core old school grinding. - NO DONATION OPTIONS ALLOWED. This means, no auction house, no buying COL to sell for adena in game etc. wtv i get in game needs to be obtained in game without out of game interference. - CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE WHEN ???? undecided yet on when challenge would be set as complete, cant really make a Zero to Hero cuz is not how it works on l2 (feeds, gears, big sides etc) and hero is a important part of the game for high lvl content so i dont think i should mess up with that part of the game. - WHILE NOT PLAYING CHARACTER WILL BE LEFT TO FISH. Char will stay there, everyone will be able to see its not being abused somewhere and i would need to restock on fish for stews for next day farm. Also its free exp that every new player should use as much as they can. - NO PARTY MATCHING CREATION ALLOWED. can only use party matching to join already existent groups. - NO BABY SITTING ALLOWED. can beg for buffs from friendly buffer in town but cannot allow people to constantly run after me with their chars/boxes giving me full buffs constantly - NOT ALLOWED TO JOIN MAIN CLANS. I obviously want to make my presence the more neutral possible so i wont be joining any clans who have content challenge impact. - CANNOT BUY EXP. rules update.
  11. ideas for rules: - ALL GAMEPLAY NEEDS TO BE STREAMED. from the first moment char is created untill "challenge" is completed it has to be done on stream. this is both to ensure that all is legit and to avoid ideas later that i did any shenanigans with admin stuff. - OBVIOUSLY NO ADMIN COMMANDS. - YOU GUYS PICK WHAT CLASS I NEED TO PLAY. we make poll or something and let you guys decide what class i should be doing the challenge on. - NO BOX. The class its chosen is the only char i will have logged. - NO BOSS SPAM. a boss here or a boss there is ok but main focus would be hard core old school grinding. - NO DONATION OPTIONS ALLOWED. This means, no auction house, no buying COL to sell for adena in game etc. wtv i get in game needs to be obtained in game without out of game interference. - CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE WHEN ???? undecided yet on when challenge would be set as complete, cant really make a Zero to Hero cuz is not how it works on l2 (feeds, gears, big sides etc) and hero is a important part of the game for high lvl content so i dont think i should mess up with that part of the game. - WHILE NOT PLAYING CHARACTER WILL BE LEFT TO FISH. Char will stay there, everyone will be able to see its not being abused somewhere and i would need to restock on fish for stews for next day farm. Also its free exp that every new player should use as much as they can. - NO PARTY MATCHING CREATION ALLOWED. can only use party matching to join already existent groups. - NO BABY SITTING ALLOWED. can beg for buffs from friendly buffer in town but cannot allow people to constantly run after me with their chars/boxes giving me full buffs constantly - NOT ALLOWED TO JOIN MAIN CLANS. I obviously want to make my presence the more neutral possible so i wont be joining any clans who have contant challenge impact. rules update.
  12. im trying to survive from a virus and you want to give me cancer? ?
  13. lol. please make rules that can be used no stupid stuff like doom dagger till third class and no shots
  14. i guess we leave hero stuff out of the picture for the sake of useless, cuz as soon as challenge is over the account gets locked with everything on it and new account must be done for next one.
  15. about griefers i will deal with them same way i always did, sit my char in town or put it to fish till they get bored, i wouldnt be running a marathon anyway so no rush. if the question was will i log san0 and ban them the answer is no, i will have to deal with everything as a new player would. and yes im sure this will happen, but hey look at bright side, will bring lots of people to low level zones about help from other players for exp, can add some rule of no party matching creation (maybe allow to enter ones that already exist for a group to go somewhere) or baby siting allowed. yes i can still go town and beg someone for buffs, but so can new players. about tournament, that has been in conversations for some time and one thing doesnt stop the others. i know koll has been wanting to make one of those for long time.
  16. So, as it seems we all gonna be closed inside for a long time and since now its fashion thing to have bilions of the popular streamers making their Zero to Hero runs across the board of all the games i got a crazy idea that might end up killing me before the virus does. Idea is: me, leveling a char from 0 to some point to be defined by the challenge rules (for example from 0 to third class or something like this), following a very specific set of rules to make everything slightly harder then a normal player would do now a days and in a legit way. RULES SO FAR: - ALL GAMEPLAY NEEDS TO BE STREAMED. from the first moment char is created untill "challenge" is completed it has to be done on stream. this is both to ensure that all is legit and to avoid ideas later that i did any shenanigans with admin stuff. - OBVIOUSLY NO ADMIN COMMANDS. - YOU GUYS PICK WHAT CLASS I NEED TO PLAY. we make poll or something and let you guys decide what class i should be doing the challenge on. - NO BOX. The class its chosen is the only char i will have logged. - NO BOSS SPAM. a boss here or a boss there is ok but main focus would be hard core old school grinding. - NO DONATION OPTIONS ALLOWED. This means, no auction house, no buying COL to sell for adena in game etc. wtv i get in game needs to be obtained in game without out of game interference. - CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE AFTER PURCHASE OF FIRST 3rd CLASS SKILL BOOK. Guess its a good and maybe hard way to finish it depending on class you guys choose. - WHILE NOT PLAYING CHARACTER WILL BE LEFT TO FISH. Char will stay there, everyone will be able to see its not being abused somewhere and i would need to restock on fish for stews for next day farm. Also its free exp that every new player should use as much as they can. - NO PARTY MATCHING CREATION ALLOWED. can only use party matching to join already existent groups. - NO BABY SITTING ALLOWED. can beg for buffs from friendly buffer in town but cannot allow people to constantly run after me with their chars/boxes giving me full buffs constantly - CANNOT BUY EXP - NO ACCEPTING ITEMS OR ADENA FROM OTHER PLAYERS. whatever i need i gotta get it myself or buy it with adena farmed by myself or with other items obtained by myself. Set of rules can be adjusted if you guys have any ideas that could make it more interesting or remove some of the ones you think they shouldnt be there, as soon as i see if people is interested or not and we have a set of rules done, we will proceed to a poll about classes. Autobots. Speak out!
  17. i guess im missing something here about the MOH cry... unless all this chars are lvl 80+(on this case it changed +2 power from skill they had before), basicly nothing changed on it... so what is this all about? someone enlighten me please.
  18. San0


    - Power for Blaze/Aqua Swirl/Twister slightly increased: from 47/48/49/50/51/52/54/55/56/57/58/60/61/62/63/64/65/67/69/70/71/72/73/74/75 to 47/49/50/52/53/55/56/58/59/61/62/64/65/67/68/70/71/73/74/76/77/78/79/80/81 - Snipe - Removed movement limitations effects from lvl 9 skill. - Rapid Fire - Removed range limitations effects. - Fixed mana cost for skill steal essence. (it was lower then it should)
  19. Here i was brainstorming like a mad man trying to remember some sh1ts from the past like many moons ago on L2 how everything was, and the curiosity hit me hard about you guys. So i have this topic here for you to mention and let everyone know about features, mechanics, items, systems whatever it was that you guys loved and hated to do back on the days of old lineage, and why if you have a special reason for it. As an example i used to love to just go on hellbound with my BD and murder chimeras for days, there was something with knowing that at any time that chimera could AOE and almost insta pop me but there was something really pleasing and relaxing on just seeing my girl smacking the living sh1t out of those bad ass monsters by her self, specially when stuff like counter haste and counter spirit were triggering and she was just going on acids. AND I hated with all my heart to level up the stupid pets. the baby ones... it was driving me nuts how monsters had a specially liking on killing my poor wolf/cat/chicken/buffalo/hatchling, every time that animal was dying i just felt like punching sh1t around. this is just a honest curiosity and want to know more topic, please dont hate on eachother or turn this topic into one more of the "my side is 20 times better then your side and we have 20 less people" topics around
  20. San0


    - Skill Eva's Kiss can no longer be used on the following classes: Elemental Summoner Elemental Master Warlock Arcana Lord Phantom Summoner Spectral Master Necromancer Soultaker - Power of Blaze / Aqua Swirl / Twister reduced: from 47/49/51/53/55/57/59/61/63/65/67/69/71/73/75/77/79/81/83/85/87/89/91/93/95 to 47/48/49/50/51/52/54/55/56/57/58/60/61/62/63/64/65/67/69/70/71/72/73/74/75 - Fixed Thrill Fight to remove 15%/10% of the characters BASE speed. - Real Target Range increased for skill level 2 from 600 to 900 - Added new skills for Hawkeye and Moonlight Sentinel. Hawkeye - Counter Dash - Learned at lvl 78 - "When attacked has a chance to trigger dash in all party members increasing their movement speed by 40 for 1 minute" - SP cost 12 000 000 Moonlight Sentinel - Counter Rapid Shot - Learned at lvl 78 - "When attacked has a chance of trigger Rapid Shot in all party members increasing their Bow attack speed by 15 % for 1 minute" - SP cost 12 000 000 - Added Skill Power effect bonus to Fatal Counter skill. NOTE: Client update required to see changes properly.
  21. - Skill Eva's Kiss can no longer be used on the following classes: Elemental Summoner Elemental Master Warlock Arcana Lord Phantom Summoner Spectral Master Necromancer Soultaker - Power of Blaze / Aqua Swirl / Twister reduced: from 47/49/51/53/55/57/59/61/63/65/67/69/71/73/75/77/79/81/83/85/87/89/91/93/95 to 47/48/49/50/51/52/54/55/56/57/58/60/61/62/63/64/65/67/69/70/71/72/73/74/75 - Fixed Thrill Fight to remove 15%/10% of the characters BASE speed. - Real Target Range increased for skill level 2 from 600 to 900 - Added new skills for Hawkeye and Moonlight Sentinel. Hawkeye - Counter Dash - Learned at lvl 78 - "When attacked has a chance to trigger dash in all party members increasing their movement speed by 40 for 1 minute" - SP cost 12 000 000 Moonlight Sentinel - Counter Rapid Shot - Learned at lvl 78 - "When attacked has a chance of trigger Rapid Shot in all party members increasing their Bow attack speed by 15 % for 1 minute" - SP cost 12 000 000 - Added Skill Power effect bonus to Fatal Counter skill. NOTE: Client update required to see changes properly.
  22. off topic comments removed.
  23. i said nothing against your displease or against the fact you are not happy with the changes, i only mention to be polite and have some manners when directing words to the server administration. changes need to happen to jiggle things around. difference between official and us is official gets the patches and have to stick with it while we can adjust as we see fit. wtv its a problm gets adjusted to no longer be a problm, biggest problm is when no changes happen and everything stays stall forever so please, hold your horses, chill, and let the stuff roll and see how it goes.