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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0


    - Fixed the issue allowing every clan member to learn clan skills instead of being a leader function only. - Fixed damage received from reflect damage not capping if a attacking source was not a normal auto attack. Now it should cap for all type of damage. - Fixed problem on Indestructible Sound not being influenced by DEX stat resulting in a cast slower then intended. - Fixed problem with agathions Singer&Dancer and Fairy where other party members could sometimes get the buffs from other party members agathions.
  2. just as a small note, before listing something has being bugged or missing, you should consider the following fact: 1. thing doesnt exist in this version of the game 2. thing is diferent on this version of the game 3. thing was not added/removed by administrations choice there for it isnt a bug but a decision made by server administration there for moving it from the bug section into a feature section. further more you can report the bugs in the bug report section on the forum, if its a bug it will be fixed.
  3. well, you were trolling.. not me.... why for some god knows wtf random reason people keep fail "quoting" me like i said necro is a summoner. god damn it boys, get your quotings straight!!!!
  4. i wonder where out of the blue everyone got this random f*ked up idea that we think necro is a summoner or we put it on same "bag" as summoners lol. stop using random people words as if they were mine, i did never anywhere in any topic put necro in a summoner class, they might be on same list cuz they had same changes applied to them but doesnt mean they are the same that is the kiss of eva change topic. where in the world you see someone saying necro is same as a summoner? is like now i come here and say healing power decreased on classes: bishop, ee, pp, se and dark avenger and out of this you assume i consider dark avenger a healer lol
  5. San0


    Fixed the power scaling for some of magic skills that were working wrong at some levels. problm was on the highest level of some of the magic spells where the power increase was applying wrong, for exemple prominence lvl 27 hiting for 1000, prominence lvl 28(+2power) hiting for 1040 and then prominence lvl 29(+2 power) hiting for like 1500. this power scalling was corrected. Death spike Hurricane Hydro Blast Prominence Might of Heaven Vampiric claw
  6. there is a problm with the refect related stuff in general when it comes to not normal auto attack hits. the reflect you take from a single source should be capped - atm this is working for normal auto attack hits only. dance of protection should decrease damage from reflect sources for all kind of dmage - atm this is also working for normal auto attack hits only also. we checking it out and will try to change this as soon as its possible to make the damage you get from reflect to correctly capped and correctly decreased by dance of protection. about some magic skills damage hiting harder then they should. there was indeed a problm on the highest level of some of the magic spells where the power increase was applying wrong, for exemple prominence lvl 27 hiting for 1000, prominence lvl 28(+2power) hiting for 1040 and then prominence lvl 29(+2 power) hiting for like 1500. this power scalling was corrected and will be instaled on live on next restart. this fixes will go for prominence, hydro blast, vampiric claw, death spike, might of heaven and hurricane. in the case of the hurricane this problm was happening even earlier on all levels of the skill. about tyrant damage, that will require more investigation to pinpoint the reason of the damage diference and the exact place to change to adjust it.
  7. unless you travel a lot, with price you pay for a decent 17 inches screen laptop you can build a BEAST desktop now a days.
  8. scout of the plains does not spawn on classic, lord of the plains group is composed by warrior and wizard only.
  9. Real man spotted!!! enough with those tyrant mage crap. make dorfs great again.
  10. its a revolution, everyone will use notepad only to talk untill we see green beast Chevignon in game again.
  11. San0


    - Fixed Elixir of Life to give 50% of max HP instead of fixed numbers. - Fixed Elixir of Mind to give 20% of max MP instead of fixed numbers. - Fixed speed on spectral Lord to 180.
  12. tomorrow afternoon. wanted to start today but had some stuff to take care of so ill start tomorrow somewhere during mid afternoon. ill announce it both on stream section and on discord when i start.
  13. exception from human warrior i have never played a male char in this game... once i tried, i made my lovely BD a male to be different since i played female all time before, at lvl 77 or 78 or what it was, i rerolled to a female BD this was back on gracia i think.
  14. final poll for class can be found here that poll will close tomorrow at end of night.
  15. as it was chosen on so shall i play a stabby thingy. the daggers took the win on the role vote, now time for the class. remembering the set of rules: - ALL GAMEPLAY NEEDS TO BE STREAMED. from the first moment char is created untill "challenge" is completed it has to be done on stream. this is both to ensure that all is legit and to avoid ideas later that i did any shenanigans with admin stuff. - OBVIOUSLY NO ADMIN COMMANDS. - YOU GUYS PICK WHAT CLASS I NEED TO PLAY. we make poll or something and let you guys decide what class i should be doing the challenge on. - NO BOX. The class its chosen is the only char i will have logged. - NO BOSS SPAM. a boss here or a boss there is ok but main focus would be hard core old school grinding. - NO DONATION OPTIONS ALLOWED. This means, no auction house, no buying COL to sell for adena in game etc. wtv i get in game needs to be obtained in game without out of game interference. - CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE AFTER PURCHASE OF FIRST 3rd CLASS SKILL BOOK. Guess its a good and maybe hard way to finish it depending on class you guys choose. - WHILE NOT PLAYING CHARACTER WILL BE LEFT TO FISH. Char will stay there, everyone will be able to see its not being abused somewhere and i would need to restock on fish for stews for next day farm. Also its free exp that every new player should use as much as they can. - NO PARTY MATCHING CREATION ALLOWED. can only use party matching to join already existent groups. - NO BABY SITTING ALLOWED. can beg for buffs from friendly buffer in town but cannot allow people to constantly run after me with their chars/boxes giving me full buffs constantly - CANNOT BUY EXP - NO ACCEPTING ITEMS OR ADENA FROM OTHER PLAYERS. whatever i need i gotta get it myself or buy it with adena farmed by myself or with other items obtained by myself.
  16. yeah but still, if its indeed a bug and goes that deep i would prefer if possible to have it working correctly if it isnt much trouble to figure out how to do it. cuz either way independent of how many slots it uses or fact its top of one grade versus low of other grade, its a supperior grade so it should still be superior on something then its "weaker" conterpart even tho the bonus might be better or worst, at least the pdef part.
  17. im not sure what happen to this, i assume since it was how it was working on OLD l2 it was just let slide but isnt there also the chance it is cuz for example FP is TOP C and ava is LOW B
  18. i forgot to mention this poll will run till tonight and then will make class poll acording to the role it wins.
  19. its a secret monster!!! NINJA!!! he asked to stay in anonymous cuz he doesnt what his wife to find out he is back to the games.
  20. since i cannot put as many options as i would want on the poll we gonna have to make it 2 ways. this one you guys select the role and after a role is selected we pick a class inside of that role. BE GENTLE!!! remembering the set of rules: - ALL GAMEPLAY NEEDS TO BE STREAMED. from the first moment char is created untill "challenge" is completed it has to be done on stream. this is both to ensure that all is legit and to avoid ideas later that i did any shenanigans with admin stuff. - OBVIOUSLY NO ADMIN COMMANDS. - YOU GUYS PICK WHAT CLASS I NEED TO PLAY. we make poll or something and let you guys decide what class i should be doing the challenge on. - NO BOX. The class its chosen is the only char i will have logged. - NO BOSS SPAM. a boss here or a boss there is ok but main focus would be hard core old school grinding. - NO DONATION OPTIONS ALLOWED. This means, no auction house, no buying COL to sell for adena in game etc. wtv i get in game needs to be obtained in game without out of game interference. - CHALLENGE IS COMPLETE AFTER PURCHASE OF FIRST 3rd CLASS SKILL BOOK. Guess its a good and maybe hard way to finish it depending on class you guys choose. - WHILE NOT PLAYING CHARACTER WILL BE LEFT TO FISH. Char will stay there, everyone will be able to see its not being abused somewhere and i would need to restock on fish for stews for next day farm. Also its free exp that every new player should use as much as they can. - NO PARTY MATCHING CREATION ALLOWED. can only use party matching to join already existent groups. - NO BABY SITTING ALLOWED. can beg for buffs from friendly buffer in town but cannot allow people to constantly run after me with their chars/boxes giving me full buffs constantly - CANNOT BUY EXP - NO ACCEPTING ITEMS OR ADENA FROM OTHER PLAYERS. whatever i need i gotta get it myself or buy it with adena farmed by myself or with other items obtained by myself.
  21. what a fortunate line of events i must admit this announcement from them has a special taste to me not only we outlasted every other single private server of anywhere with any rates or chronicles we have now outlasted a OFFICIAL server. in fact that db was to be announced together with latest small update but there was some changes we had to made on its functions so it got delayed. anyway, back to the point, seams no one has anythig else to say about the set of rules so i will proceed to a class poll. now im scared
  22. its not a bug its how it works. theres a part of the formulas who consider your used slots of armor and give def penalty or bonus acording to it.