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Everything posted by San0

  1. San0

    Test of Maestro

    what happen when you try to speak with her?
  2. San0

    Server update information

    it is assumed today why and by who?
  3. San0

    Server update information

    im rly curious of the source of this dates you guys get
  4. San0


    server is up and running, there was just some DCs.
  5. for this kind of problms/doubts you need to contact support team by ticket or site or on skype, they are the ones taking care of this.
  6. San0

    Server update information

    yeah on 2.0 koreans added pet shot.
  7. after update spoils will be quite decent,  with mobs dropping multiple mats and bigger chances, stuff like up to 7 sops on 70 % chance etc.
  8. try deleting your cache, using other browser or turn off add blockers.
  9. San0

    Server update information

    pet soulshots goes way deeper then summoners. its obvious they were prolly the most hurted class for not having shots but remember if we add shots for pet now, they are not the only ones who gonna be using them. im not sure but imo DA and necro would become rly bad ass if we add pet shots now while ppl run around in C grades. about ncsoft removing the summoners buffs and cubics i rly didnt want to comment but it was one of the dumbest things i ever saw since it was one of the few things that made this classes possible to patch in a party.
  10. that window stay on or that window disappears but nothing else show up? in case of the second try ALT +L. maybe you moved the window somewhere else and its opening out of screen.
  11. i cleaned it a bit they should spawn in normal place for now. Later need to check if spawn points are correct. did this happened before or only today?
  12. San0

    Feliz ano novo!

    Boas saidas do ano velho e ainda melhores entradas no ano novo aqui em especial para a minha cambada BR e Tuga Muita Cachaça. muita cerveja e todo o resto da familia das bebidas alcoolicas. E já agora muita fumança pa kem for amigo dessas coisas Divirtam-se muito com familia, amigos, conhecidos, ou simplesmente a pessoa ao vosso lado que vai estar tão bebeda como voces (para os BRs... odeio-vos a todos pelo facto de passarem a passagem de ano na praia enquanto eu tenho k levar com chuva QQ)   Cá nos encontraremos para um novo ano de brincadeira e diversão ou como os BRs gostam de dizer... MUITA TRETA!!!   FELIZ ANO NOVO para todos os tugas e para os meus irmãos e irmãs do outro lado do oceano atlântico ou em qualquer outra parte do mundo!!!
  13. once again you guys are missing the main point... you gonna be a dwarf!!! thats should be enough reason!!!
  14. this is a 1.5 update feature but most likely we wont be adding it.
  15. San0


    - FIXED problem causing some monsters and Raid Bosses to reset to their spawns before the intended time. - FIXED buff scroll Shield.
  16. San0

    Server update information

    i might be wrong here but i believe swordsingers already have sword symphony on 1.0
  17. San0

    Server update information

    that is the list of skills to be added in 1.3. you can check what they do HERE!   and this is the ones to be added in 1.5.  
  18. esse file de drop e spoil nos mobs ja tens forma de por as chances do drop? eu devo começar amanha ou ainda hoje a corrigir os drops dos mobs todos para o update, podemos tentar arranjar ai alguma coisa e por esse patch de drop e spoil a funcionar 100% para o server. ficava ja com drops e spoils para dps do update.   manda mensagem la no skype e a gente ve o k s pode fazer acerca disto.
  19. ​happens when ur full of adrenaline  ​hope you mean adrenaline running on your blood and not on your PC