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Everything posted by chevignon

  1. chevignon

    Suche DE Clan

    Das Thema Deutscher Clan in L2 sollte man sich aus dem Kopf schlagen und es international probieren. Ist auf Dauer einfach entspannter und vorallem erfolgreicher
  2. chevignon

    Suche DE Clan

    sieht wohl eher schlecht aus. Probier es auf Englisch, da werden dir viele Leute helfen. Besonders hier im Forum
  3. the current l2 wiki database is already updated to seven signs. here we are on 2.0 savior. Thats why those rates doesnt suits. As u can see those 9 animal bones u've got are fine
  4. its inside a cave..just walk around and u will find the entrance
  5. its done when its done. l2club staff were never rushed or let themself forced by players (aka i and ALL my friends will leave when....) to tell any release date they cant hold at the end.
  6. chevignon

    Spoiler help

    i wouldnt go vanor, i would go war torns since mobs in vanor have strong pdef and in war torns weak pdef
  7. u cant use dropspoil use its updated to a newer version already but most drops/spoils are correct. Just the chance is probably slightly lower in our current version
  8. guys im curious. help me out @Stiba007 = @zorgzor
  9. i think the choice of this pvp movie doesnt give a realistic view since at this time this wl was mostly 15 lvls above all enemys there:D
  10. use unblock youtube plugin for your browser, then u can watch every blocked video
  11. i remember my old cp members from venezuela used Wtfast to have a better latency
  12. chevignon

    Cant play

    try to start it via l2.exe in your system folder
  13. u can buy them in grocery stores and/or dye managers (magic shop giran). If you speak about +4-4 dyes/+3-3 etc, they are just dropable
  14. i dunno why but for me it shows a PR movie ?!?
  15. thats actually not 100% true. We still miss the most important part for unsealing a grade armors...rift of heaven. The bomb one drops cloth pieces too So if we would had Rift of Heaven since start we would already see unsealed a grade sets for sure.
  16. i have the highest respect, that modoy is pretty good in all those classes since most ppl just manage to be good in just 1 class.
  17. i always like this nostradamus effect when ppl start to say things like "and many other ppl too"
  18. chevignon

    Quest Mania

    actually this isnt fully right. in 2.0 savior the reward were daily coins but got changed to exp scrolls in a fix somewhere between savior and zaken. the proof u will find, if you take a look into zaken patch notes, where some rewards where changed
  19. 2)Einhasad Temple in Rune Castle Town. On the left side is the magic guild and on the right side the warrior guild 4) Port point from Forest of the dead
  20. can someone enlighten me please why he lose acumen/ww by mage/warrior bane with guard talisman on at 6:52min ?