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Everything posted by Lev

  1. Lev

    Economy Problem

    If you remenber the european registration page to the innova server it says "PLAYER DRIVEN ECONOMY", there shouldn't be any intervention from GM in the economy of the server. That's a classic feature.
  2. ​Is there any guide to do this? I just love to see different colors on my chat
  3. Lev


    Yup, this is OBT, in live we will get our beloved X3 adena :3
  4. I already suggested an ON/OFF Login/Server indicator on webpage.
  5. Please no, 3X is already easier... if you want x5 x7 x10 or MID rates you have A LOT of free lineage servers....
  6. Lev

    Free teleports

    ​this will work maybe, as u will still have to think about some teles, at least until 25 ​ ​Adena will be a BIG issue in this server, no one will use teleport a lot, only a few, even at 50%. Greetings, Lev
  7. Lev

    Free teleports

    A better suggestion is to make 50% cheaper the teleports until lv40.
  8. This is from Classic, no reason to change it.
  9. In Japanese Classic when someone PM you, the level is displayed. Look at this pic from the russian server:
  10. + 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
  11. Draqla say somethin! Even the forum doesn't have any rule, you should make basic rules for forum and game
  12. Lev

    Se buscan SE/PP para trio

    ¿Un Ménage à trois? :3 Me apunto, me emociona mucho la idea.
  13. You should respect all speaking an international languaje.
  14. Admin should make english only rules ASAP
  15. I'm not racist, my main languaje is SPANISH, but for an international server we all should talk in english in shout, trade and forums.
  16. Only I had 2min in OBT and I noticed the flood with russian and portuguese in general chat, please, make this a rule for the server, only english in Shout and Trade chat.
  17. Heroes of the Storm and a C3 bugged almost dead server
  18. International must be english... so everybody will be able to understand, playin and not understanding what you read is such a bad idea. +1 For only english in !shout and %hero chat.
  19. I never sayed they are "bad", I only sayed u better start to learn russian
  20. You better start: (Russian language) 1. Russian Alphabet 1
  21. Я надеюсь, что много людей в этом сервере. Так уже 3x, должно быть 2.0.