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About salaras

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  1. salaras


    reikes pasijungti, prasibegti per lokacijas bent po pora h mobus padauzyt
  2. salaras


    smagu butu grizt, gaila tik kad laiko pakankamai nera
  3. yeah, atleast there are few sides, who can bite each other time to time
  4. nothing really changed from the last time ive been here. trashtalk here, trashtalk there, trashtalk everywhere
  5. salaras

    Last Week

    Viskas lyg ir gerai, bet su targetinimu problemos
  6. For now it could stay 1.5 forever
  7. So much trash talking, nothing changed here
  8. 2y of playing and never seen u. Lol Gl
  9. as usual, top nukers lf full support
  10. salaras


    Pistolas < any other DA Lol
  11. it was announced a month ago lol
  12. ​ ​u wish Im not wishing anything, just said the fact