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Everything posted by Cyane

  1. Cyane

    Con que clase jugar

    Te recomiendo jugar la que mas te guste. chequea l2wiki classic para ver las skills y ver you tube. Es imprescindible tener por lo menos un buffer para subir con cualquier clase solo. Hasta 40+ de todas maneras la forma mas rapida de subir es haciendo raid bosses, solo tenes que conseguir un arco para entrar. Con el tiempo se supone que habras hecho contactos para hacer party o entrar a un clan con gente que comparta el mismo horario y buffers. Si no es asi, te recomiendo conseguir una segunda notebook o pc para loguear y subir un buffer. Sino, pagar y hacer la cuenta premium. Para cuando seas 55+ con las olys vas a poder farmear lo suficiente para pagar el premium directamente con adena. Ya sea que quieras ser tyrant, gladi, destro, dagger o archer, todos solean mas o menos igual con un pp sin problemas. Para un wl o nuker, se o ee van mejor por el recharge. Si lo que buscas es que nunca te falte party, podes hacerte bd o sws. Para cuando seas lvl alto y quieras cambiar, tenes la posibilidad de cambiarte a cualquier otro tanque, summoner, warrior, archer o nuker: Espero que te sirva
  2. 500kk 430 kk I accept set bw light+6/toi 6
  3. Cyane

    mana regen wtf?

    men and mp recovery test in official
  4. Cyane

    mana regen wtf?

    i dont know the exact numbers but you gain some % of more mp recovery cause of Mana recovery skill when wearing robe armor. if you delete that skill in test server, blue wolf light has more mp recovery than robe bw
  5. for now you can get full set doom heavy for less than half of the price of fp+6 (2 parts) and it ll work for tanking. if you also want to use it for more speed and single mob killing, then go bw heavy. there is an hp bonus for evey piece of armor from +4 and above, but there is also a set bonus of hp/mp in +6. if you want to think ahead and know exactly how much stats each set gives you can try test server
  6. .GS+10 430kk or trade to set bw light +6 or trade to TOI 6 SOLD
  7. @Budesca Hi could you upload a chart that shows the rest of levels that are not showed in the second bar chart? (from 78 to 82) using the numbers you got in the table above, to check the difference visually thank you ? Here it needs a correction, it would be good to post the first table from this link: the lowest lvl no longer earns experience in a party if the highest member of the party is 15 levels above. For each lvl difference you get between 2-3% penalty, but from 9 lv dif to 10 lv dif there is a big drop in xp: from 78% to 23%(+55% more penalty), being that the reason why ppl dont do partys with more lvls difference
  8. for pve tyr or destro ll be similar with wc duo. while wl needs at least a recharger (ee/se). they can all aoe. i think tyr has the best aoe dps if you can mantain his mp. but the other two can hit with pole for pvp tyr is the most versatile of the 3, and become stronger in 76/78 with range hex and rush. while destro until 70+ is a slow mele stunner with high debuff resist. a tanky warrior, but in 76+ with some 3 class skills and a decent build it becomes a beast in mele combat. wl is for mass pvps / siege
  9. Cyane

    Olly 2

    Very nice Reminds me of some op destro from gk that also used a red D blunt
  10. .ini
  11. Cyane

    deys for aw

    +12 wit or +8 wit and +4 str/dex/con depending what you need
  12. -it is easy to move dead cameras to a certain range and teleport it back, it ll move in minimap too -you can hide dead body by using pg up but i find it hard to believe when i see the mouse being in the same position before and after the "teleport", even more if it was during a stream
  13. Cyane

    Deleting bres

    bresses affected gameplay of pking., its not profitable anymore for stronger ppl to force (by pk) randoms to leave spot / join them to be protected, like in 1.5 in ab, cause now pkers end up loosing more money buying scrolls and time than the ppl they are punishing cause of 500+ bresses
  14. Cyane


    hola. hace un par de meses reporte un botero, le mande pm desde el discord a san0 con un video y lo soluciono al otro dia
  15. up i have a similar problem with one of my old accounts, @Mentat did you get a solution?
  16. @Sabandija this is an alternative made by san0, you can check it too
  17. Cyane


    thats unplayable try with pingzapper, 250 ms from argentina
  18. top farm spot for newbies ----> pick up adena from chinos in sv ?? adena guaranteed for top ng/d and c
  19. Cyane

    3rd cube

    i think it is for receiving +1 from another summoner by mass phantom/aqua/storm cubic, but since they got removed in classic, it has no use
  20. In summary yes. Aw also has dots. Th is faster half of the time(when using dash). The other half of the time the other two run faster cause of higher base speed and catch faster due to slow debuffs. But have more con and much more canceling skills. Pw can selfbuff more than others in olympiad, hide safely cause of poison/bleed recovery and heal in hide. Yes, In endgame they have better skill evasion (both physical and magical) but dont evade debuffs.
  21. Th is better in mobility, interrupting skills and has more fighter stats. The elf has recovery skills, more selfbuffs and more skill evasion in end game